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Playcalling Question


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I wanted to ask this question here because honestly, I have no idea what the answer is but it is ******* infuriating....

When we have a 3rd and anything why the **** is it that we always through 2 yards shorter than what we need? Consistantly! I can not figure out what the hell is going on when I watch this happen AT LEAST 4 times a game. We had 7 three and outs yesterday and I swear at least 5 of them were on passes that were short of the first down marker that even if caught, wouldnt be a first down anyway!

Is it Schotty or is it the receivers not running the routes? I know some people here are going to blame Sanchez but I'm sorry 9 times out of 10 he's throwing the ball to where the receivers are running their routes.

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I honestly believe it is intended.

Schotty and his trickery fools everyone.

Schotty's thought process:

If we need 9 yards, well no one would cover us at 6 yards and then they will be so surprised that we called such a tricky play that we get the extra 3 yards just for being so darn creative.

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I don't give a sh*t what the play call is for, as a receiver in HS and college, you are taught on every single level to run past the 1st down marker; if it's 3rd and 4, you run 4 yards and one inch; if it's 3rd and 8, you run 8 yards and one inch... Unless you're running a hook and ladder (not gonna happen) or an underneath route on a 3rd and crazy long, you always run past the 1st ******* down marker, it's absolutely infuriating. I would accept if this happened on the rarest of occasions or maybe someone got tripped up on a crossing route, but it's the ******* norm. Maybe schotty calls that route, but I'm putting it on all the receivers to not run past the god damned 1st down marker, it's not that hard of a concept.

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I don't give a sh*t what the play call is for, as a receiver in HS and college, you are taught on every single level to run past the 1st down marker; if it's 3rd and 4, you run 4 yards and one inch; if it's 3rd and 8, you run 8 yards and one inch... Unless you're running a hook and ladder (not gonna happen) or an underneath route on a 3rd and crazy long, you always run past the 1st ******* down marker, it's absolutely infuriating. I would accept if this happened on the rarest of occasions or maybe someone got tripped up on a crossing route, but it's the ******* norm. Maybe schotty calls that route, but I'm putting it on all the receivers to not run past the god damned 1st down marker, it's not that hard of a concept.

It's amazing because you're dead on. It is not rare at all, it literally happens at least 3-4 times A GAME! If it is the playcalling the receivers should just ignore that dumb **** and run the route they know is the correct one.

I agree too that it seems like he is trying to trick everyone, like hes some rocket scienetist over there. This along with the trick plays called at the worst possible moments are just mind blowing.

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on a serious note.there is one play call that kills me.the 3rd and short. 3rd and 1 will be a run.3rd and 2,3,or 4 will be a pass.schotty guaranteed play calling.

You know how many times I sit and watch these games and can call the play he is running solely based on the situation? I'd say I'm right about 50% of the time, and I have ZERO football experience besides watching these games...and not even watching them again. These defenses must come into these games knowing our plays better than we do.

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Seriously....why they cant run a damn 9 yard route when they need 8 yards is just unreal.

Drives me nuts too. There is NO excuse for this and I blame the entire offense . Its the WR's duty to get to the chains or just beyond them when running routes on 3rd down and they fail a large percentage of the time. This should be communicated on every thrid down loud and clear both on the sidelines and in the huddle. Maybe they need buzzers :) .

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I don't know what you are talking about. I saw the play to Kerley and I could have predicted the thread and with much better accuracy than any of you can predict the play call. I remember 3 of the 3 and outs off the top of my head. One was a drop/too hard and behind throw by Sanchez to Keller, one a flat out drop by Connor ( I read several posts here crucifying them for calling this play when earlier in the week I read that Connnor should be getting more touches). The one to Kerley was a result of two things - the pressure was getting there before the WRs could finish their routes. The DBs were sitting at the marker waiting. Teams regularly run routes shorter than the marker and run for the rest. The Jets don't seem to get the ball to players ready to run often enough - Keller, Holmes and Tomlinson should be made for that.

I checked the play charts - incomplete to Keller and Connor I mentioned. The play to Kerley as mentioned and a pass to Keller that fits the thread topic that I don't particularly remember. A sack and a few other incompletions none of which I remember being short of the marker.

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I don't know what you are talking about. I saw the play to Kerley and I could have predicted the thread and with much better accuracy than any of you can predict the play call. I remember 3 of the 3 and outs off the top of my head. One was a drop/too hard and behind throw by Sanchez to Keller, one a flat out drop by Connor ( I read several posts here crucifying them for calling this play when earlier in the week I read that Connnor should be getting more touches). The one to Kerley was a result of two things - the pressure was getting there before the WRs could finish their routes. The DBs were sitting at the marker waiting. Teams regularly run routes shorter than the marker and run for the rest. The Jets don't seem to get the ball to players ready to run often enough - Keller, Holmes and Tomlinson should be made for that.

I checked the play charts - incomplete to Keller and Connor I mentioned. The play to Kerley as mentioned and a pass to Keller that fits the thread topic that I don't particularly remember. A sack and a few other incompletions none of which I remember being short of the marker.

we throw short all the time by design, its nuts

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you almost never see a defense as vulnerable to a double move as the pats were last night. they were sitting on everything short. I think the main reason shotty didn't call those rtes on third down was shell shock from last week, and how close the very first play come to being a repeat of last weeks "strip sack TD" debacle

his balls just disappeared after that first play to me

so the WR's would try to run the db's off of the spot, but they just couldn't do it, the db's had no fear of getting beat deep

that was the problem in my mind

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you almost never see a defense as vulnerable to a double move as the pats were last night. they were sitting on everything short. I think the main reason shotty didn't call those rtes on third down was shell shock from last week, and how close the very first play come to being a repeat of last weeks "strip sack TD" debacle

his balls just disappeared after that first play to me

so the WR's would try to run the db's off of the spot, but they just couldn't do it, the db's had no fear of getting beat deep

that was the problem in my mind

It's not just Schotty. Sanchez obviously is a little quick to get rid of the ball. It's no shock because it was a problem last week and they did the whole buzzer thing over the week. He usually looks to extend the play but yesterday there were a few where he ripped it quickly without looking around. The main problem to me is that he doesn't seem to see all the receivers, so when he gets rid of it quick he may be missing an entire section of the field.

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Ya know what ...how anyone can sit and defend Schotty is ******* beyond me! All I can do is sit here and shake my head watching this Detroit/Chicago game. All the Sanchez haters can say whatever they want but he has the ability to do what these guys are doing its just that their plays are obviously designed SO much better! How is it that every other team can get their receivers opened? Why does every other team have plays designed for the blitz? Why the **** does every other team take shots down the field except us? Ugh.

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It's not just Schotty. Sanchez obviously is a little quick to get rid of the ball. It's no shock because it was a problem last week and they did the whole buzzer thing over the week. He usually looks to extend the play but yesterday there were a few where he ripped it quickly without looking around. The main problem to me is that he doesn't seem to see all the receivers, so when he gets rid of it quick he may be missing an entire section of the field.

Well its either that or get strip sacked. O line doesnt give him time, he has to work with what they give and SCHOTTY should be adjusting to that and changing his whole system if he has to to fit the amount of time Sanchez has. Thats what the OC is supposed to be doing, adjusting.....but nope, he doesn't do that.

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Well its either that or get strip sacked. O line doesnt give him time, he has to work with what they give and SCHOTTY should be adjusting to that and changing his whole system if he has to to fit the amount of time Sanchez has. Thats what the OC is supposed to be doing, adjusting.....but nope, he doesn't do that.

There is no such thing as an OC that can adjust to having an offensive line that can't block well enough for a short passing game. You and 83 are complaining that they pass too short, but you admit they can't protect. Name the play that works with a sh*tty offensive line.

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There is no such thing as an OC that can adjust to having an offensive line that can't block well enough for a short passing game. You and 83 are complaining that they pass too short, but you admit they can't protect. Name the play that works with a sh*tty offensive line.

I didn't complain that they throw short man, I'm complaining that they short of the FIRST DOWN MARKER on 3rd down. Their short game is good (at times) but it would be nice to see them do something to Sanchez's strengths such as maybe going into the Hurry-up offense every once in a while? Keep the defense on their toes and go max protect and throw deep a few times? even if he overthrows like I just saw Stafford do about 5 times tonight, it doesnt stop them from trying but soon as Sanchez has any kind of error they pull in the reigns.

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all i am complaining about(now) is 3rd and 2,3,or 4.would it kill schotty to call a run play here.i get the entire game plan is to be in 3rd and short to begin the confident sanchez arial attack, but geez. wouldnt hurt to run in those situations

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It's not just Schotty. Sanchez obviously is a little quick to get rid of the ball. It's no shock because it was a problem last week and they did the whole buzzer thing over the week. He usually looks to extend the play but yesterday there were a few where he ripped it quickly without looking around. The main problem to me is that he doesn't seem to see all the receivers, so when he gets rid of it quick he may be missing an entire section of the field.

I agree it's both shotty and sanchez , but they have screwed that kids mind up big time between the red light green light stuff and the buzzer stuff, he's completely screwed up in the head

at the end of the day tho, his line and WR's aren't helping

I know I'd like to see a lot more LT that's for sure, and kerley too.

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I agree it's both shotty and sanchez , but they have screwed that kids mind up big time between the red light green light stuff and the buzzer stuff, he's completely screwed up in the head

at the end of the day tho, his line and WR's aren't helping

I know I'd like to see a lot more LT that's for sure, and kerley too.

yea.they are trying to preserve Lt for the post season run.imo,Lt is STILL 3 x the back that greene and mcknight might ever DREAM to be.run Lt into the ground,now

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I agree it's both shotty and sanchez , but they have screwed that kids mind up big time between the red light green light stuff and the buzzer stuff, he's completely screwed up in the head

at the end of the day tho, his line and WR's aren't helping

I know I'd like to see a lot more LT that's for sure, and kerley too.

It's the offensive line too. That's the reason why this year we are only hearing "FIRE SCHOTTY!" and not "HIRE CALLAHAN!" Callahan and Cavanaugh have both run winning offenses in the NFL. Cavanaugh did it with the Ravens, so he is used to catering to a dominant D, but his offenses were never particularly great. I think Schottenheimer is getting scapegoated, but it is getting to the point where we need a scapegoat and change may be good. For what it's worth, the buzzer stuff is fairly standard practice and the red light-green light thing is something that any high school QB shouldn't have needed reinforcement with.

I agree with Ykleram that they shouldn't be saving anybody. They are well past that.

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You have a problem with the short passing game? It's pretty much the staple of the NFL at this point. If you can't protect well enough for that, how can you throw it deep?

?? Hell yeah I have a problem with us throwing by design well short of the 1st. HIghschool coaches put together better gameplans that shotty

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all the time = 1st, 2nd, and 4 third down on every drive

?? Hell yeah I have a problem with us throwing by design well short of the 1st. HIghschool coaches put together better gameplans that shotty

Hell yeah? You are complaining that every single play doesn't go for a first down? First, second and third down? I have already gone through the 3rd down plays and it happened twice. The Kerley play certainly wasn't "by design".

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even if you don't hate schotty you don't have to know much about football to know that the offense needs a change of some sort. only guy we can dump is schotty in hopes of finding that spark. so do it because it certainly can't get worse and just might re-focus the team.

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This has never been an issue that I've harped on, I'm pretty sure this will be the first time I even mention it... but there was one play in that game that was like a 3rd and 6, Sanchez ended up throwing to a receiver about a yard and a half shy of the marker.

Normally, again, I don't make a big deal about this issue but what stunned me was watching the replay... there were 3 receivers spread across the field running that route. I forget what you call it, but it's basically a streak and then you turn around at a pre-determined spot and wait for the ball. The thing is, there were THREE of them that turned around about 4-5 yards out when we needed 6 yards.

I just don't get how that makes any sense... maybe you have one target like that, but three??

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This has never been an issue that I've harped on, I'm pretty sure this will be the first time I even mention it... but there was one play in that game that was like a 3rd and 6, Sanchez ended up throwing to a receiver about a yard and a half shy of the marker.

Normally, again, I don't make a big deal about this issue but what stunned me was watching the replay... there were 3 receivers spread across the field running that route. I forget what you call it, but it's basically a streak and then you turn around at a pre-determined spot and wait for the ball. The thing is, there were THREE of them that turned around about 4-5 yards out when we needed 6 yards.

I just don't get how that makes any sense... maybe you have one target like that, but three??

Interesting observation. Its possible someone ran a wrong route or maybe they wanted to make sure Sanchez knew where everyone would be (thats a joke by the way). I kind of think that the Jets figured New England was going to be in some type of deep zone coverage and that the underneath would be completely open. They didnt play that and you had the receivers blanketed as soon as they caught the ball. The one thing that has been pretty noticeable these last few weeks is that the teams are sitting on the Jets little slant routes they love to run. Even if the receivers can get separated from the initial coverage there is a linebacker or safety just standing right there. The offense has worked best in the medium/long category but the Jets dont turn to that until its under 5 minutes left in a half.

Plaxico Burress has better hands than Braylon Edwards and uses his size much better than Edwards when Sanchez just lofts him the ball with two guys draped on him, but Im startingg to think the Jets really miss Edwards right now. Edwards job last year, which annoyed meat times since I thought he could be more valuable than they allowed him to be, was to be the clear out guy. He was a strict sideline jetter that was clearing out the deep safety. When there was no safety help Sanchez went deep to him. Last year Sanchez had 10 plays of 40 or more yards, half of which went to Edwards. Holmes had 3 and Keller 2. This year Sanchez only has 1- the screen to Tomlinson. Burress has never been that type of sideline runner. Most of his deep throws were always middle of the field post routes where he would usually outjump rather than outrun a defender. Without the clearout option I think the Jets are really hurting. They need to find a way to have one of those two make a few really big plays to soften the defenses up.

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