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News flash, the CIRCUS came 5 years ago


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Comical, that the so called "Vick haters" are using the excuse that their will be too much of a circus following Vick. Yeah, like the circus that rolled into town 5 years ago, hasn't already been a joke for this franchise. You know, the circus led by some fat Defensive coordinator posing as a head coach, who guarantees us a SB win every year, plays Bluto from Anima House, in our HBO HARD KNOCKS, makes sex videos about peoples feet, gets his QB's number tattooed to his wife's butt, and runs with bovine species while kissing someone's rings. Like Vick wouldn't fit into this disaster? He would merely be another act at the "Three Ring Rex" Free-for-all.


All the REX lovers, using the circus excuse to keep Rex out aren't being a tad bit hypocritical are they?


No, the real reason you don't want VICK, is that he will surely DEMOLISH Geno In a fair competition, and heaven forbid, the guy who has been anointed the savior of this franchise is beaten out by an old, lame, cant throw, washed up , ex-con.


So lets bring in some CAREER back-up, who will suck just as much as Geno, who will have no chance to beat out Geno and make all the Rex and Geno lovers happy, but watch us go 6-10 again.


Great Plan




UCLA vs Wisconsin in final, UCLA wins

Go Big Red

Rex couldn't coach a girls softball team

Geno Sucks

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