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Fight Club Mafia - May your ass be kicked


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Just an observation....but it appears the Ape wants to dictate your investigations...I discern...

1. Ape looks to completely buy your claim...OK...I guess we all have to accept for the moment.

2. You seem OK with another player dictating your play.

Both appear somewhat contrived...

He's an uncountered cop. All I did was bump some threads to communicate something to him, which seems lost on everyone else... I don't expect 80 to do what I say.

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What the **** is wrong with you. No class whatsoever.

Dude, relax. Sorry if it was poor word choice, but it's kind of ridiculous that you'd be trying to blame a shift in votes to you on me as if that's some sort of thing I've orchestrated. Gonna go out on a limb here and just say that people are voting you because you're pushing illogical cases and have pinged them.

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how exactly did tina show her ass ??

Nolder has shown no interest in scum hunting at all and continues to give the impression he does not give a flying **** what happens this game yet he still lives. You seem to be bouncing all over the place and while your not giving us a FOS list your cerainly pointing at a lot of people list or no list so why claim style change ?

He just want us to accept this on faith...

On Nolder, I agree he become useless...but at the moment have to think he's just a Vig who shot his wad...not sure why he chose to own the failed shot...completely unnecessary and why I just prefer to scum hunt rather than take out and unmotivated townie. Personally, never saw him scum hunt very well in previous game and probably feels he's served his purpose here...probably playing another 10 games anyway. All adds up to an uninterested townie.

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Dude, relax. Sorry if it was poor word choice, but it's kind of ridiculous that you'd be trying to blame a shift in votes to you on me as if that's some sort of thing I've orchestrated. Gonna go out on a limb here and just say that people are voting you because you're pushing illogical cases and have pinged them.

You haven't been here in a while. I've become a pretty good scum hunter, and one of my mantra's is that scum is found in the nuance. So no, it is not ridiculous to imply that a soft, but sudden shift in votes to me was orchestrated by someone. Just like it's not ridiculous that as others discuss my case, you keep making soft pushes to keep it going.

I haven't actually been illogical at all. I might have contradicted myself if my quotes are taken out of context, but it's not illogical. As for the theories, I talk about them out loud in order to get people's reactions to the logic of them. If I was PUSHING, then I'd be selling the theory, not second-guessing it out loud like I often do when I'm torn.

I think the gap of time between when we've played together has more to do with your reaction to me than logic does.

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He just want us to accept this on faith...

On Nolder, I agree he become useless...but at the moment have to think he's just a Vig who shot his wad...not sure why he chose to own the failed shot...completely unnecessary and why I just prefer to scum hunt rather than take out and unmotivated townie. Personally, never saw him scum hunt very well in previous game and probably feels he's served his purpose here...probably playing another 10 games anyway. All adds up to an uninterested townie.

No. I explained my statement... oh, you are starting to ping me now. Makes sense, take out Hess, take out me... people that can read you.

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He's an uncountered cop. All I did was bump some threads to communicate something to him, which seems lost on everyone else... I don't expect 80 to do what I say.

Fine he's an uncountered Cop. His train is dead. He can solidify his claim by finding scum. Until then I'll withhold judgment.

OTOH, usually you qualify your remarks in a situation like this yet your posts appear to lend support to his claim.

Just doesn't sit well.

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Dan knows what's going on. I figured JVOR did as well... a$$hole thing to say.

polack thinks there's almost no chance big tough gaype would react this way to what Jvor said (which was innocuous), polack think he's trying to get JVOR to unvote with mock outrage

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I'm sorry, man. I made a really really really bad joke and that was all it was supposed to be. I had no idea about anything going on with you at all and I really do apologize for what I said. It wasn't meant to be malicious or anything like that at all.

Polack thinks cancer jokes are not funny in general, as cancer is a giant pos, but I also think it's clear you weren't being malicious, fwiw

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Just FTR...as the deadline approaches I always notice the players who were especially active, drew a little heat, and now go silent as the case builds on others...oh, they may come back and drop a quick momentum vote but mainly avoid offering any commentary that may implicate them later...

Right now I'm wondering what Verbal, JiF, and Leelou have to say.

Thanks in advance.

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Yeah, Ape, there's no way JVOR knew considering it's pretty much a generic line like "serious as a heart attack." He didn't know about your FIL. He appologized and it's all good.

That said,

Unvote: Nolder

Vote: Ape

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Just an observation....but it appears the Ape wants to dictate your investigations...I discern...

1. Ape looks to completely buy your claim...OK...I guess we all have to accept for the moment.

2. You seem OK with another player dictating your play.

Both appear somewhat contrived...

I am not letting any one player dictate my play. As I mentioned twice. I want EVERYONE to provide a FOS list. Since I suck at this game as town, I'm willing to make my investigation choice more democratic.

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Her whole list was an echo of the town sentiments. Like she hasn't read any of the game, only telling back to us the high points of why people are suspected... to me, THAT is an example of someone going through the motions and coasting. Where's JIF now with those accusations?

That is what I can offer right now. Should I not comment on the high points?

Thanks for sticking up for me, CTM. I will be here on and off for at least one more hour.

Btw. the reason why I believe Nolder is

a) In my Norse Gods and Goddesses mafia he was a vig. On night 1 he shot a townie and immediately confessed it was him.

B) The uninterested Nolder has been accused of being mafia before (rightly so). I think he is trying to do it as town to stop it from being a scum tell.

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polack thinks there's almost no chance big tough gaype would react this way to what Jvor said (which was innocuous), polack think he's trying to get JVOR to unvote with mock outrage

Really man? Come on, I think we just need to move past this whole thing. The whole exchange was an unintended mess and I really don't think we need to be evaluating the game-based merits of it.

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I'm sorry, man. I made a really really really bad joke and that was all it was supposed to be. I had no idea about anything going on with you at all and I really do apologize for what I said. It wasn't meant to be malicious or anything like that at all.

It's cool. Doesn't need to be part of the game.

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I am not letting any one player dictate my play. As I mentioned twice. I want EVERYONE to provide a FOS list. Since I suck at this game as town, I'm willing to make my investigation choice more democratic.

Fair enough...I've been pretty obvious who I suspect...you seem to only reply to Ape and/or Wombat's list...

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Really man? Come on, I think we just need to move past this whole thing. The whole exchange was an unintended mess and I really don't think we need to be evaluating the game-based merits of it.

That's true, polack was just surprised by his reaction. What jvor said was pretty innocuous, as SMC said, similar to saying serious as a heart attack... But do agree should let it be.

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polack thinks there's almost no chance big tough gaype would react this way to what Jvor said (which was innocuous), polack think he's trying to get JVOR to unvote with mock outrage

You are an ass. I made one remark about it, and moved on to defending myself.

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Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been around. Saturday night my 13 year old daughter got a burn on her leg and I had to take care of that. Im up to page 80 and Pac will replace me or I will eventually catch up. She is fine just blistery and painful..

I hope she heals quickly, big guy.

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I'm sorry, man. I made a really really really bad joke and that was all it was supposed to be. I had no idea about anything going on with you at all and I really do apologize for what I said. It wasn't meant to be malicious or anything like that at all.

Time out. Everyone dies, fyi. Game on.
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Here's the aggragate of me, Tina and CTM's FOS lists. The more people who did it exactly the way they did, the more helpful to me. Especially if Tina and CTM are just scum trying to lead me astray.

In blue are the players that are exempt from investigations for the rather obvious reasons stated.

Town = 0, Neutral = 5, Scum = 10.

1. Christine -- 10.00 (30 pts)

1. Verbal -- 10.00 (30 pts)

3. JiF -- 8.33 (25 pts)

3. Ape -- 8.33 (25 pts)

3. JC -- 8.33 (25 pts)

3. Leelou -- 8.33 (25 pts)

7. BG -- 6.67 (20 pts)

7. JVoR -- 6.67 (20 pts)

9. AVM -- 5.00 (15 pts)

9. CTM -- 5.00 (15 pts)

9. Smash -- 5.00 (15 pts)

12. DPR -- 3.33 (10 pts)

12. Wombat -- 3.33 (10 pts)

12. SMC -- 3.33 (10 pts)

12. Nolder -- 3.33 (10 pts)

12. Tina -- 3.33 (10 pts)

Crusher -- town (mod-confirmed)

80 -- 0.00 (uncountered cop)

Dan X -- 0.00 (N1 Investigation result: NOT fight club)

So who else would like to contribute?

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Why are you acting like we should think you are a confirmed townie? Polack thinks early day 1 shot is scummiest thing that has happened this game, the fact that you admitted to it could prove you are reckless townie or potentially just ballsy scum/sk.

If you think this is some kind of gambit you're giving me more credit than I deserve

To make matters worse, you outed DPR, who if not scum aligned, is possibly an important protection role.

What? Like a Day doc?

With an outed cop, those are the types of things we don't want out there. You're play has been a train wreck, you are openly hostile about even contributing + a deadline is looming. I think punting you back into what ever anime cell you escaped from is prudent.

That's because you know I'll hammer you given half a chance and you want to get rid of me

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The bolded statements contradict.

/Super Verbal'd


You aren't shedding light on anything JVOR. I myself said that it's something I'm pondering, everyone who has played recently has seen me fight the urge in games, openly, to try to connect-the-dots between players with my imaginative theories. It usually leads me down the wrong path, which is why I've got no problem telling you it was a weak theory, but not something complete unworth discussing.

I understand you haven't played in a while, but me being transparent and crossing my own wires is something I do when scum hunting... absolutely not a mistake I'd make if I were being careful about what I say as scum though. Just saying.

A sh*t ton of WIFOM and meta. Doesn't help. Look at your posts this afternoon.....almost every one has multiple instances of the bolded.

It isn't helping you, btw.

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