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Tim Dwight Signs One Year Deal With The Pats


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Don't get me wrong here, I am a die-hard Pats fan - but right now, I hope Tim Dwight breaks his leg the first time he touches the ball. Tim Dwight replacing Troy Brown is not only absurd, but WRONG! Phuck Tim Dwight and the shiney white horse he came riding into Foxboro on.

That's all I have to say 'bout that.

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Don't get me wrong here, I am a die-hard Pats fan - but right now, I hope Tim Dwight breaks his leg the first time he touches the ball. Tim Dwight replacing Troy Brown is not only absurd, but WRONG! Phuck Tim Dwight and the shiney white horse he came riding into Foxboro on.

That's all I have to say 'bout that.

Tell us what you really think Garb?

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DAMN.... :shock:

Don't get me wrong here, I am a die-hard Pats fan - but right now, I hope Tim Dwight breaks his leg the first time he touches the ball. Tim Dwight replacing Troy Brown is not only absurd, but WRONG! Phuck Tim Dwight and the shiney white horse he came riding into Foxboro on.

That's all I have to say 'bout that.

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I think I'll purchase a Dwight jersey and sew a BIG RED X on it......I think I will go to every open practice at Training Camp wearing this jersey while holding my really big, framed and autograped Troy Brown Picture. I will start the "Troy got jobbed - Timmy go home" chant....

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If I were a Patriots fan, I'd be giddy to add a 29 year old speedster and potential KR Pro Bowler, who was under-utilized with the Chargers in 2004.

Here's some football 101 from NFL GM "icon" Ron Wolf. I agreee with him and Pioli....

One of the cardinal sins of execs is waiting too long to replace declining players, and Wolf said as a GM you can't overpay players who are at the end of their careers.

He said the best teams in football make the most unpopular decisions because their philosophy is to get better and not stay the same. He lost starting guards Aaron Taylor and Adam Timmerman in successive years in the mid-'90s and found capable replacements.

"I think the more you're in it the more you learn, and one thing you learn is that the older player doesn't really help you get through it," Wolf said.

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Tim Dwight is a typical Pats player.

Sign a guy who you think can play 3 or 4 different roles on your team. Dwight is a small quick tough guy who can help you catching the ball, returning punts and returning kicks.

Keeping him healthy is an issue but he's a good pick up.

The Pats have a 53 man roster that is really a 106 man roster. That's why they survive injuries. That's the trick right there.

You draft and sign guys who can play a few different positions.

The Pats have corners who can play safety and vice versa. They have linebackers who can play inside, oustide and defensive end. Some of them play TE and Fullback.LOL

You got WR's who return kicks, play on special teams coverage and play CB! Talk about maximizing your roster. Those guys are freaking brilliant. That's why they have 3 rings.

It's not just about players being able to play different positions. It's about players being able to do alot of different things.

Most teams just have a 3rd down back who does a few things well. The Pats have Kevin Faulk who can run, catch and block and play some WR as well as return kicks.

While teams look for 4 or 5 guys to do all those roles. The Pats have one guy who does all 4 of those things.

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