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Fight Club Mafia - May your ass be kicked


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Computer is working again. List to 80:

Town: Wombat, SMC, Crusher, Nolder, Dan, Tina, 80

Don´t know: AVM, BG, DPR, Smash

I believe scum is in this group: Verbal, JVoR, Ape, CTM, JiF, JC, Christine, Leelou

Yeh, I know, all of them can´t be scum. Verbal made these strange accusations of AVM that seemed just made up.

JVoR is making sure that we know that he has been away and don´t know how to read people. Like an early excuse.

Ape - based on his play yesterday I would say he looks town but I don´t know why he had this meaningless fight with JiF. Looks like someone who is trying to bury something.

JiF - he was not his usual spammy Batman yesterday which caught my eyes but I do understand what he mean about Ape. Ape is "changing his play style" but still talk more than half of the time about that he is changing his play style.

CTM - no strong scum read here either but it feels like he use to offer more than he does in this game. Just a feeling. Think he over reacted and made a strange defence against Ape yesterday.

JC - is keeping a low profile so it´s hard to say but feels more scum than town.

Christine - is acting very strange. Claims she is vanilla but I think she would have reacted in a different way when it comes to Wombats reveal if she was truly vanilla.

Leelou - picking on Nolder is safe play for her - she does it in every game.

Unvote. Vote Christine.

This is laughable, and reads like Tina pandering to the temperature of the town on every account.

With regards to me "playing differently". How many times have I explained that the only "changes" I've made are not posting FOS lists and voting less. I've made 5 votes all game. My next vote will be 6.

I never said I was taking a 100% new approach. I've consistently said, I don't want to be accused of FOS'ing + voting the whole game so I can claim I knew it all along. What are you ****ing idiots not reading between the lines on this?

80, tell me those quotes I put together for you resonated please...

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Ape - based on his play yesterday I would say he looks town but I don´t know why he had this meaningless fight with JiF. Looks like someone who is trying to bury something.

JiF - he was not his usual spammy Batman yesterday which caught my eyes but I do understand what he mean about Ape. Ape is "changing his play style" but still talk more than half of the time about that he is changing his play style.

These two sentences reek. How is it meaningless to get someone who makes a case to explain his position, and then punch him in the face when he refuses to, and then when he finally does it proves that he's talking out of his butthole... and then you basically agree with the premise of his case that I've proven wrong ad nauseum.

Awful. Awful post.

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Polack list

Potential Scum.. Gaype, Jif, SMC, BG, Leelou. Christine, Verbal. Nolder

Neutral DPR, JC, Tina, AVM, Smash

Town read : JVOR, Dan, 80, CrushFat

And you.... Funny how quiet you've gotten now that your survived my case. You go from me voting you for a ping, and defensively trotting out a 5 layered OMGUS case against me, finally guaranteeing I'm scum, but not without the safety net of suggesting I have a PR just in case you did succeed in getting me lynched, to abandoning your guarantee and jumping to Sharrow to save your ass... to basically having ZERO opinion on anything on D2, except echoing the names that are mentioned most by others.

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Yeh, I know, all of them can´t be scum. Verbal made these strange accusations of AVM that seemed just made up.

So you didn't read the thread. Got it.

Ape it right - you are completely going with the temperature of the town on this.

If we don't want to lynch Nolder, I'd be happy lynching you.

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Yeah, definitely do not like that post from Tina. Seems she essentially picked everyone who's been in any sort of major argument this game (with the exception of AVM, if you count that little AVM/Verb slapfest). Beyond that, it seems really strange to list all three of Ape, CTM and JiF as potential scum given what's happened over these first two days unless you're just talking "throwing sh*t at the wall". Outside of some sort of huge gambit, how can one side of an argument be scummy and the argument of the person arguing against that also be so? Then after all of this, she buries her vote in one of the few spots notorious for most people around here having very little issue with anyone voting, with some awfully vague reasoning as to why. After that, seems as good of a place as any to go right now.


Vote: Tina

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This is a statement lynch that transcends the game. Nolder is being utterly disrespectful, both to the other players and especially Pac, and deserves to die at this point.

1. Disrespect is not a reason to lynch...more logical to lynch him for shooting at DPR on Day 1.

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When 80 revealed, momentum swung to Jvor, they Jif started the debate. I moved off Jvor to Jif, Jif IMO is an informative lynch.

You advocate for an informative lynch with me, but then list Verbal who has probably the most traction with the majority, JIF so that you don't seem to be siding with either of us, JIF isn't an informative lynch since the only real position he's taken is pushing a hogwash case on me, and then you list Leelou who is absolutely NOT an informative lynch.

The bolded statements contradict.

/Super Verbal'd

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80, take a look at these pigs...

Here, I'll start:

1) JiF -- neutral

2) CTM -- neutral

4) DPR -- town

5) Wombat -- town

7) SMC -- town

8) Crusher -- town (mod-confirmed)

9) Nolder -- town

10) BG -- neutral

11) AVM -- neutral

13) Tina -- neutral

14) Ape -- neutral

15) Verb -- scum

16) 80 -- town

17) Dan X -- town (N1 Investigation result: NOT fight club)

18) Leelou -- neutral

19) JVoR -- scum

20) JC -- scum

21) Smash -- neutral

22) Christine -- scum

2. Just FTR...your Cop claim is dubious at best...especially considering your role fishing on Day 1.

3. Ape's guiding your actions is another reason to doubt your claim...Ape has a tendency to use the weakest link on his scum team and this could be another classic example.

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Not really. I don't think JIF is an extremely informative lynch, but I do think his arguments are grounds for a noose. Nobody, other than me, has cased him and he hasn't done much of anything but defy explanation, rationality and logic in insisting I'm scum. He mentioned Christine and Leelou too, not what I'd evaluate as excessively informative though. If JC's point was lynch someone for information because we don't have any actual cases, which was I believe his underlying message in the post I was responding to... then his inclusion of JIF and Leelou in his list is a contradiction to his statement to lynch me for info. Do you see what I'm saying?

The 2nd statement is more a boast tied to my own personal theory. Obviously if either of them flipped town, then there'd be no premise for the statement I made. In another post I pondered whether JVOR and JC are using JIF the way scum often uses me... sorta think JVOR is the more informative lynch of the 3 of them.

My god, this is the biggest piece of crap reasoning ever. I'm somehow the most informative lynch? You're using conspiracy theory logic to piece that on me. You can't just infer alignment based on an assumption you make about another player and say "voila, player b is scum because of player A"

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And you.... Funny how quiet you've gotten now that your survived my case. You go from me voting you for a ping, and defensively trotting out a 5 layered OMGUS case against me, finally guaranteeing I'm scum, but not without the safety net of suggesting I have a PR just in case you did succeed in getting me lynched, to abandoning your guarantee and jumping to Sharrow to save your ass... to basically having ZERO opinion on anything on D2, except echoing the names that are mentioned most by others.

You filthy lying pig, Polack was one of the first on 80 and am currently the first vote on Nolder. you just think anything that doesn't involve YOU = not playing.

I'm enjoying you torturing jif, I'd need to have my head examined if I willingly engaged you again. We both spent 1000's of words on day 1 for what? Neither of us even got 1/2 way to a lynch. I'm fairly confident that when you are finally gutted, you will be scum, but nobodies buying it .. yet

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The bolded statements contradict.

/Super Verbal'd

Again, context. I said JIF IMO is informative, after mapping him to my theory with JVOR. So to me, personally, it's informative. BUT in general, I don't see JIF as a key source of information for the game at the moment. Especially where it comes to JC's nudge of my train under the premise that I'm informative, and then he includes 3 names, none of whom have done much in the way of leaving a path of interaction for us to gain context on.

Verbal got heat from a handful of people, but hasn't cased much.

JIF has been myopic on me, and just thrown a name or two out there with me for good measure.

Leelou has done nothing.

So, in general, these are not 3 "informative" lynches, and if that is JC's only reason for pushing my train the way he did.... then I call bullsh*t on JC.

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My god, this is the biggest piece of crap reasoning ever. I'm somehow the most informative lynch? You're using conspiracy theory logic to piece that on me. You can't just infer alignment based on an assumption you make about another player and say "voila, player b is scum because of player A"

Most informative OF THOSE 3. Of you, JC and JIF. Yes, I think my theory hinges on you flipping scum first.

Why are people selectively skipping over words?

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JVOR's defense here is terrible.

Regardless, I think Tina just showed her ass. I'd rather go with a ping, than a connect-the-dots theory. Those of you that have played with me recently know this is my general philosophy, because every time I depart from it, I end up tanking.

Vote Tina

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You filthy lying pig, Polack was one of the first on 80 and am currently the first vote on Nolder. you just think anything that doesn't involve YOU = not playing.

I'm enjoying you torturing jif, I'd need to have my head examined if I willingly engaged you again. We both spent 1000's of words on day 1 for what? Neither of us even got 1/2 way to a lynch. I'm fairly confident that when you are finally gutted, you will be scum, but nobodies buying it .. yet

yet here you are .... you know ape.... this will start another sh*t show . Just delete the post PAC wont mind

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polack voted tina earlier today, Polack thinks it's unlikely we hear from Tina again before deadline based on past activity. She's what + 6 hrs?

I would happily vote Tina, but polack thinks we'll end up needing to blind lynch her. Staying on Nolder for now.

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yet here you are .... you know ape.... this will start another sh*t show . Just delete the post PAC wont mind

Don't you find it odd that he went so far as to guarantee I'm scum, but now is basically hiding from my wrath. Come on Smash... think.

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Don't you find it odd that he went so far as to guarantee I'm scum, but now is basically hiding from my wrath. Come on Smash... think.

polack would love to see a link of this guarentee

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This morning:

I don't see how you are linking me and JiF together. It's pretty weak at best to say that JiF piping up all of a sudden means that i'm scum.

I know it's weak. I'm just thinking about was motives he could have to be trying so hard to push a case base on what turns out to be reading comprehension failure and a bad assumption on his part. I've gotten to "he is ****ing retarded" as the primary motive though, no worries

Several hours later:

Not really. I don't think JIF is an extremely informative lynch, but I do think his arguments are grounds for a noose. Nobody, other than me, has cased him and he hasn't done much of anything but defy explanation, rationality and logic in insisting I'm scum. He mentioned Christine and Leelou too, not what I'd evaluate as excessively informative though. If JC's point was lynch someone for information because we don't have any actual cases, which was I believe his underlying message in the post I was responding to... then his inclusion of JIF and Leelou in his list is a contradiction to his statement to lynch me for info. Do you see what I'm saying?

The 2nd statement is more a boast tied to my own personal theory. Obviously if either of them flipped town, then there'd be no premise for the statement I made. In another post I pondered whether JVOR and JC are using JIF the way scum often uses me... sorta think JVOR is the more informative lynch of the 3 of them.

Don't see how it's not more blatantly obvious that he's fabricating an argument here. His entire thought for thinking that I'd be the most revealing lynch today is dependent and based on JiF becoming active around the time he switched over to me. The "momentum" switch he's even talking about was what 3 or 4 votes?

Vote Ape

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JVOR's defense here is terrible.

Regardless, I think Tina just showed her ass. I'd rather go with a ping, than a connect-the-dots theory. Those of you that have played with me recently know this is my general philosophy, because every time I depart from it, I end up tanking.

Vote Tina

how exactly did tina show her ass ??

Nolder has shown no interest in scum hunting at all and continues to give the impression he does not give a flying **** what happens this game yet he still lives. You seem to be bouncing all over the place and while your not giving us a FOS list your cerainly pointing at a lot of people list or no list so why claim style change ?

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Official Vote Count:

Wombat (1) - Nolder

JiF (1) - Blob

JVOR (2) - Dan, AVM

Ape (3) - JC, JVoR, Wombat

Nolder (7) - CTM, Verb, SMC, Smash, Leelou, JiF, 80

Verb (1) - Christine

Christine (1) - Tina

Tina (2) - BG, Ape

With 19 alive, it takes 10 punches to get knocked out


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