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Did anyone think that Al Michaels was harping on Burress' prison time too much?


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Al Michaels is a prick, and purposely deepens his voice to sound more manly and "NFL like". I never liked that guy. He was like that with Michael Vick the entire season, so don't be surprised when he or Jaws or one of those guys can't mention his name without mentioning prison virtually every play. It's just what the media loves to do. Spread the negativity. Expect to hear about it all season long.

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In all honesty, Burress brought it on himself, he should learn to live with criticism if he's gonna shoot himself in the leg like a dumbass.

This. I find complaining about announcers just a waste of time as your only doing a disservice to yourself. I try to just enjoy the game and not worry about the rest.

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