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Smurfs Mafia - Game Thread


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5 minutes ago, StraightCash said:

I'm still not really sure what happened...

when I used to play here there was a chick from DM with Nae in her name that had an avatar of a model in a jets shirt. 3 years later I come back, chick from DM with Nae in her name is still here, jets girl isn't in the avatar anymore but still... So you aren't the same person? Am I digging myself a deeper hole? Nice to meet you I guess...

For future games I suggest you learn how to read.

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Spoot's Last Stand:

1 hour ago, Verbal said:
4 hours ago, Spoot-Face said:

I am being cased for acting a bit differently this game so far. Is that not "meta"?

Eh, you can't really have meta with only a couple games under your belt.  I'm not gonna go further into it, as folks have already addressed.

Explain these statements then, specifically by Leelou:


17 hours ago, CTM said:

post is interesting..not sure how i feel..

different then we've seen from spoot thus far

CTM referring to the difference between my play now and my play in previous games. Meta.

17 hours ago, Leelou said:

You are laying it on thick this game

"this game" as opposed to previous games. Meta.

17 hours ago, CTM said:


vote leelou


still have my eye on spoot but i checked the sh*t show of a game last game and I couldn't find a vote from him. His being too much of a pussy to vote thing started prior to this game..

Here CTM seems to actually get it. @Integrity28 Ape asked if he had seen someone do this.

3 hours ago, Leelou said:

And if anyone brought Spoot's meta into play, it was Spoot by saying he's played like this since D3 of the first game he played in. 

Leelou trying to push the "meta" argument somehow onto me, ignoring that she used it herself, when all I was doing was trying to explain why I'm playing so cautious (which was the reason Ape started to grill me).

3 hours ago, StraightCash said:

This is a great point. Meta was his defense, not the case 

Brett backs up Leelou.

3 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Blah, don't like this post.  It's as if you're expecting us to assume you haven't been learning how to play this game and gain confidence.  Players change up their playstyle all the time as they figure things out.  And you've been an extremely fast learner despite your constant outward displays of fear that you'll get things wrong.

Again, 80 implying that I should be playing differently, as opposed to my playing like I've done in the past. So, now there's something wrong with the fact that my play hasn't changed all too much yet. How the fvck is that not meta?

3 hours ago, StraightCash said:

I remember my first game as scum, I think it was game 2. I used the noob card to try and cover up some sketchy play and it almost got me lynched on D1, but I sneaked by. I actually think we ended up winning and that was my 2nd most valuable noob award.

Brett weirdly brings up how he used the "noob card" in the past in his first game as scum. He was quoting this 80 post:

3 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Still think you're town, Spoot, but you're laying it on thick with this rookie talk.  You're not a rookie anymore.  You're one of us.  Own it.

How it's not apparent that Brett is trying to deftly nudge everyone else into thinking that I'm doing the same thing that he did in his first scum game is beyond me. It's obvious.




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Spoot, you should actually quote the whole sequence and not just the one that suits you. 

17 hours ago, Spoot-Face said:

I'm still not quite okay with it yet, but that's a personal thing. I'll get there eventually. I'm still trying to play careful and mistake free the best that I can.

You were my first mistake.

*pours out drink*

17 hours ago, Leelou said:

Finding scum is like learning how to ride a bike. You wipe out, but you pick yourself back up and try again. 

You are coming off too overcautious this game. 

17 hours ago, Spoot-Face said:

That's literally how I've played since D3 on my first game.


17 hours ago, Leelou said:

You are laying it on thick this game. 




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33 minutes ago, StraightCash said:

You are at L2 and the leading train coming into the final hours of the deadline. Anything else to add?


2 minutes ago, Spoot-Face said:

Spoot's Last Stand:

Explain these statements then, specifically by Leelou:


CTM referring to the difference between my play now and my play in previous games. Meta.

"this game" as opposed to previous games. Meta.

Here CTM seems to actually get it. @Integrity28 Ape asked if he had seen someone do this.

Leelou trying to push the "meta" argument somehow onto me, ignoring that she used it herself, when all I was doing was trying to explain why I'm playing so cautious (which was the reason Ape started to grill me).

Brett backs up Leelou.

Again, 80 implying that I should be playing differently, as opposed to my playing like I've done in the past. So, now there's something wrong with the fact that my play hasn't changed all too much yet. How the fvck is that not meta?

Brett weirdly brings up how he used the "noob card" in the past in his first game as scum. He was quoting this 80 post:

How it's not apparent that Brett is trying to deftly nudge everyone else into thinking that I'm doing the same thing that he did in his first scum game is beyond me. It's obvious.


Spoot's Last Stand:

Explain these statements then, specifically by Leelou:


CTM referring to the difference between my play now and my play in previous games. Meta.

"this game" as opposed to previous games. Meta.

Here CTM seems to actually get it. @Integrity28 Ape asked if he had seen someone do this.

Leelou trying to push the "meta" argument somehow onto me, ignoring that she used it herself, when all I was doing was trying to explain why I'm playing so cautious (which was the reason Ape started to grill me).

Brett backs up Leelou.

Again, 80 implying that I should be playing differently, as opposed to playing like I've done in the past. So, now there's something wrong with the fact that my play hasn't changed all too much yet. How the fvck is that not meta? the same thing that he did in his first scum game is bey

I didn't mean to hit quote on Spoot but it's too much to delete

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18 hours ago, Leelou said:

Her newest posts are not doing anything either. 

Hallia, today all you've done is made excuses and jokes. If you want us to actually believe you are town, why don't you actually what was it you said to me...towntell? 

I don't like this post. At all. It's okay to be wrong as town. It happens to all of us. 

18 hours ago, Spoot-Face said:

No, I was implying that he was trying to deflect attention away from himself.


I've been "hedging" because I'm not certain one way or the other yet. I'm not about to go balls deep in someone that I'm unsure about. This pretty much sums up how I've been playing this game ever since I started. No wait...

Except for that first game where I played guns blazing with my reads and turned out to be very wrong. I'd rather look like a scummy townie, than be a stupid, premature load-shooter townie.

Bah, 2 quotes got lost in the sequence. Here are the first 2.


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1 minute ago, Leelou said:

Spoot, you should actually quote the whole sequence and not just the one that suits you. 

Yeah, so what? I brought it up. That's not my point.

My point was my "meta" was still being used against me, because my play is somehow different than it was before.

It's not and I stand by that.

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Just now, Spoot-Face said:

Yeah, so what? I brought it up. That's not my point.

My point was my "meta" was still being used against me, because my play is somehow different than it was before.

It's not and I stand by that.

No, I wasn't using meta. You were defending with meta. I said you were posting jokes and being overcautious. You had no content really before then. 

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7 minutes ago, Spoot-Face said:

Yeah. I had no idea.

I'm a vanilla townie

I thought he just meant any last words or last defense.

You should know, you got a lot of heat the first game you were in because of hammering me without letting me reveal. Now yes, this could be seen as meta, but it's knowledge you should have. 

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1 minute ago, Leelou said:

No, I wasn't using meta. You were defending with meta. I said you were posting jokes and being overcautious. You had no content really before then. 

That is true. And that was a fair point you made. Ape said the same. And sure, I was trying to defend myself by explaining how I play, and that it's no different than it was before. Like I said, I didn't do a good job. Congratulations for capitalizing off that.

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2 minutes ago, Leelou said:

I'm trying to find scum here. Your horrible defense doesn't automatically make you town. 

No, it doesn't, nor did I specifically say it, but yes, that is my current defense right now. Doesn't change the fact that I am town .

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3 minutes ago, Leelou said:

You should know, you got a lot of heat the first game you were in because of hammering me without letting me reveal. Now yes, this could be seen as meta, but it's knowledge you should have. 

To be honest, there's so much going on right now that I didn't make the connection.

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