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Michael Bloomberg Is...Miguel Bloombito


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Some highlights:

Alerto: If usted see el somethingador por favor to say somethingador. Los terroristeros estan mucho malo! Que vigilance!

El schools de educationa publicas que starto on Septembre 8. Learnamente! Knowledge estan powerador!

Sustainador property damagos para el Irene? Relief dinero y helpayudo de disaster es availablando. El surfo el internete a nyc.gov por info

Por favor to donatandator los bloodos nybloodcenter.org Necessan blood! Urgente! Que transfusion! Lo siento por el previous typo

Los airportos reopeniendo mañana! Aeroplanos vamosing con some delays.

And just because the original never gets old...

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It's pretty funny to hear these latin people picking on Bloomberg's Spanish. Their English is generally nothing to brag about.

Hell, that's if they even bother to learn it at all.

And for the record, hell hath frozen over that Bob just indirectly defended a Republican!

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