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New help with a graphic


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Can one of you Photoshoppers out there help me out?  I need a simple graphic it doesn't have to be anything fancy.  I need something that looks like a red rubber stamp and the text just needs to say:


Now Includes eForms


(I think it should be two lines, with eForms on the 2nd line).


Again nothing very fancy, just a red rubber stamp looking thing.  Any help is appreciated!

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Can one of you Photoshoppers out there help me out?  I need a simple graphic it doesn't have to be anything fancy.  I need something that looks like a red rubber stamp and the text just needs to say:


Now Includes eForms


(I think it should be two lines, with eForms on the 2nd line).


Again nothing very fancy, just a red rubber stamp looking thing.  Any help is appreciated!


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