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Fight Club Mafia - May your ass be kicked


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Hahahahaha... ironic, and here I supported your curious play whole-heartedly. You pig!

one of the more obvious scum tells is when people agree with you trying to gain a little sympathy and keep possible votes off. A few people do that with me and have come up scum wonder if WWW see thru your crap ?

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Official Vote Count:

Wombat (1) - Nolder

JiF (1) - Blob

JVOR (2) - Dan, AVM

Ape (5) - JC, JVoR, Wombat, Smash, CTM

Nolder (5) - Verb, SMC, Leelou, JiF, 80

Verb (1) - Christine

Christine (1) - Tina

Tina (2) - BG, Ape

With 19 alive, it takes 10 punches to get knocked out


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This morning:

Several hours later:

Don't see how it's not more blatantly obvious that he's fabricating an argument here. His entire thought for thinking that I'd be the most revealing lynch today is dependent and based on JiF becoming active around the time he switched over to me. The "momentum" switch he's even talking about was what 3 or 4 votes?

Vote Ape

You aren't shedding light on anything JVOR. I myself said that it's something I'm pondering, everyone who has played recently has seen me fight the urge in games, openly, to try to connect-the-dots between players with my imaginative theories. It usually leads me down the wrong path, which is why I've got no problem telling you it was a weak theory, but not something complete unworth discussing.

I understand you haven't played in a while, but me being transparent and crossing my own wires is something I do when scum hunting... absolutely not a mistake I'd make if I were being careful about what I say as scum though. Just saying.

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one of the more obvious scum tells is when people agree with you trying to gain a little sympathy and keep possible votes off. A few people do that with me and have come up scum wonder if WWW see thru your crap ?

I'd say there was merit to this, if I didn't have a history with Wombat giving each other hte benefit of the doubt about making weird plays to see where they go. There was no strategic or logical reason I could see him doing what he did as scum. So I assumed he was town, and then played off of it accordingly.

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I really don't know how you haven't been lynched yet. Seriously.

Likewise. Your play has been a train wreck of sh*t, you are putting so many confusing theories out there and tying multiple people to one another... hallmark of anti town behavior. Doesn't take a polack to figure it out

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polack voted tina earlier today, Polack thinks it's unlikely we hear from Tina again before deadline based on past activity. She's what + 6 hrs?

I would happily vote Tina, but polack thinks we'll end up needing to blind lynch her. Staying on Nolder for now.

You may be right, but if she seriously can't bother to show up within 8 hours of the deadline, I'd gladly blind lynch her. Can't let it be that any time a deadline comes around that all people need to do is no-show to not get lynched.

Given your point though, if she does show up again I think we should push her to a reveal there and then before she disappears again.

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how exactly did tina show her ass ??

Nolder has shown no interest in scum hunting at all and continues to give the impression he does not give a flying **** what happens this game yet he still lives. You seem to be bouncing all over the place and while your not giving us a FOS list your cerainly pointing at a lot of people list or no list so why claim style change ?

Her whole list was an echo of the town sentiments. Like she hasn't read any of the game, only telling back to us the high points of why people are suspected... to me, THAT is an example of someone going through the motions and coasting. Where's JIF now with those accusations?

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You may be right, but if she seriously can't bother to show up within 8 hours of the deadline, I'd gladly blind lynch her. Can't let it be that any time a deadline comes around that all people need to do is no-show to not get lynched.

Given your point though, if she does show up again I think we should push her to a reveal there and then before she disappears again.

Of course none of this really holds up if the interest in Tina as an option for today so quickly disappears.

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Likewise. Your play has been a train wreck of sh*t, you are putting so many confusing theories out there and tying multiple people to one another... hallmark of anti town behavior. Doesn't take a polack to figure it out

Bullsh*t. Playing wild-man is a hallmark of my stay alive as a townie behavior. You know it damn well too... just like our bickering is a strategy we BOTH employ to avoid NKs.

So many people have seen us discuss this. I cannot believe they don't see through you right now.

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I'll vote before the deadline, though it's nice that folks are concerned...

Right now, it seems to me that a Nolder vote is the only vote really based on evidence. My gut feeling on Tina is just that, but we've got hard evidence on Nolder. That's whay I asked what people's opinion was on what he did - I'm not looking to burn a townie down based on playstyle, but I still can't really see the point in what he did if it wasn't to create a wifom based on his rep.

I think it's interesting that Wombat has done the same thing, almost like they planned it.

And then we have the CTM/APE gambit and the JiF/APE gambit.

It'd be a kick if a 5 member mafia team all decided to play out in the open like that to throw folks off. Far fetched, but a kick nonetheless.

Anyway, I still don't like Tina's play, but I'm cool to run her up tomorrow if folks agree that Nolder is most likely mafia. If folks think not, then we can run Tina up, but it's going to have to be for real no matter what she claims, and I don't see the point in that over an evidence case.

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Of course none of this really holds up if the interest in Tina as an option for today so quickly disappears.

It's okay, the heat on Tina just cooled with a sudden swing to your's truly. Thoughts on that? I don't care if she only got to a couple votes either... my train just came from nowhere, who prompted it? JVOR.

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I'll vote before the deadline, though it's nice that folks are concerned...

Right now, it seems to me that a Nolder vote is the only vote really based on evidence. My gut feeling on Tina is just that, but we've got hard evidence on Nolder. That's whay I asked what people's opinion was on what he did - I'm not looking to burn a townie down based on playstyle, but I still can't really see the point in what he did if it wasn't to create a wifom based on his rep.

I think it's interesting that Wombat has done the same thing, almost like they planned it.

And then we have the CTM/APE gambit and the JiF/APE gambit.

It'd be a kick if a 5 member mafia team all decided to play out in the open like that to throw folks off. Far fetched, but a kick nonetheless.

Anyway, I still don't like Tina's play, but I'm cool to run her up tomorrow if folks agree that Nolder is most likely mafia. If folks think not, then we can run Tina up, but it's going to have to be for real no matter what she claims, and I don't see the point in that over an evidence case.

Didn't you get the memo? We're lynching Ape.

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Again, context. I said JIF IMO is informative, after mapping him to my theory with JVOR. So to me, personally, it's informative. BUT in general, I don't see JIF as a key source of information for the game at the moment. Especially where it comes to JC's nudge of my train under the premise that I'm informative, and then he includes 3 names, none of whom have done much in the way of leaving a path of interaction for us to gain context on.

Verbal got heat from a handful of people, but hasn't cased much.

JIF has been myopic on me, and just thrown a name or two out there with me for good measure.

Leelou has done nothing.

So, in general, these are not 3 "informative" lynches, and if that is JC's only reason for pushing my train the way he did.... then I call bullsh*t on JC.

Call whatever you want...I voted Verbal and JiF early and still think both or either could be scum...you, OTOH, just keep setting off the scumdar...you chase phantoms and call anyone who doesn't see your logic as scum...that pings to me and why you've earned my vote...you went from buddying up to me to throwing dirt because in many ways your lynch may break open this game...sorry if you don't like my reasoning but personally, I don't give a sh*t.

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Guys, if it's not clear at this time, let me make it crystal. I'm playing the way I'm playing because this is a conversion game, that was my take-away from the opening scene.

On D1 I dug into CTM because he pinged me, and going aggressive like that is also a good way to avoid conversion and/or NK in the first cycle.

On D2 I farted around over the weekend, but have gone aggressive at JIF because again, he pinged me a little, but more importantly, there is often some decent fallout and maneuvering from big fights. My hope is that over-commitment to cases as I've shown will keep me from being converted or killed.

It's a fairly logical way to approach a game, based on the assumptions I've made about it's setup. Not sure what you guys don't get. When I do this as town, I blather to the point where I can't not cross my own statements up. I guess go ahead and case me or vote me, but know this... anyone that has ever actually paid attention to how I play as scum knows how I handle details and such. I wouldn't gift-wrap a case on me by being sloppy like this.

The push to me here makes no sense. Honestly.

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Wise man, polack should've made Mirror 1:1, as Gaype is most likely to claim something that explains him living till end game. Weak line on my part

Also, Ape gets the added benefit of examining his reaction to Sharrow's mirror claim. IIRC he was on the Sharrow lynch.

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Also, Ape gets the added benefit of examining his reaction to Sharrow's mirror claim. IIRC he was on the Sharrow lynch.

I was not. Gave Sharrow benefit of the doubt like I did you. I only voted Christine and CTM on D1. Get your facts straight, you are starting to ping now little piggy

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Guys, if it's not clear at this time, let me make it crystal. I'm playing the way I'm playing because this is a conversion game, that was my take-away from the opening scene.

On D1 I dug into CTM because he pinged me, and going aggressive like that is also a good way to avoid conversion and/or NK in the first cycle.

On D2 I farted around over the weekend, but have gone aggressive at JIF because again, he pinged me a little, but more importantly, there is often some decent fallout and maneuvering from big fights. My hope is that over-commitment to cases as I've shown will keep me from being converted or killed.

It's a fairly logical way to approach a game, based on the assumptions I've made about it's setup. Not sure what you guys don't get. When I do this as town, I blather to the point where I can't not cross my own statements up. I guess go ahead and case me or vote me, but know this... anyone that has ever actually paid attention to how I play as scum knows how I handle details and such. I wouldn't gift-wrap a case on me by being sloppy like this.

The push to me here makes no sense. Honestly.

Transparent appeal to emotion... shhhh, it'll all be over soon.


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And exactly what is the Ape guiding?

Just an observation....but it appears the Ape wants to dictate your investigations...I discern...

1. Ape looks to completely buy your claim...OK...I guess we all have to accept for the moment.

2. You seem OK with another player dictating your play.

Both appear somewhat contrived...

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It's okay, the heat on Tina just cooled with a sudden swing to your's truly. Thoughts on that? I don't care if she only got to a couple votes either... my train just came from nowhere, who prompted it? JVOR.

Doesn't completely surprise me given it's been kind of obvious CTM and Wombat have been itching to vote you as long as someone gave them a reason, but the rapid nature of it was certainly unexpected. I've hardly been your biggest supporter this game, but you're not exactly on the top of my scum list as much as I've just disagreed with some of your points and think trying to put together all these connections before having found a single scum is dangerous. Would certainly prefer to go with Tina.

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