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JetNation Site Is Here


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you guys rock! i will give youeach a free piece of advice for doing such a good job...just pm me ;)

Do you know how easy you make it for people to edit your posts?

"I will give you each a free piece of as............." :shock:

Great job Max and TS. Of course anything is an upgrade over that baby puke green pea soup color.

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Wow. The site looks AWESOME. I'm pleasantly shocked.


Apparantly Max or TS is the proverbial Monkey number one million and one on that typewriter banging out Shakespeare.

Too bad I'm not a Jets fan, the articles and layout are sweet but I'll still probably spend most of my time in THIS closet.

TS & Max the only piece of advice/suggestion I'd DARE to offer on that sweet front page is this...

I've never quite understood why places like Jetsinsider, Ganggreen, and other team forums make the links to the messageboards no more significant than any of the others: after all the primary reason for existance is usually the forums, they're the lifeblood of any page. You might want to at least consider making the forum link more prominent rather than "just another link".

Max may want to make it bigger. TS may want to make it flaming. Appropriate, since you're both big flamers.

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I hear you and that is a good point. The one thing we did is try to make this ONE SITE. That is why you see the same header when you are in both the board and on the site itself.

I Never understood why so many other fan sites didn't do this themselves. I used to post on a Redskins site. The guy would yell at people for not reading the front page. But everyone had the board bookmarked and there was no button to take you back and forth. Never understood that.

BUt I like the idea about making the FORUMS button stand out. Although I am willing to bet you will spend time on the site, reading Brenda's Haus Of Style! Stay tuned for next weeks article...Do you smooch? =D>

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Hey Greengal, I have this hot new site I'm setting up called "JetsKuntree." I need a feature writer that I can give hot oil rubs to, baby. Whattya say you blow off this rinky dink website and hit the big time with this hype playa? JetNation is run by a bunch of farging hacks.

it is sooo hard to be POPular. whatever is a girl to do? :lol: :lol:

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Do you know how easy you make it for people to edit your posts?

"I will give you each a free piece of as............." :shock:

Great job Max and TS. Of course anything is an upgrade over that baby puke green pea soup color.

hey Pk why don't you send me a question for my column.. i promise i won't mention your name...i really could give you some ways of improving your social skills. :shock: :wink:

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hey Pk why don't you send me a question for my column.. i promise i won't mention your name...i really could give you some ways of improving your social skills. :shock: :wink:

What are you trying to say? :wink:

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Thanks for the kind words. Please PM me and tell me who had the nerve to call us UNORGANIZED.

The nerve of some people!

I think he meant"Unorgasmic" Maxie..Great Job

Max and What's his name?? Just goes to show you

that even a blind Squirrel find's a nut now and

then!! Or in this case 2 squirrels..Although I

still think your 2 Beavers should get most of the

Credit!! :wink: Wouldn't it be something if you got

Jet Press Credentials?? I could just see Brenda

getting some "In Depth" Action from the Jet players!

The Locker room would never be the same...And GGG

could do the Front Office for interesting Tib bits

of Info!! Jet Nation is on the March..(Time of the

Month?)I salute you!! :D

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Max, Tom, please tell me that Savage's new avatar is OK with you guys and will not be going anywhere....

also, can we get Invinceable over here? I don't remember whether he was a good poster or not, since I was always looking at the avatar....

RS why would anyone have a problem with 2 Splits

enjoying a Banana at the Beach?? :wink:

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Cool site gj to those that worked hard to give it to US-the Dinger wanted Moss gone makes sense to me-we all seen it and when you watch his offense play there is no place for the...well gutless-watch the films go to last years Titans highlights look at Drew Bennett-who could be this years version?Chrebet?Coles?Cotchery? How about Mason? I think Coles fits that mold best

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Looks great.... You guys have done a hell of a job.

The Bren-GGG interview was hilarious.

You do need more Patriots news though.... :wink:

Yeah here is our feature piece:

This just in...the dynasty is over, film at 11.

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So when do I sart my moderator duties?

Or at least give me a weekly column on PennyBoyWonder. :wink:

Nice job guys, especially getting rid of that puke green color.


You write something about Penny and I will strongly recommend to TomShane that he puts it on the site. He is the content editor so it is his call.

But if you wrote a serious piece I think it would be worthy!

If you can be serious or not, that remains to be seen!

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The content of the site is, so far, awesome. I only got to check the front page, a vast majority of the columns, the fantasy football part, and Bren's part, and, like I said, is top notch. Not to mention funny. There isn't enough funny around, now-a-days. Keep up the great work! 8)

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Amazing work people. Just alot of great new features on this site. This place continues to get better everyday.

Now if you can only finish a mock draft by 2047. This place would be complete. :lol:

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Amazing work people. Just alot of great new features on this site. This place continues to get better everyday.

Now if you can only finish a mock draft by 2047. This place would be complete. :lol:

Thanks YJF. I must say that in between TomShane cybering every female poster he does come out with some good ideas.

And we have much more planned!

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Why is the tailgating section "still under construction"?

Can't you guys finish anything you start?

Well if you got your Fried Squirrel article to us like you promised it would be done! Get going.

I figured there is time for tailgating. So we decided to wait. Instead we worked on a Chat Room which we will put a link up for soon.

I am like Herm with the clock...I always make the right decision. It takes 10 minutes more than I have though!

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Well if you got your Fried Squirrel article to us like you promised it would be done! Get going.

I figured there is time for tailgating. So we decided to wait. Instead we worked on a Chat Room which we will put a link up for soon.

I am like Herm with the clock...I always make the right decision. It takes 10 minutes more than I have though!

Why is fan photos "still under construction"?

Can't you guys finish anything you start?

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