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Hey I've seen you lurking this site all morning. Welcome to JN, gotta anything to add to our little tribe here? Watch out though, there are some perverted old men around here, especially Max.

Jetsgirl514 I will second that welcome from Jetlag- join in the discussion do not be shy we got Verdegirl out of her shyness and now she is a extrovert.

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Jetsgirl514 I will second that welcome from Jetlag- join in the discussion do not be shy we got Verdegirl out of her shyness and now she is a extrovert.

It's true JG514.

I can't keep my virtual mouth shut now! :lol:

Aren't you happy now faba! :wink:

welcome!Do post!

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yes my dear...but i never pretended to be a shy thing that has just come out of my shell ;) i am gunning to be in the top 3...:lol:


Would you people stop with this shy stuff! It was meant sarcastically. I even used a winking smiley!! LOL

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Hello everyone! I'm flattered to be the topic of a posting!! haha. Thank you for all the welcomes. I posted here and there at Jetsinsider.com and just recently became a member of this site. I love reading all the opinions and thoughts you all have. This is a great site and I'm glad to be a part of it! I promise I'll start opening my mouth more :lol:


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Just ask gg for some lessons.

She's pretty good at that.

PS-Thanks for the hanging curveball. :wink:

SMART A$$ ...don't mind the man behind the curtian 514...he knows not what he says... the medication is just not working..

hey where in CT? i am in the Hartford area?

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SMART A$$ ...don't mind the man behind the curtian 514...he knows not what he says... the medication is just not working..

hey where in CT? i am in the Hartford area?

I'm from New Milford...just north of Danbury, although right now I'm at college in NY. Almost finished though...this May I'm done!!!! :D

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I'm from New Milford...just north of Danbury, although right now I'm at college in NY. Almost finished though...this May I'm done!!!! :D

congrats 514:)what was your major? got any plans?

now boys she is young ..be nice.. :)

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congrats 514:)what was your major? got any plans?

now boys she is young ..be nice.. :)

I'm finishing a 5 year combined degree program...bachelors in elementary education and masters in educational technology. I'm excited to finally be done!!

Yea boys, be nice! :lol:

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I'm finishing a 5 year combined degree program...bachelors in elementary education and masters in educational technology. I'm excited to finally be done!!

Yea boys, be nice! :lol:

excellent :) are you hoping to be teaching in the fall?

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What a hypocrite.

You tell the "boys" she is young, but you hit her with the two oldest pick-up lines in the book.

god your bizarre fantasies are getting stranger as the day progresses... did you take the dogs pills by mistake again? ;):lol:

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I'm finishing a 5 year combined degree program...bachelors in elementary education and masters in educational technology. I'm excited to finally be done!!

Yea boys, be nice! :lol:

Jetsgirl514 -What exactly does the masters in educational technology qualify you to teach the title confuses me which is pretty easy to do!

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Jetsgirl514 -What exactly does the masters in educational technology qualify you to teach the title confuses me which is pretty easy to do!

haha, I actually get asked that question all the time. the degree will basically allow me to run the technology department of a school. The degree certifies me grades K-12 so I could basically run the technology depart of any level. That isn't really what I want to do though, I just like technology and wanted to get my masters in it so that I can implement it into my classroom. My goal for the fall is just to be a classroom teacher...somewhere! :wink:

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haha, I actually get asked that question all the time. the degree will basically allow me to run the technology department of a school. The degree certifies me grades K-12 so I could basically run the technology depart of any level. That isn't really what I want to do though, I just like technology and wanted to get my masters in it so that I can implement it into my classroom. My goal for the fall is just to be a classroom teacher...somewhere! :wink:

TS and Max I think we found the technical expert for the solution to the Front page problems- all the best for you JetsGirl514 in your career path.

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