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Aliens . . .?


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OK, so 5:37 a.m. I went to check out the backyard by myself to see if there was any damage. It was almost Dawn, I could see fair to middling, but I took a flashlight against my better judgment. What if they turned it on me and tried to blind me?  Anyway, ten dead Canadian Geese and the shoreline looked burned. It wasn't a lightning strike, I can tell you that. With confidence. 


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6 hours ago, jetophile said:

So is anyone going to disprove my photos?  I have more.

You don't really help US HELP YOU by just posting a dark background with a string of twirly lights that are out of focus.

Need more input if you sincerely want helpful feedback: How HIGH up was that image/object int eh sky?  Were there 2 images, because that's what is looks like. Were there any sounds you heard in correlation to that image? How long did that image last and then what happened? Did it flicker away? Did to sink into the horizon? 


It could be a paper lantern as @joewilly12 stated - people stupidly light these candles and send them up into the air ON FIRE. 



So it could have been one of those

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Bigfoot is real, so I don't know why you people won't believe me! There was NO sound,  Anyway, like I said, I have other pictures. The Virgin Mary on a grilled cheese sandwich has nothing on me. Neither does Little Audrey Santo, who went to Medjuorge couldn't cure herself, and her statues cried chicken fat and olive oil. Oh, and Giri Bala for the win! 

Listen, I'm not busting on the mystical, and I'm totally down. I was there and none of you were and I saw it with my own eyes. 

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9 minutes ago, jetophile said:

Bigfoot is real, so I don't know why you people won't believe me! There was NO sound,  Anyway, like I said, I have other pictures. The Virgin Mary on a grilled cheese sandwich has nothing on me. Neither does Little Audrey Santo, who went to Medjuorge couldn't cure herself, and her statues cried chicken fat and olive oil. Oh, and Giri Bala for the win! 

Listen, I'm not busting on the mystical, and I'm totally down. I was there and none of you were and I saw it with my own eyes. 

I believe you 

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