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Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone. From reading the boards, I know I should use the word "slapdick" and the phrase "sign this beast" whenever possible. Hopefully that knowledge will get me through the first couple of weeks, haha.

In all seriousness, it's good to finally be posting. Happy to be here.

You say that now. 5 more interactions with T0mShane and get back to me about that.

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After lurking on the JN site for so long, I find it harder and harder to introduce myself as the seasons go by. There's really no good time to jump in: some off-season trade rumor, a preseason prodigy, the usual build-up/meltdown and the rinse/repeat of being a Jets fan. I'm used to it. I live in the Midwest, right in the middle of Bears/Colts/Rams/Bulls/Pacers country. How I became a Jets/Knicks/Yanks fan in between all of that madness is a long and boring tale for another five or six threads. The important thing is this: JetNation is my source for all of the excitement, let-downs and (most of all) hope that comes with being a Jets fan, and I find you guys to be the most insightful, funny and dare I say loving Jets site on the net. I feel like I know all of the regular posters already and I'd like to be able to add something relevant to the conversation. All that being said, what's the best way for an ex-lurker to introduce himself? (Besides writing a stupid, rambling paragraph like the one I just did?)

glad to have ya.

Dont be a Thug Turd :rolleyes:

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Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone. From reading the boards, I know I should use the word "slapdick" and the phrase "sign this beast" whenever possible. Hopefully that knowledge will get me through the first couple of weeks, haha.

In all seriousness, it's good to finally be posting. Happy to be here.

Hey thanks for signing up and jumping in. We are always happy to have new posters. Your life will be much, much worse now. But there is no looking back. :)

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