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JN Mafia: Revenge of the Nerds

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28 minutes ago, The Crusher said:

My Buddy's 80 year old Dad passed away last night from the head trauma after getting ran over by a ****head texting in DC. Just wanted you guys to know. Was a great old dude. Held on for 17 hours after the accident but after draining the skull 3 times nothing more could be done, the intercranial pressure was too much. Sickens me. The rub is the old man and my friend both served as officers in DC. The Dad did 40 years as a D.C. City cop. My buddy Chris been with Homeland Security for 20 years. ******* Irony. Dude was ran down in the same streets he protected for 40 years. 

Ugh, I'm sorry to hear this bud. The texting/driving thing is such a huge societal problem (amongst many) that could be fixed easily if the technology community really gave a ****. So, unnecessary. I'm sorry. Makes me furious hearing about stuff like this.

May he rest in peace.

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9 minutes ago, JiF said:

Official Vote Count:

80 (5) - Smash, DPR, Nol, Leelou, Hess

DPR (1)Nyn

Nol (3) - Verb, JC, Ape

Verb (1) - 80

With 12 players, it takes 7 votes to remove from campus.  Deadline 4pm today.

The red names are the sweet spot, there's been enough interplay between them for my "is this distancing/bussing" radar to go off. 

I'm much more in support of lynching any of them over 80. Yes, he was prematurely defensive. Yes, the claim was clumsy. Ultimately, the pragmatist in me thinks we can vet or catch him - he's isolated, as I've said.

I thought I was voting Nyn.

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35 minutes ago, The Crusher said:

My Buddy's 80 year old Dad passed away last night from the head trauma after getting ran over by a ****head texting in DC. Just wanted you guys to know. Was a great old dude. Held on for 17 hours after the accident but after draining the skull 3 times nothing more could be done, the intercranial pressure was too much. Sickens me. The rub is the old man and my friend both served as officers in DC. The Dad did 40 years as a D.C. City cop. My buddy Chris been with Homeland Security for 20 years. ******* Irony. Dude was ran down in the same streets he protected for 40 years. 

Sorry to hear that Crusher *hugs* <3

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53 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

I can summarize why I initially voted DPR: his Nolder vote was supported by a narrative, and included an illogical "one of Nolder or 80 is scum" promise. So, removing that it was DPR and looking solely for scum tells: narrative, selling false logic - 2 scum tells, imo. That's why I voted him.

After I voted him, he got nasty as though he was pissed I blind squirreled him. I revisited the pedo-pirate joke, and it got personal for a while.

He's not scum hunting. He's just mess-making.

Everybody makes "promises" D1. Put it in the bank. Your asshat surmising of narrative and blah blah blah is just an effort to muddy the water yourself.

l got "nasty" because you act like a little bitch.

#protip: Don't PM Ape because he likes to plaster sh*t all over the thread, even though there's no reason to and it's not game related.

You really suck at this game. GFY.

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1 minute ago, D P R said:

Everybody makes "promises" D1. Put it in the bank. Your asshat surmising of narrative and blah blah blah is just an effort to muddy the water yourself.

l got "nasty" because you act like a little bitch.

#protip: Don't PM Ape because he likes to plaster sh*t all over the thread, even though there's no reason to and it's not game related.

You really suck at this game. GFY.

lol, looking forward to reading what lead up to this. Inclined to leave DPR and ape living for awhile to see if we get a full scale melt

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45 minutes ago, The Crusher said:

My Buddy's 80 year old Dad passed away last night from the head trauma after getting ran over by a ****head texting in DC. Just wanted you guys to know. Was a great old dude. Held on for 17 hours after the accident but after draining the skull 3 times nothing more could be done, the intercranial pressure was too much. Sickens me. The rub is the old man and my friend both served as officers in DC. The Dad did 40 years as a D.C. City cop. My buddy Chris been with Homeland Security for 20 years. ******* Irony. Dude was ran down in the same streets he protected for 40 years. 

My thoughts and prayers to you and the family.

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On 6/27/2017 at 10:16 PM, Integrity28 said:

Grasping at straws, you old clown.  

If at some point you'd like to explain how you weren't building a narrative - or that promising 1 of Nol or 80 is scum, we'd appreciate it.

If the only play you have here is 'troll ape into drowning himself out' then you're just making my case for me. I'm content to rip on you, while the derps spin in circles. 

where is this post

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48 minutes ago, The Crusher said:

My Buddy's 80 year old Dad passed away last night from the head trauma after getting ran over by a ****head texting in DC. Just wanted you guys to know. Was a great old dude. Held on for 17 hours after the accident but after draining the skull 3 times nothing more could be done, the intercranial pressure was too much. Sickens me. The rub is the old man and my friend both served as officers in DC. The Dad did 40 years as a D.C. City cop. My buddy Chris been with Homeland Security for 20 years. ******* Irony. Dude was ran down in the same streets he protected for 40 years. 

Do they know who hit him?

Man, woman? Age? Race?

Was it a hit and run or did the person stick around to face the music?


Real sorry about your friends dad that is a sh*tty way to go out.

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On 6/28/2017 at 8:45 AM, Jetsfan80 said:

Since we have no deadline still I'll unvote


I think the people suspecting my claim are probably Town. Admittedly, it was sloppy and I should have clarified my role much earlier.


Those remaining quiet about it could be scum who KNOW I'm Town and thus wouldn't question it. Need to re-read.

this is a reasonable take, if you are town. If you are scum, I'd imagine scum would be pressing you to distance

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12 minutes ago, D P R said:

Everybody makes "promises" D1. Put it in the bank. Your asshat surmising of narrative and blah blah blah is just an effort to muddy the water yourself.

l got "nasty" because you act like a little bitch.

#protip: Don't PM Ape because he likes to plaster sh*t all over the thread, even though there's no reason to and it's not game related.

You really suck at this game. GFY.

Yep. I quoted your vote, pointed out what I felt was you supporting it with a narrative and false logic. 

That totally justified you teeing off on my personality. Giving me your armchair psychoanalysis, because apparently spending "thousands of dollars" at a shrink, makes you one?


I think you came into this game with the prissy agenda of laying into me as much as possible, and then crying foul if I dared call you pedo-pirate again. Congratulations, everyone feels sorry for you, and all you got out of it was calling me a dick.

Which is like calling water wet. No biggie.



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On 6/28/2017 at 1:06 PM, Jetsfan80 said:


Amending the above:

  • Questioned my reveal (in order of most suspicious of it):   Smash, Nolder, Ballin, Crusher, JC, DPR, Hess, Leelou
  • Posted in thread but didn't bother to question reveal:  Verbal, Nyn


Note:  Nyn either played dumb by claiming to not know if I revealed OR she legitimately didn't know.  Not sure if this excercise will end up proving entirely fruitful but if Verbal flips scum I'll be very pleased with the result. 

either one is a scum tell, i initially thought she was joking

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On 6/26/2017 at 7:12 PM, D P R said:

Nolder and 80 for the DerpDuo.

Nolder's had a boner for me for gaaaammmmees now - he's trying to gin up something out of my joke vote and comment and 80 must think its sexy because he's going for it. One or the other is teh scum. 

Vote Nolder for coming out of the gate like that. 


On 6/26/2017 at 8:31 PM, Integrity28 said:

lol, damn you are an easy read.

DPR needs s narrative here to make his vote seem non-bullsh*t. Follows it with illogical promise that 1 of 2 are scum, which is classic scum leading.

unvote vote dpr


His post red = narrative (superfluous nonsense being used as reasoning), blue = false logic.

I also included my post, which basically says the same thing I just said in my recap to you. Apparently, this is what uncorked his tirade. I figured, given how obnoxious he was being he might be over the pedo joke from January. So, I went back to the well for kicks. He flipped out more.

Not sure he's playing this game, or just using it as a vehicle to publicly shame me - since his "Ape is banned from my games" thing pooped out last game. I dunno.

Either way, I apologized and tried to move on - and he continues to revert to the personal stuff. He's not contributing to the game, and at this point his hypocrisy about what is and is not "in bounds" and when "enough is enough" is disgusting enough to put him in time out.

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6 hours ago, JiF said:

Official Vote Count:

80 (4) - Smash, DPR, Nol, Leelou

DPR (1) - Nyn

Nol (4) - Verb, JC, Ape, Hess

Verb (1) - 80

With 12 players, it takes 7 votes to remove from campus.  Deadline 4pm today.

if this is still accurate, we are 1.5hr from dl and i have a meeting starting now. Prefer Nol to 80 so Vote Nol

will be back on in 1hr or so

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28 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

Yep. I quoted your vote, pointed out what I felt was you supporting it with a narrative and false logic. 

That totally justified you teeing off on my personality. Giving me your armchair psychoanalysis, because apparently spending "thousands of dollars" at a shrink, makes you one?


I think you came into this game with the prissy agenda of laying into me as much as possible, and then crying foul if I dared call you pedo-pirate again. Congratulations, everyone feels sorry for you, and all you got out of it was calling me a dick.

Which is like calling water wet. No biggie.



From an outside perspective I think you know the trigger word that keeps upsetting him, sounds like he asked you to stop and although you have you keep throwing out that trigger on purpose. Maybe if you stop doing that? I think at this point it's muddying the game a bit. So if, maybe no matter what, you stop sliding the trigger into your posts, we can move on?

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5 minutes ago, HessStation said:

From an outside perspective I think you know the trigger word that keeps upsetting him, sounds like he asked you to stop and although you have you keep throwing out that trigger on purpose. Maybe if you stop doing that? I think at this point it's muddying the game a bit. So if, maybe no matter what, you stop sliding the trigger into your posts, we can move on?

He asked me not to joke about it. I apologized and said I wouldn't. I haven't. 

We can pretend the word doesn't exist, but using the word as a reference to the joke wasn't the problem - joking about it was. He got his apology, said "problem solved" and has continued to make it personal. I cannot control what he chooses to do. 

I'm done with this topic. 

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Blah.  Hate that there isn't a true 3rd train right now.  I don't want to kill Nolder, but like I said, will do so for self-preservation.  For now though, I'll move to the only other player that already has a vote, who also happens to be in my top 3/4.

Unvote vote DPR

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