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OT: The Contender-Wow


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I am not one to watch reality shows, in fact, I can't stand them.

This show is the exception. I missed the first two episodes, but caught last night's.


The fight between Ishe and Ahmed was intense as hell. A brawl. It seemed to be like one of the classics, with the braggart taking the fight early, only to have the fight switch back to the quiet, calm boxer. A clash of styles, brawler vs boxer. Brash vs calm.

The build up to it was pretty good, showing how much it meant to Ishe and his family. The fight seemed to torment him and almost put him on the brink.

Maybe it also defined him.

I love the show. I only wish I got my Tivo sooner... :cry:

What did you guys think about the fight? About the show?

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This show is AWESOME. Pretty scary when you are mad that a show is only one hour long.

I do wish they had a little more time to show more of the actual fight itself. I hope as the cast gets smaller that they can do this.

West Coast is looking tough. The kid that lost last night had a lot of talent. But a 10 cent head.

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This show is AWESOME. Pretty scary when you are mad that a show is only one hour long.

I do wish they had a little more time to show more of the actual fight itself. I hope as the cast gets smaller that they can do this.

West Coast is looking tough. The kid that lost last night had a lot of talent. But a 10 cent head.

I agree. He is tough and took alot of shots, but he hit Ishe with some wicked shots himself. His style, though, will win him alot of fights, but cost him as well.

I thought early on he had Ishe, but once Ishe caught his breath, and started going to the body, he took control.

A very entertaining fight. You could feel the tension. This show seems to be doing well, so I am sure that they will return.

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I enjoyed it too - except for the fight itself. Well, actually who is in the audience - ringside. Am I the only one here that finds it a bit disturbing to have your babies and toddlers witnessing Daddy getting beat on, or giving a beat on? Or, having a baby on momma's lap while momma screams encouragment to her husband?....I 'dunno - it bothered me a little.

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I enjoyed it too - except for the fight itself. Well, actually who is in the audience - ringside. Am I the only one here that finds it a bit disturbing to have your babies and toddlers witnessing Daddy getting beat on, or giving a beat on? Or, having a baby on momma's lap while momma screams encouragment to her husband?....I 'dunno - it bothered me a little.

Yeah I am kind of torn on the kid thing myself. My father has a friend who was a boxer. He took me to see him in the Golden Gloves when I was little.

I remember going into the locker room with him and I was scared even though I was real young. Probably not the best place for kids to be.

Especially if Daddy is going to lose!

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Yeah I am kind of torn on the kid thing myself. My father has a friend who was a boxer. He took me to see him in the Golden Gloves when I was little.

I remember going into the locker room with him and I was scared even though I was real young. Probably not the best place for kids to be.

Especially if Daddy is going to lose!

Remember the movie, The Champ, with Ricky Schroder(sp?)and Jon Voight?

Heartbreaking scene at the end. I was about 10 at the time, and I never forgot it. Still breaks me up when I think about it.

Boxers tend to expose their children to their art/sport at a very early age, especially boys. I have had friends bring their sons into the locker room and watch them prepare, etc. In fact, I have a close friend who continues to box in his spare time and he has his son watch all the time. His wife can't stand it, but her father used to do the same thing. My friend also remembers his dad doing the same.

They don't look at it the way we do.

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