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Board redirects to another site on iPhone Safari

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Sorry about this. We have two ad networks, I disabled them both during the game.

I just re-enabled one of them. I think I know which network is causing the issue. But please confirm that it isn't happening. I will work with the network, just want to make sure I have the right one disabled.


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5 hours ago, Maxman said:

Sorry about this. We have two ad networks, I disabled them both during the game.

I just re-enabled one of them. I think I know which network is causing the issue. But please confirm that it isn't happening. I will work with the network, just want to make sure I have the right one disabled.


Woke up this morning and it's worse than ever. Had to close/open safari three times just to sneak this post in. Happens in iPad and iPhone, both on two different Wifi signals and LTE.

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8 hours ago, Maxman said:

Sorry about this. We have two ad networks, I disabled them both during the game.

I just re-enabled one of them. I think I know which network is causing the issue. But please confirm that it isn't happening. I will work with the network, just want to make sure I have the right one disabled.


It's still doing it FYI 

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6 hours ago, T0mShane said:

Woke up this morning and it's worse than ever. Had to close/open safari three times just to sneak this post in. Happens in iPad and iPhone, both on two different Wifi signals and LTE.

Ok thanks, I will get it fixed.

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