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enough with the PM sh*t... you're a freaken amateur


this is SMC's game.. the same jamook who has walked the mod kill line in multiple games including one that I modded. he lives to see what he can get away with so now I am repaying the favor.

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At present, she is sitting at the other end of the sofa playing Diablo 3. So, yeah.

And we are planning on going out and getting drunk once it hits afternoon.

<3 Diablo 3 until I accidentally play it until 4 AM.

Sharrow generally has that power because of the extent of his awesomeness. But in this instance, no.

In a just world, I would have 3 votes.

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naw I was helping my son with his homework then played Sorry with he and the lady friend.. then I talked to the lady friend about the new tv we're going to have to get because my poor Samsung seems to have gotten butt ****ed by a lightning storm a couple weeks ago.. long story but first the storm took out my PS3 and DirecTV receiver... got those replaced and the Directv was working but the new playstation wasn't.. thought it was an HDMI port but the receiver was working fine on both ports.. then today I try to turn the tv on and was getting no signal... then I tried component cables and was getting no signal...

think the storm somehow fried some wiring in the TV that slowly got worse.. now nothing works. sweet.

so I guess I gotta get a new tv.. I wanted to upgrade anyway but didn't want to drop 1500 bombs yet since my Sammy LCD looked beautiful... I'm gonna bump up from 46' to a 55' or so that's 3d compatible. Just sucks to spend money I didn't want to because of a friggin storm.

Cool story bro.

Haha... sucks about your TV though, while you are measuring your penis with the amount of money your saying you are going to spend, you should crack that wallet open a bit more and spring for a ******* surge protector. lol

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it's pretty good timing i think.. I bought a 2011 Samsung 3d LED smart tv, and it looks like they really upgraded the 2012 model... which should make the 11's a ton cheaper.. or you and the 17 cousins who live with you can chip in and pay for the new features on 2012 model

a cursory review the last hour has me focusing on the panasonic viera plasma series.. apparently pic quality is top notch but not as high priced as the LED's. uses a bit more electricity but it's not like it's going to be on 10 hours a day.. I'll probably go with an 11' model as I don't care about my TV having all the bells and whistles.. just solid picture and 3d.. plus I'm more likely to be able to haggle with the guy at the store for last years version.. all it takes is saying "well I saw it on Amazon for $1300".

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Cool story bro.

Haha... sucks about your TV though, while you are measuring your penis with the amount of money your saying you are going to spend, you should crack that wallet open a bit more and spring for a ******* surge protector. lol

I had a surge protector.. it was 5 years old... I've learned they're to be replaced every 2 years or their performance starts to diminish.

I have a new surge protector.

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Cool story bro.

Haha... sucks about your TV though, while you are measuring your penis with the amount of money your saying you are going to spend, you should crack that wallet open a bit more and spring for a ******* surge protector. lol

and btw gfy.. you can laugh at my misery but if you're lucky you're about to drop 15-20K for a wedding that will last a few hours but you'll be stressing about for months. remember that when you're cringing about the people your fiancee wants to invite that you barely know for $75 a plate haha..

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a cursory review the last hour has me focusing on the panasonic viera plasma series.. apparently pic quality is top notch but not as high priced as the LED's. uses a bit more electricity but it's not like it's going to be on 10 hours a day.. I'll probably go with an 11' model as I don't care about my TV having all the bells and whistles.. just solid picture and 3d.. plus I'm more likely to be able to haggle with the guy at the store for last years version.. all it takes is saying "well I saw it on Amazon for $1300".

That is what we have had the past 4 years. I love it. Plasma still looks like TV to us. LCD looks like a monitor, neither of us care for it.

I don't give a sh*t about high energy usage, especially in the winter it warms the room up lol, so we don't run the heat as much (our apartment is close to the city, small), it also doesn't have burn in issues (I fall asleep with the netflix screen up all the time, it burns in, but is gone in a day).

Everything about the picture on a plasma is better, and you won't pay nearly as much. I got our 42" for under $800 when we bought, the comparable LCD at the time was $1,500.

Everyone was making the "plasma is an outdated technology, LCD is the way to go" argument, yet our plan was basically to have the plasma until it dies, and then buy the technology that replaces LCD, presumably LED, when it looks more like TV. Which was an aesthetic / experience quality we wanted.

Sports and movies on the plasma are AWESOME. I barely play video games, so I don't care about that sh*t.

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Not sure if I want to hammer Vic or not. I'm always uncomfortable with the mirror reveal cause I assume there's usually a doc too. If we have both a mirror and a doc bouncing around the whole game, then scum would probably really have to be powered up. Unless there's no doc. That said, I saw the trap and he definitely fell for it if he's scum. I have to think they would have been told about the whole Robert Fischer thing though, so I kind of want to believe his character reveal. But then why would the vote counts look the way they do? I don't know, maybe he got careless and didn't read something important.

Something is definitely amiss though, intentional or not. The old man couldn't actually be in the game; he's on his death bed and not really in the dream.

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and btw gfy.. you can laugh at my misery but if you're lucky you're about to drop 15-20K for a wedding that will last a few hours but you'll be stressing about for months. remember that when you're cringing about the people your fiancee wants to invite that you barely know for $75 a plate haha..

Haha... well, unfortunately, you couldn't be further from the truth. I'd love it if this was the only thing I had to worry about right now.

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I had a surge protector.. it was 5 years old... I've learned they're to be replaced every 2 years or their performance starts to diminish. I have a new surge protector.

That's good to know. Also, you should get a house that doesn't get struck by lightning.

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That is what we have had the past 4 years. I love it. Plasma still looks like TV to us. LCD looks like a monitor, neither of us care for it.

I don't give a sh*t about high energy usage, especially in the winter it warms the room up lol, so we don't run the heat as much (our apartment is close to the city, small), it also doesn't have burn in issues (I fall asleep with the netflix screen up all the time, it burns in, but is gone in a day).

Everything about the picture on a plasma is better, and you won't pay nearly as much. I got our 42" for under $800 when we bought, the comparable LCD at the time was $1,500.

Everyone was making the "plasma is an outdated technology, LCD is the way to go" argument, yet our plan was basically to have the plasma until it dies, and then buy the technology that replaces LCD, presumably LED, when it looks more like TV. Which was an aesthetic / experience quality we wanted.

Sports and movies on the plasma are AWESOME. I barely play video games, so I don't care about that sh*t.

I'm the guy that spends 20-40 hours reading reviews and price shopping before buying big items... The burnout you mentioned is apparently all but gone with the 10' and later models.. last years 55 Panasonic 3d viera was highly rated on cnet, amazon, pcmag etc.. I can probably talk the guy down to match the price on Amazon.


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Haha... well, unfortunately, you couldn't be further from the truth. I'd love it if this was the only thing I had to worry about right now.

well I know the feeling.. I sense some kind of family turmoil from your posts and lets just say I've had my share the last year. hope all is well.

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I had a surge protector.. it was 5 years old... I've learned they're to be replaced every 2 years or their performance starts to diminish.

I have a new surge protector.

Ser? Try spending more then $6 on one you burrito slurping fool

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well I know the feeling.. I sense some kind of family turmoil from your posts and lets just say I've had my share the last year. hope all is well.

No, no turmoil. Sorry to be cryptic. We got some really bad news about her father's health a couple weeks ago, the worst kind of news. I just didn't want to bring it into the game, but obviously I don't self-filter very well. Anyhow, we dumped all of our plans and are starting from square one, and trying to make it happen in the next 3-4 months. I promised her I'd do everything in my power to make sure we pull this together and he's there to walk her down the aisle.

The worst things happen to the best people.

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Have you ever seen El Sabado Gigante in standard definition? If you had you'd know why your question is stupid.

I think by plasma he was referring to spank-ter-vision type programming, hence my "when i was in high school" response. It was actually quite witty, I think... if that's what he meant.

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I'm the guy that spends 20-40 hours reading reviews and price shopping before buying big items... The burnout you mentioned is apparently all but gone with the 10' and later models.. last years 55 Panasonic 3d viera was highly rated on cnet, amazon, pcmag etc.. I can probably talk the guy down to match the price on Amazon.


Yup, that is the newer generation of what we have. Can't go wrong... huge too. I look forward to having a bigger setup when we get more space, for now, I like my 20 minute commute when everyone else I know is in traffic for a hour every morning, lol.

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No, no turmoil. Sorry to be cryptic. We got some really bad news about her father's health a couple weeks ago, the worst kind of news. I just didn't want to bring it into the game, but obviously I don't self-filter very well. Anyhow, we dumped all of our plans and are starting from square one, and trying to make it happen in the next 3-4 months. I promised her I'd do everything in my power to make sure we pull this together and he's there to walk her down the aisle.

The worst things happen to the best people.

yeah turmoil not the best word - figured it might be something like this. Sorry to hear that.

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yeah turmoil not the best word - figured it might be something like this. Sorry to hear that.

Thanks Pete. Her father is a great guy, I've been with her since college, about 13 years. He has always seen the way we look at each other and not just accepted, but enjoyed, that we are just two kids crazy about each other doing things our way. Never once objecting to us dating forever, like a lesser man might have. He just loves hearing our stories and living vicariously through our endless honeymoon phase.

Now its my job to repay him with the wedding she deserves, and hopefully his first grandson in the next year. :)

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Thanks Pete. Her father is a great guy, I've been with her since college, about 13 years. He has always seen the way we look at each other and not just accepted, but enjoyed, that we are just two kids crazy about each other doing things our way. Never once objecting to us dating forever, like a lesser man might have. He just loves hearing our stories and living vicariously through our endless honeymoon phase.

Now its my job to repay him with the wedding she deserves, and hopefully his first grandson in the next year. :)

Now this is more like it, I hope you have the wedding you've been dreaming about since you were a furry little girl.

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Real life bla bla bla.

So roles are shuffled each time we lynch a scum, correct? Given that little twist, investigative roles should probably out if they get a guilty. Framers or millers could always mess things up but they are always a concern.

As other has already said - why mention framers and millers?

I know Nolders easy to pick on but...does this ping anyone else? Or just me?

unvote, vote: nolder

It was easy to pick on Nolder this time too. AVM is not acting like he has in recent games. Some of you says that is because he is town. Maybe he tries to change his way of playing scum? (See post below.)

So far the only thing that has raised an eyebrow is AVM's aggressive nature this game. He's usually not one to engage in a slap fight unless provoked. If anything that gives me a town read. I doubt he'd come out swinging as scum this game after getting trampled in the last one.

Agree on the first part, but the second looks like fear mongering. No need to bring up potential issues until we're sure they even exist.

Shot war. You're gonna lose it.

I would have won - 15 years ago.

Anytime. Now off with your head.


vote APE

You need a distraction. Well here you go. LOL

His second "joke vote".

No trap just a friend trying to help a friend in need.

I could kill Vic just based on him slapping us around like a pnch of punks.


vote VIC

And the next vote without an explenation - 7th vote on the train if I remember it correct.

I don't get this from you...strange response...I'll play along just to add to the commentary...but the strangeness is noted...

On Smash...usually doesn't get involved one way or another until we are further along...zero investment until mid to late game...

On Tina...trying to lay low because lately she been an early target wants to survive a little longer...

On Leelou...very busy...may be partying with Lady Ape too much...maybe has other things on her mind...

Basically the three you mentioned require more marinade...

On game set up...is it ever advantageous for scum to lead on D1?

I see nothing explicitly in the game set up that would lead you to make note of it...are you aware of something the rest of us are not?

Scummy post. And it´s not the reason why I haven´t posted much.

Can't pass up a chance to kill Pac twice.

unvote, vote Pac

Good reason?

ALso, lynching pac or ape early doesn't make sense tbh... Either one of those buffoons will put their paw in their mouth at some point.. neither one is taking the rock to the house like vic did last game... I'm much more interested in picking off the subtler players who can hide in plain site more easily...

I mean, how did the cop not investigate Vic last game? Was he a GF? I wasn't paying attention, but I remember not trusting vic and ultimately deciding if he was scum town would be investigating, tracking him..

CTM trying to get the cop to view Vic this game? Usually that means scum team having a watcher. (Or is it tracker? Always forget.) I didn´t find the quote now but I think Ape said that cop could check Vic too.

My vote on Vic was because of other games but if I had been here more I would still have voted him for reason stated by the others on his train.

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