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POTW - December 21, 2005


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Congratulations to Green DNA for being selected for the prestigious Post Of The Week award for December 21, 2005. Green DNA's winnning post can be found on the front page - http://www.jetnation.com, and the thread (if you'd like to relive the excitement!) can be found at http://www.jetnation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=12036&start=20

A close runner up was The Gun of Bavaria rant about this very contest found here - http://www.jetnation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=12058.

GOB unfortunately blew his "opportunity" by making reference to my lovely and talented wifes legs further down in the same thread. Hope the squad car and the uniform was able to cleaned up before you got into the station, GOB. :roll: Darn public servants.

As always, if you see a POTW candidate, send it along to greenbeans@jetnation.com.

Merry, Happy, Healthy to all of you!

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Thank you, thank you!

I'd like to thank Greenbeans for this prestigious honor. Obviously you got the bottle of single malt scotch that I sent, enjoy!

I'd like to thank JetFanByMarriage for nominating me :wink:

and finally I'd like to thank Guns for the major blunder that enabled me to steal this prestigious award from under his nose =D>

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Thank you, thank you!

I'd like to thank Greenbeans for this prestigious honor. Obviously you got the bottle of single malt scotch that I sent, enjoy!

I'd like to thank JetFanByMarriage for nominating me :wink:

and finally I'd like to thank Guns for the major blunder that enabled me to steal this prestigious award from under his nose =D>

You are very welcome DNA. I was happy to nominate you. You made me laugh :lol: even though I was having a crappy day! =D>:D

Greenbeans, thanks for listening to one of the third string posters!!!! :wink: :mrgreen:

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Thank you, thank you!

I'd like to thank Greenbeans for this prestigious honor. Obviously you got the bottle of single malt scotch that I sent, enjoy!

I'd like to thank JetFanByMarriage for nominating me :wink:

and finally I'd like to thank Guns for the major blunder that enabled me to steal this prestigious award from under his nose =D>

:wink: It was all you, DNA. =D>

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Oh trust me. If Greenbeans were to check Mrs. Greenbean's cell phone records for calls to Southeast Michigan, he'd know I got the last laugh. :lol::lol:

Congrats DNA. Good luck getting out of your driveway without seeing this in your rear view mirror. :lol::lol:


Damn, is that were all of the pay phone calls from 231, 248, 269, and 313 are coming from on the bill. Must be some messy phone boths in Southeast Michigan. :lol:

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