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I don't think Macc was under any illusions


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That he somehow had a complete team here. If Forte is hurt we have no RB depth after losing Khiry. We don't know for sure who's idea it was who wanted Revis back so bad, but it has a Woody Johnson feel all over it. I wouldn't be surprised if Macc was pressured by Woody to sign Fitzy. Woody is all about fillin seats & selling food & suds and he knew damn well Geno Smith was a publicity nightmare.

He only needed to read these boards to know Geno is despised by a huge amount of Jet fans. He would have been booed in the home opener running out onto the field for the 1st series. In 2014 we were running out a skeleton team, poor QB, terrible skill players, a huge amount of unused cap space. So in reality 4-12 was not a surprise at all. But since that time, we spent 125 million on a secondary that is horrific, high draft picks on defense, and brought back an old QB with no accuracy, a poor arm, and a history of being unable to beat a decent defense.

This organization needs a coming to Jesus moment,lol. Beat down after beat down, where Brandon Marshall loses his mind, and the team quits on Todd Bowles. There is NO WAY this team will win the next 2 games @ Steelers and Cards. The Mentor will whip the crappy neophyte when Bowles goes against Ariens. Who covers Fitzgerald on those short routes? Or David Johnson on wheel routes, or John Brown going long? I'm not even mentioning the Steelers game as we've NEVER won there & thier confidence will be ridiculous after anilalating the Chiefs.

Nope, 1-5 is coming and what we should all be cheering for is 1-15. A complete meltdown so we don't waste another season with this horrible coaching staff. Forget that Fitz can't beat good teams, Bowles can't either, he is a bad head coach! Tell me after watching this guy for 20 games what he does well? Communicate? Lol, Adjust?, lol, Feel for the games direction? Lol, Motivate? Just look at week 17 last year. Some guys are just not cut out to be head coaches. I promise you, Bowles is one of them. Look at that sh*tshow game plan with 9 days before going to KC.

Nope, we need to let Macc figure this QB thing out next year, get a high pick so we don't miss out on some stud QB if he's there & get rid of these high priced players that will be ex-Jets when we turn the corner. No one is safe! Harris, Revis, Mangold, any of those guys, Gilchrist, Skrine, all should be on notice. Others have said it, by signing these older vets we're just spinning our wheels without a QB. We're really no different than Cleveland, Chicago, even Tampa, Titans, Jags, at least have young QBs learning, what the hell do the Jets have?

Everyones gonna find that out when we get to the "soft" part of our schedule. Those games will be nail biters, and we're gonna lose our share of them because we're not any better than any of them! You don't think the Titans or Ravens, or Rams aren't gonna give us tough games? Miami will give this team a tough game! Our best player Marshall is way too old to carry the load Fitz asks of him, he'll be playing banged up for the rest of the year & protecting himself. These guys aren't stupid, they know when their playing out the string. You think Bowles looks invisible now? Wait until we're already out of it 2 weeks from now. 

Honestly as a lifelong Jet fan I really don't care because I know deep down that until this team hits absolute ROCK BOTTOM they'll never rise from the ashes. It could take years. It may not happen, but maybe, just maybe, we draft that QB, that changes our fortunes forever. I know from watching this team for 48 years, the bandaid aging free agent signings never works without a QB. Look at Oakland, their rising from the ashes with Carr. Yup, pray for rock bottom, empty seats, total disinterest. It's the only thing in this league that brings real change. 

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Sadly Macc our current GM decided to bring back Fitzpatrick and sign a bunch of nobodies in free agency the season was decided in the off season Macc and Bowles might not be  back next year as I think Woody Johnson has had enough of giving chances he wants immediate results and he will fire and hire until he gets them.

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8 hours ago, dbatesman said:

In a way, the team being a dumpster fire proves Maccagnan is a genius

Macc can't do anything if the coach can't coach. Bowles hasn't shown one iota of coaching prowess. His team looked bad in week 17 last year & they are terrible after time off & preparation after TNF & byes. 

I believe in Macc. Nobodies perfect but you can already see that he's been drafting for a Fitzless future by looking at the speed of our WRs. Why draft WRs that Fitz can't even reach? Devin Smith, Robbie Anderson, Charone Peake. Before I read any SNIDE REMARKS about Robbie just remember not every player starts a career as a pro bowler folks. 

No matter who our future QB is building an offensive line to protect him is paramount, you just need to look to the Cowboys to see that this year. A young QB needs a good running game to protect them. 

Some might think I'm too hard on Bowles but on January 4th he told everyone Ryan Fitzpatrick is his QB for 2016 while he wasn't even signed. Think about how stupid that comment was. Look at Seattle, they signed Matt Flynn to a huge contract & Russell Wilson beat him out in camp. 

Watching a team with no nope & no immediate future of hope is very difficult. Jet fans are passionate but they are also realists. None of us were under any illusion that Fitz was going to turn into Aaron Rogers. But what's so disheartening is the defense that is horrible & allows big play after big play with players running WIDE OPEN all over the place. When you combine those 2 elements, an old sh*tty journeyman & a paper tiger defense, you've got the Lions without Stafford.

We are RIGHT NOW a bottom 5 NFL team out of 32 organizations but unlike the Titans, Bucs, Lions, Bears, Chargers we also have the worst QB. A large group of Jet fans were denigrating Jeff Fisher here but Jeff actually has something thecJets don't, a real DC in Gregg Williams. Jet fans can't laugh at the Rams anymore, winning with a rookie QB. They beat the same Seattle team that came into MetLife & just TOYED with the Jets. They just beat the Cardinals & knocked Carson Palmer out. The Rams are now 3-1 in 1st place in the NFC West. We're 1-3 heading to 1-5, who's laughing at Jeff Fisher now?

Bowles only chance is to fix this defense. This is supposedly his expertise in football (the secondary). The Jets are 31st in giving up big plays just in front of that defensive juggernaut the New Orleans Saints. Jets have no luck at all considering Petty gets hurt in a preseason game & hasn't been able to practice so let's hope he heals up over the next 2 losses & is ready to step in for the 2nd half of the season. As soon as that transpires I'll watch again. Until then I'm staying as far away from this farce as I can. 

Every fan deserves HOPE. Until we find our QB there is just no point in watching bad football. 



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9 hours ago, Miss Lonelyhearts said:

He totally saw this coming when he thought about trading up for Carson Wentz.

he knows he needs a qb badly.  he's just not giving up the farm to get one - yet.  he knows he's got only so many chances, and his first choice is to draft a few guys and see if one develops.  the interesting thing will be, if the jets have a top 10 pick (could be top 5 at this rate) and there's a qb worth taking, if he bites.  tbd.

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Macc two years ago was handed a team devoid of talent and without a QB.  He was handed a coach that was Coordinator of the Year the prior year and a disciple of Parcells and Arians, two good coaches.

Unfortunately, he was also given an enormous amount of cap room that had to be spent given the CBA rules.

So, without a QB, MacC and Bowles basically went out and bought a secondary and a "backup QB."  The Jets (I did not say MacC per se) signed Revis to an enormous contract, as well as others.  The traded for an unstable malcontented but very talented WR.

The presumed starting QB ends up getting his jaw broke, and the backup, who the league was not expecting to see in 2015, ends up winning 10 games.  Several of those games were fluke wins driven by throwing the ball up for grabs to Marshall.  They missed the playoffs because they could not beat the Buffalo Bills, a team with less wins, at home or away.  The Bills for all of their foibles are a physical/strong team, and the Jets have not played well against those types of teams.

Most of this board admitted that MacC appeared to be doing a decent job bring in new drafted/traded for/UDFA talent, but we knew that 2016 would be hard based on the schedule.  The 10 win season was almost a curse, because now the fans, and the veteran players, wanted to remain competitive.  Literally at the last minute the Jets/MacC signed Fitz to a contract that paid him less than a starter and more than a backup.  I think you get what you pay for, and the fact that he did not spend the full offseason with his team as he golfed did not help matters.  My view was that, despite what he did in 2015, he was not worth signing in 2016 that late.

But in any event what should have been a standard 3-4 year rebuild is now a 4-5 year rebuild with a bonus 10 win starter season.  Hopefully Woody lets MacC invest more in the OL and players that are going to be playing in a playoff game in 2018.   Fathertime always gets good players, no matter how good they are.  Fathertime has caught up with too many Jets players.  Its time to accumulate draft picks, raid practice squads and get the younger QBs more time.  

But notwithstanding all of this, this Jets team is not well-coached in 2015.  They were coached OK in 2016.  There were some time management and other issues, but with 10 wins we thought they had game plans and adjusted.  Particularly on defense in 2106, they just seem clueless.  They need to switch the personnel to cover players in the middle of the field better.

I like Bowles and I think he gets another year regardless, but he needs to start showing that he can coach an NFL team.  The jury remains out whether MacC can man it, but the signs are not bad.  Let's get a QB who can throw to the receivers he has stocked.

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9 hours ago, Jetster said:

That he somehow had a complete team here. If Forte is hurt we have no RB depth after losing Khiry. We don't know for sure who's idea it was who wanted Revis back so bad, but it has a Woody Johnson feel all over it. I wouldn't be surprised if Macc was pressured by Woody to sign Fitzy. Woody is all about fillin seats & selling food & suds and he knew damn well Geno Smith was a publicity nightmare.

He only needed to read these boards to know Geno is despised by a huge amount of Jet fans. He would have been booed in the home opener running out onto the field for the 1st series. In 2014 we were running out a skeleton team, poor QB, terrible skill players, a huge amount of unused cap space. So in reality 4-12 was not a surprise at all. But since that time, we spent 125 million on a secondary that is horrific, high draft picks on defense, and brought back an old QB with no accuracy, a poor arm, and a history of being unable to beat a decent defense.

This organization needs a coming to Jesus moment,lol. Beat down after beat down, where Brandon Marshall loses his mind, and the team quits on Todd Bowles. There is NO WAY this team will win the next 2 games @ Steelers and Cards. The Mentor will whip the crappy neophyte when Bowles goes against Ariens. Who covers Fitzgerald on those short routes? Or David Johnson on wheel routes, or John Brown going long? I'm not even mentioning the Steelers game as we've NEVER won there & thier confidence will be ridiculous after anilalating the Chiefs.

Nope, 1-5 is coming and what we should all be cheering for is 1-15. A complete meltdown so we don't waste another season with this horrible coaching staff. Forget that Fitz can't beat good teams, Bowles can't either, he is a bad head coach! Tell me after watching this guy for 20 games what he does well? Communicate? Lol, Adjust?, lol, Feel for the games direction? Lol, Motivate? Just look at week 17 last year. Some guys are just not cut out to be head coaches. I promise you, Bowles is one of them. Look at that sh*tshow game plan with 9 days before going to KC.

Nope, we need to let Macc figure this QB thing out next year, get a high pick so we don't miss out on some stud QB if he's there & get rid of these high priced players that will be ex-Jets when we turn the corner. No one is safe! Harris, Revis, Mangold, any of those guys, Gilchrist, Skrine, all should be on notice. Others have said it, by signing these older vets we're just spinning our wheels without a QB. We're really no different than Cleveland, Chicago, even Tampa, Titans, Jags, at least have young QBs learning, what the hell do the Jets have?

Everyones gonna find that out when we get to the "soft" part of our schedule. Those games will be nail biters, and we're gonna lose our share of them because we're not any better than any of them! You don't think the Titans or Ravens, or Rams aren't gonna give us tough games? Miami will give this team a tough game! Our best player Marshall is way too old to carry the load Fitz asks of him, he'll be playing banged up for the rest of the year & protecting himself. These guys aren't stupid, they know when their playing out the string. You think Bowles looks invisible now? Wait until we're already out of it 2 weeks from now. 

Honestly as a lifelong Jet fan I really don't care because I know deep down that until this team hits absolute ROCK BOTTOM they'll never rise from the ashes. It could take years. It may not happen, but maybe, just maybe, we draft that QB, that changes our fortunes forever. I know from watching this team for 48 years, the bandaid aging free agent signings never works without a QB. Look at Oakland, their rising from the ashes with Carr. Yup, pray for rock bottom, empty seats, total disinterest. It's the only thing in this league that brings real change. 

Dude we do not play the Titans this year, otherwise, I am with you 100%.

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