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Fight Club Mafia - May your ass be kicked


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Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been around. Saturday night my 13 year old daughter got a burn on her leg and I had to take care of that. Im up to page 80 and Pac will replace me or I will eventually catch up. She is fine just blistery and painful..

Not a problem. Hope she's fine.

and there's not a chance you're getting replaced.. if I have to read all this crap you do too.

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Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been around. Saturday night my 13 year old daughter got a burn on her leg and I had to take care of that. Im up to page 80 and Pac will replace me or I will eventually catch up. She is fine just blistery and painful..

Sorry to hear that Crusher, hope she gets better soon.

My money is on my cute hockey player.

Which is why a brawl between AVM and myself would end quickly.

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Penisface...what do you expect? You persistently responded to every single post I made trying to poke holes in my case, claiming I wasn't providing substance, this that and the other. I "acted out" or "pipped up" because you're dense and its frustrating. You literally cant handle anyone building cases against you and since you're the greatest player in mafia history, no case holds up to your standards...and so ensues a back and forth like we've had for the last 10 pages...all over one measly vote. I'm shocked nobody finds your defense over the top for 1 vote...but whatever.

You cased me. You made accusations, I asked you to back them up. It ONLY became constant because you responded with flippant remarks rather than substance.

You keep talking meta about me, but what you've failed to acknowledge is that I OFTEN come into a game as town, do something, say something, or play certain ways to elicit reactions, whether it's people trying to defend themselves, or people trying to case me for what I've said. Within those reactions I look for certain things, like how does what is going on relate to what was going on when the ruckus started, is this person being logical, is this person being factual, is this person picking up on town tells, or scum tells that I've dropped, and so on... this is a BIG part of how I play.

The ONLY thing I said I was doing this game was not FOSing people and not moving my vote a town of times. So that nobody could say at endgame, "Ape went after everyone in the game so he could claim he knew it all along." YOU extrapolated the meaning of different and applied it to my whole game. You were wrong. BUT it took that whole exchange for me to get you to say what you thought I meant, because you are being a lazy twat.

I ALWAYS scumhunt based on people's reactions and cases against me. Everyone else I think gets this, which is why seeing me tee-off on you over one vote is irrelevant. Actually you know this already, so the "I'm surprised nobody else blah blah" is just pandering to the town's emotions, something else you are doing yourself, but accusing me of.

Last time I snared someone with a playstyle trap like this it was Jetscode, whose whole case against me ended up echoing the accusations I made towards him.

My vote is staying put on you.

h8u, there is a different between coasting/going through the motions, which I think you are, and not playing, which is like 75% of this boring game.

Coasting = doing nothing.

Going through the motions = doing stuff, but without conviction.

There's a big difference. You are just hurling negative accusations at this point without actually aligning them with what you think I'm doing.

Also, for someone who keeps crying that the back-and-forth needs to end, and telling me you are done with me, you keep responding... every time I log on, you have like 7 new love notes for me. Fag.

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Sorry for being absent. I have some computer problems and the WiFi on my phone takes vacation a little now and then. The moments when I have had access I had to deal with some DM stuff. I will probably get my computer to work tonight and will post more then.

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You cased me. You made accusations, I asked you to back them up. It ONLY became constant because you responded with flippant remarks rather than substance.

You keep talking meta about me, but what you've failed to acknowledge is that I OFTEN come into a game as town, do something, say something, or play certain ways to elicit reactions, whether it's people trying to defend themselves, or people trying to case me for what I've said. Within those reactions I look for certain things, like how does what is going on relate to what was going on when the ruckus started, is this person being logical, is this person being factual, is this person picking up on town tells, or scum tells that I've dropped, and so on... this is a BIG part of how I play.

The ONLY thing I said I was doing this game was not FOSing people and not moving my vote a town of times. So that nobody could say at endgame, "Ape went after everyone in the game so he could claim he knew it all along." YOU extrapolated the meaning of different and applied it to my whole game. You were wrong. BUT it took that whole exchange for me to get you to say what you thought I meant, because you are being a lazy twat.

I ALWAYS scumhunt based on people's reactions and cases against me. Everyone else I think gets this, which is why seeing me tee-off on you over one vote is irrelevant. Actually you know this already, so the "I'm surprised nobody else blah blah" is just pandering to the town's emotions, something else you are doing yourself, but accusing me of.

Last time I snared someone with a playstyle trap like this it was Jetscode, whose whole case against me ended up echoing the accusations I made towards him.

My vote is staying put on you.

Coasting = doing nothing.

Going through the motions = doing stuff, but without conviction.

There's a big difference. You are just hurling negative accusations at this point without actually aligning them with what you think I'm doing.

Also, for someone who keeps crying that the back-and-forth needs to end, and telling me you are done with me, you keep responding... every time I log on, you have like 7 new love notes for me. Fag.

Trim it down, BG.

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FoS at you, because you know how busy I have been. When you are super busy at work, I don't try and start trains on you. I even occasionally defend you.

That being said, now that I have finally caught up, I have a few things to say.

DPR : All my Rep belongs to you.

JiF : As awkward as this is, I actually agree with a lot of sh*t you say. Not about the game, but about other things.

CTM : The Polack sh*t is starting to get old. If you are just doing this for the funny or to trick us, and you don't have a PR of some sort, I'm going to probably neg rep you every day for the rest of my time on JN. And try to blind lynch you D1. Forever.

I thought I unvoted 80 after his claim, but apparantly I didn't?

I am torn between voting for Verbal and Tina. Tina is being extra quiet and scummy, and could easily skate to end game. Verbal, however, has been pinging me this game.

Unvote, Vote Verbal

Also, I want to point out that both Ape and Leelou said I should be voted for, with Ape claiming for pressure, and Leelou stating I am being too quiet, but only 80 voted for me. Ape trying to lead the town, then later when I flip town, he can claim he was one of the last to vote?

Cute. Just like Pac and the Hammer that never comes.

Speculative. Let's see you flip town first, then we can tell tales like this... anyway, I was the first person to vote you this game. Dumb brains.

Unrelated, does having my vote on JIF, and two others today, while also nudging some trains blatantly still fall under JIF's definition of "coasting" which actually meant "not committing to things and going through the motions"? I ask because by my count, I've tried to pressure a number of people today, without FOSing and voting carelessly... while JIF has just attached himself to an argument with me which allows him to ramp up his post count and visibility in the game, without actually doing anything but playing patty-cake with me. Seems like he is doing more of what he's accusing me of, than I am.

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You cased me. You made accusations, I asked you to back them up. It ONLY became constant because you responded with flippant remarks rather than substance.

You keep talking meta about me, but what you've failed to acknowledge is that I OFTEN come into a game as town, do something, say something, or play certain ways to elicit reactions, whether it's people trying to defend themselves, or people trying to case me for what I've said. Within those reactions I look for certain things, like how does what is going on relate to what was going on when the ruckus started, is this person being logical, is this person being factual, is this person picking up on town tells, or scum tells that I've dropped, and so on... this is a BIG part of how I play.

The ONLY thing I said I was doing this game was not FOSing people and not moving my vote a town of times. So that nobody could say at endgame, "Ape went after everyone in the game so he could claim he knew it all along." YOU extrapolated the meaning of different and applied it to my whole game. You were wrong. BUT it took that whole exchange for me to get you to say what you thought I meant, because you are being a lazy twat.

I ALWAYS scumhunt based on people's reactions and cases against me. Everyone else I think gets this, which is why seeing me tee-off on you over one vote is irrelevant. Actually you know this already, so the "I'm surprised nobody else blah blah" is just pandering to the town's emotions, something else you are doing yourself, but accusing me of.

Last time I snared someone with a playstyle trap like this it was Jetscode, whose whole case against me ended up echoing the accusations I made towards him.

My vote is staying put on you.

Coasting = doing nothing.

Going through the motions = doing stuff, but without conviction.

There's a big difference. You are just hurling negative accusations at this point without actually aligning them with what you think I'm doing.

Also, for someone who keeps crying that the back-and-forth needs to end, and telling me you are done with me, you keep responding... every time I log on, you have like 7 new love notes for me. Fag.

You think I actually read this?

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very inactive game for the most part and half those peoples posts are fluff too. Starting to second guess myself. Part of me thinks Ape's day 1 and day 2 behavior with his fixture on me and CTM has made a perfect cover up for an inactive team. Part of me thinks its town noise and we're making it easy on the scum team. Torn right now, not switching my vote...but just trying to look outside the box since this game is an utter snooze fest now.

Yeah, part of me thinks you are part of the scum team using me for cover.

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I particularly like Ape's new rock-solid case building based on his new self-appointed job as the JN Mafia English teacher too.

I think its cute. I love when people tell me what my definition of something that can be interpreted many ways is supposed to mean.

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I think its cute. I love when people tell me what my definition of something that can be interpreted many ways is supposed to mean.

We collectively call people coasting - the ones contributing nothing but fluff. It is a standard way to interpret that word in mafia. You chose the wrong word, now that we know what you meant though, "going through the motions" at least your accusations make sense, though you still couldn't actually vet the accusations with examples.

Regardless, as I've just stated I've been far more committed to positions against many more people in this game than you have. I find your case to be a projection of your own play, more than anything close to accurate about my own.

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Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been around. Saturday night my 13 year old daughter got a burn on her leg and I had to take care of that. Im up to page 80 and Pac will replace me or I will eventually catch up. She is fine just blistery and painful..

Burns are the worst. Spoil her with ice cream I say! Hope she feels better soon. :)

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We collectively call people coasting - the ones contributing nothing but fluff. It is a standard way to interpret that word in mafia. You chose the wrong word, now that we know what you meant though, "going through the motions" at least your accusations make sense, though you still couldn't actually vet the accusations with examples.

Regardless, as I've just stated I've been far more committed to positions against many more people in this game than you have. I find your case to be a projection of your own play, more than anything close to accurate about my own.

This conflict. lol. You have 2 votes. lmfao. The game revolves around you Gaype.

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Capture the Flag >>>> Fight Club

Until Pac starts asking us to guess his favorite color (obviously green, because of grass), Fight Club wins.

Doesn't matter. The rest of the people in the game will, if they want to resolve this conflict.

Incorrect. I haven't read a single one of your posts for the last 20 pages or so. And I'm the cop.

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Until Pac starts asking us to guess his favorite color (obviously green, because of grass), Fight Club wins.

Incorrect. I haven't read a single one of your posts for the last 20 pages or so. And I'm the cop.

Right. Well, as soon as you went uncountered I knew town was ****ed anyway.

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What do you think about JVOR? You're eerily quiet about him.

Jvor posted a list earlier that was very similar to polacks, except swap DPR for BG. I have to assume he's seeing the same things as me which makes me lean town on him.

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Not really helpful...you tired of playing here bro?

Not trying to be helpful

Waiting for someone to be lynched so I can get a better read on the game

I prefer certain people and am voting accordingly

Nothing else for me to do but wait for you guys to finally figure out who you want to lynch

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Sorry for being absent. I have some computer problems and the WiFi on my phone takes vacation a little now and then. The moments when I have had access I had to deal with some DM stuff. I will probably get my computer to work tonight and will post more then.

Ok, so no point in running you up to wait around for a reveal

Holy sh*t is this seriously still the same day?

Let me help you guys out




JiF U R Gay

Everyone else ****ing vote already


vote Nolder

polack want to make pokeman's life easier

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Not trying to be helpful

Waiting for someone to be lynched so I can get a better read on the game

I prefer certain people and am voting accordingly

Nothing else for me to do but wait for you guys to finally figure out who you want to lynch

Well then maybe we should just lynch your whiny ass so that the rest of us can get a better read on the game.

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Well then maybe we should just lynch your whiny ass so that the rest of us can get a better read on the game.

As if lynching me will give you a better read on anything

Go ahead if you want

At this point I'm just a powerless townie along for the ride

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