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Being a Jets Fan: Hazardous to Your Health?


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by Tyson Rauch

Contributing Columnist

~At halftime the Jets were up something like 21-3 and I was miserable. No one could understand why, but I had to break it to them. The Jets will blow this game like all of the others.~

While going through my yearly physical my doctor seemed concerned with my blood pressure. [...]


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... good read, although you did bring up a lot of agitation that i had repressed deep inside my head...

... much like memories of ex-girlfriends ... some things are best kept locked away in their little rooms of the brain, never to be thought about again...

... you musn't forget the high's that this crazy franchise gives us as well ... it is this bi-polar high/low contrast which is what really gets you. if we were horrible year in/year out with no incredible victories to go along with the tragic defeats ... it wouldn't hurt so bad when the heart-break came...

... your brother in misery/ecstasy ...


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