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Christine's Executioner Mafia - Night 5


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It's like clubbing baby seals at a two year old's birthday party over their. Three or four off game post and the spam police start complaining. First of all mafia is a nice social game to hang out and laugh while monkey uses strategies to dominate.

When at DM, do as the Ape does. Shove both fists in mouth, dislocate jaw, tear open mouth, sh*t down throat.


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I also think it has alot to do with people being so intolerant of spam. I know it makes the game harder to read but if people can hang out and make funny they are more likely to post more. Mafia without spam is like breakfast without... Spam. But.. you get might point? right?

you're like an elephant without tusks

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The way Ape think that DMers think about him




Haha... silly. I know it though.

That's sort of my thing... intense, grumbly/grouchy, somewhat intimidating to children, small animals and Pac, and blunt... but underneath it all, big, mushy teddy bear.

I'm much more self-aware than I let on here, mostly because I think its funnier if I play to the exaggerated version of my personality that has grown here. Anything for a laugh, even if it means biting every time CTM trolls me. :)

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A small cry was heard out, followed by the sound of a body being dragged. The wooden steps of the Executioner stand creaked as the body was dragged up that as well, and a soft moan was then heard as the head was roughly tossed onto the block. A few moments later, the thud of axe on the mound could be heard.

Nearby, a shaky hand aimed at a woman peacefully going about her evening. At the sound of the thud of the Executioner's axe, the bow was drawn and aimed for the woman's heart. The twang of the bow string was softer than the sound of it striking home, when the body fell to the floor.

The sun rose, and as the group gathered to decide on the next Executioner, they realized that one was already dead on the stand. The Mod Goddess's voice came from the clouds.


Another was missing from their group, and when they realized who it was, they headed to her home, and found her dead with an arrow through the heart.


It was going to be a long day.

Leelou, Town with Chatty Neighbors, is Dead.

Tinahel, Vanilla Town, is Dead.

It is now Day 2. Begin your voting for Executioner.

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Hey nothing wrong with Ape liking pussified beer. He does live in Boston.

9.0% double ipa is basically the opposite of pussified.

Nothing like the Firestone wookee Jack I bought for myself to drink once my masters project is in though. Yes I'm awesome.

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I shot Leelou.

My thought process was based on the apes info Leelou seemed to be the least engaged of them all. If she wasn't scum (which she isn't) and if we're to follow Ape's logic, this means either AVM or Crusher are scum.

Vote: AVM

fine .. the quickler we get rid of the ape idiocy the better.. If 1 of the 4 turn out to be scum, he gave us no help as 1 in 4 of players are scum to begin with., If none of the 4 are scum, then he's scum mvp again.. which is frankly one of my favorite outcomes of these games anyway

vote AVM

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fine .. the quickler we get rid of the ape idiocy the better.. If 1 of the 4 turn out to be scum, he gave us no help as 1 in 4 of players are scum to begin with., If none of the 4 are scum, then he's scum mvp again.. which is frankly one of my favorite outcomes of these games anyway

vote AVM

Lulz But you just said Crusher is a top suspect. Why wouldn't you vote him.

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