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Most popular NFL teams (according to Google search)


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They don't have dentists, why would they have internet?



I did not think of it from a internet standpoint even though it say right in the title google search DUH. All i know is any little sh*t hole town or city I live in or vist there is ALWAYS a steelers bar on both coast. Been to 2 Steelers games at Metlife and it feels like Heinz Field   

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bah.  flawed data.  These are the most googled teams, not the most popular.  The two super bowl teams got googled the most because they were relevant the longest, had the most hype and had the most betting money riding on them late into the season.  Add a few household names like Manning and Sherman and plenty of articles in relation and even non-football fans were googling away.  

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How are the Cardinals higher than the Steelers. 


because people want to see if any of the cardinals caught the gay from Kerry Rhodes..  Incidentally if you google Kerry Rhodes the little block of pictures that comes up on the right is hysterical.


p.s. this list means less than nothing.

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