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One O'Clock in the morning... whose up?


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He shoots them first. He drives over them to tenderize them. He is a gourmet chef after all. :)

I haven't been fortunate enough to have found any possums in my garage lately but there have been a bunch of cats in there pissing all over everything. Cat, it's what's for dinner.

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I haven't been fortunate enough to have found any possums in my garage lately but there have been a bunch of cats in there pissing all over everything. Cat, it's what's for dinner.

There's an oppossum that keeps coming on the porch and eating all the cat food. The other night, he decided not to run away when I came outside, and instead hid in the corner of the porch, hoping I wouldn't see him. Needless to say, I put a Manny Ramirez swing on his skull with a broomstick. He ran off into the woods shaking his head and I haven't seen him since.

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There's an oppossum that keeps coming on the porch and eating all the cat food. The other night, he decided not to run away when I came outside, and instead hid in the corner of the porch, hoping I wouldn't see him. Needless to say, I put a Manny Ramirez swing on his skull with a broomstick. He ran off into the woods shaking his head and I haven't seen him since.

A troll beating up on a oppossum, how ironic is that? :D

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There's an oppossum that keeps coming on the porch and eating all the cat food. The other night, he decided not to run away when I came outside, and instead hid in the corner of the porch, hoping I wouldn't see him. Needless to say, I put a Manny Ramirez swing on his skull with a broomstick. He ran off into the woods shaking his head and I haven't seen him since.

A broom? A BROOM? Now see that's where you fell off. You don't walk out on the porch or garage at night without a trusty Daisy in your hand. I can give you the model number if you would like along with some really tasty recipes.

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Close...im on the night shift with my baby.

does Jaden still have his nights and days messed up? my daughter didn't sleep through the night until she was 20 months,.... oy i was sooo tired back then.

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does Jaden still have his nights and days messed up? my daughter didn't sleep through the night until she was 20 months,.... oy i was sooo tired back then.

Not yet,,,im shaving an hour off here and there .I can't wait till he sleeps thru the night.
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