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Jets-Jags, Breakdown of first Defensive Series


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Running through plays in slo-mo on my DVR.  Hope to do this for the whole game, but this is very time consuming, so I doubt I'll manage.

My main takeaway from this series is that Jarvis Jenkins is hot garbage.  It just makes me even angrier that we basically traded a 2017 4th round pick for him.  Erin Henderson also had an epically bad start to the series, though he picked up his play towards the end of the drive.  Williams is a monster, and Jordan Jenkins looks like he belongs.  The Jets were flip-flopping him and Mauldin from right to left all drive long


Play 1: PA, dump off to Yeldon

Jets playing 8 in the box and Pryor only 9 yards off the ball & responsible for the TE

Mauldin – impressive get off, but then locked up by RT

Skrine & Williams with good coverage on Hurns & Robinson

Leonard Williams destroys a C-LG double team and gets pressure on Bortles, forcing the dump off

Ref misses an obvious hold against Jarvis Jenkins (beats the RG to the outside, and the RG reaches and grabs a handful of jersey). Good recognition by Mauldin, seeing Jenkins win to the outside he takes a further outside lane, keeping contain and keeping Jenkins’ lane to Bortles clear.

Play was designed to go to Yeldon and Gilchrist does a terrific job beating the pulling C to the outside, denying Yeldon the sideline and forcing him back to Erin Henderson

TERRIBLE job by Henderson – bad route to the ball carrier (he runs parallel to the LOS and even a little upfield, instead of closing down towards Yeldon – looks like he was assuming Yeldon would get the corner and he’d need to take an angle to get to him along the sideline) leaves him out of position and off-balance when Yeldon cuts back to the inside.  Play would have gone for no gain if Henderson had done his job.


Play 2: Yeldon run to the left

Jets playing 8 in the box, Gilchrist as single high safety, Jags in slot-left

Mauldin does an excellent job setting the edge, then shedding his block and forcing Yeldon to cut back to the middle

Henderson gets ridden across the formation and out of the play by the Jags C, who came off his block on Williams late to take Henderson out of the running lane

Harris does a good job avoiding/shedding the RT but can’t avoid …

Jarvis Jenkins, who got absolutely blown up on this play by Marcedes Lewis, who literally tossed him into the air (Jenkins flew about the distance between the hashmarks) and into Harris’ path to the ball.  Before getting blown up by Lewis, Jenkins got rocked back by the RT who hit him with one hand on the way to Harris.


Play 3: Ivory run right

Same defense, mirror formation (Jags slot-right)

Harris times the snap up perfectly, comes on a run blitz and is picked up by the LT, leaving Sheldon 1-on-1 with Julius Thomas

Henderson shoots the A gap, forcing Ivory to start to string the run out to the right – but then gets knocked off balance and out of the hole, and Ivory cuts it up inside

Leonard Williams, at NT, gets walled off to the left by a double team, leaving a gaping hole.

Harris takes a good angle, Jordan Jenkins a terrible one.


Play 4: Pass to Ivory in right flat

Interesting defense – Jags split Julius Thomas wide, and the Jets counter by having Marcus Williams cover him at the boundry, and having Gilchrist line up on Hurns in the slot.  Pryor at single-high.

Leonard Williams beats the C with quickness, gets pressure up the middle.

Ivory is open in the flat, but Jordan Jenkins quickly closes him down, limiting him to a 3 yard gain.


Play 5: Yeldon run left, block in the back penalty on M. Lewis

8 man box, Gilchrist single-high.  Jags in slot-left

Mauldin gets left unblocked but takes a bad angle and overruns the back in the backfield, leaving him grasping at air when Yeldon cuts outside, opening the gate wide to the corner for a big run.

Meanwhile, the Jags LT and TE fire out to block Henderson and Harris.  Henderson in particular is engulfed by Lewis, who stays on the block too long and picks up the penalty


Play 6: Long completion to Robinson

7 man box, 2 deep that shifts to single high before the snap as Gilchrist walks down

Skrine has Robinson in man-to-man coverage; Gilchrist picks up Thomas off the line, and Pryor, playing deep center field, wasn’t anywhere near helping.

Skrine has good coverage for most of the route, but never reacts to the ball in the air and runs by Robinson when Robinson throws on the breaks and high-points the ball on Bortles’ back-shoulder throw.


Play 7: Yeldon trap right (6 yard gain)

Jets in single-high.  [Interesting note: Jenkins and Mauldin are essentially flipping sides of the field every other play this drive]

Mauldin’s a beast on this play. Lined up outside the RT, he fights through the block of the pulling LG (who ends up behind Mauldin, one arm essentially hugging him and with his hand at Mauldin’s chinstrap shoving his head up and back) to force Yeldon to cut up into the A gap.

Jarvis Jenkins gets absolutely blown up by the RG at the snap, driven 3 yards back off the line, opening a huge hole and allowing the RT and TE through to get clean shots at Harris and Henderson. Jenkins fights off the block well to have a shot at Yeldon at the line of scrimmage, but whiffs, diving at his lower legs as Yeldon runs through the tackle.


Play 8 – Ivory run right

Jets again in single-high nickel.  Mauldin on the (offensive) left, Jenkins on the sideline.

Jarvis Jenkins (at RE) takes an upfield rush that allows the RT to simply wall him off to the outside and leaves a gaping hole for Ivory to charge through, following the pulling C

Henderson gets blocked to the ground, gets up and has a clean shot at Ivory, and whiffs.

Sheldon makes the tackle about 9 yards downfield (love that motor)


Play 9 – Ivory run LG

Jets in 2 deep, Jags slot left

Good god, David Harris!  Comes barreling in, essentially throws an offensive lineman to the side and engulfs Ivory for no gain.

Henderson also does a nice job on this play, taking on and standing up an OL firing out to block him

Leonard Williams does an excellent job controlling his man. Jarvis Jenkins … does not.  He’s absolutely dominated (again!) at the line of scrimmage, walled off to the outside.  If Ivory had seen the cutback lane (and could have avoided Harris, which he might not have been able to even if he’d cut back) he’d have had a TD; there was an OCEAN of green in the hole Jenkins had been pushed out of.  (In case anyone is wondering, Jarvis Jenkins didn’t have outside contain responsibility on that play; that role belonged to Jordan Jenkins, who was lined up off of the RT’s outside shoulder)


Play 10: Incomplete pass to Thomas

Jets in single high man-to-man. Pryor with man coverage on Thomas split out to the left; Hurns and Robinson both on the right.

Bortles stares down Thomas – he knew where he was going as soon as he saw that matchup, and with Pryor lined up 7 yards off the ball, the slant was a gimme.  Throw is low, and Thomas drops the poor but catchable ball.

With Bortles in shotgun and the ball out in just under 2 seconds, the Jets have no shot at pressure.

Worth noting – Henderson with good coverage on Lewis off the line.


Play 11 (3rd and goal): Williams sack

Jets in zone (Gilchrist lined up over Hurns in the slot right; Skrine on the left covering air/TEs)

Henderson with a great drop into the passing lane on the right. Bortles is locked in on the TEs (Lewis and Thomas) on the left, but if he’d looked right, it wouldn’t have been there for him.

Williams swims past the C for the sack.

Mauldin blocked to the ground by the RT trying to bend the edge

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Can someone explain who is Jordan Jenkins and Jarvis jenkins. A little confused lol understandebly 

Jordan Jenkins is the jets 2016 3rd Rd pick, OLB from Georgia, currently a starter

Jarvis Jenkins is a DE/DT we signed a a free agent this off-season

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