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The Troll

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Boy, I can't wait to wake up in four hours and watch my favorite team get their asses smoked by their arch-rival.

And to top it off, I get to get eliminated in my fantasy league that I run! Down 76 to 10! Nothing like going against Brady and Tiki!

What a ******* year!

(Sorry, Max, I am really going to regret this waste of bandwith in the morning...I feel like Glenn Foley. :( )

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Boy, I can't wait to wake up in four hours and watch my favorite team get their asses smoked by their arch-rival.

Dude, you should have toughed it out and continued to consume massive quantities of alcohol, instead of going to sleep. That way, you could have timed it to where the ambulance gets you to the hospital to have your stomach pumped right before opening kickoff. By the time you got back home, the game would have been over.

It would have saved you from a horrible experience.

Anyway, I hope John Abraham at least picked up the tab.

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