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Multiple coaches have suggested this weekend the possibility of pressing pause on the season, reconfiguring the schedule to have 12 total regular-season games, and putting teams in hotels for the nine games left to be played.


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Do it.  We're losing the first 9 games easy. Let's not make this into a meaningless season where Rex wins game 16 against Miami, getting a Gatorade bath for ******* up our draft position.

Also it's the NFLPA you gotta convince on hotel bubbles. They're the ones who refused.  Their unending commitment to player safety ends at the memberships desire to get the Tuesday buffet at strip clubs.

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30 minutes ago, Gen X Jet said:

Knowing the Jets, we’ll lose all 12 but they’ll implement a lottery and get the 6th pick. 

Just think though, if the pause now, and things never start back up again, we'll be the only 0-4 team.

All the others winless teams would be 0-3.  So that would guarantee us the #1 pick right?

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10 minutes ago, bla bla bla said:

Was gonna say NFL throwing Lawrence a bone by not allowing another top recruit to waste away with this franchise.

One way or another, we are NOT getting Trevor Lawrence. We will get screwed or he will not come here. At least we’ll be the 1st and only 0-12 team ever. J E T S JETS JETS JETS!!!!

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I hope they bag the entire season. If they keep playing- I’ll keep watching.. Because I am a junkie- and cannot help myself.. This team is absolutely terrible in every single facet of the game. Hate to say it.... this team needs Robert Woody Johnson back. Not because he is a good owner- he is not. Compared to Christopher though- he is a step up and will hopefully blow the whole thing up and at least start putting pressure on people to stop being such a complete embarrassment. 

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6 minutes ago, Gibby said:

I hope they bag the entire season. If they keep playing- I’ll keep watching.. Because I am a junkie- and cannot help myself.. This team is absolutely terrible in every single facet of the game. Hate to say it.... this team needs Robert Woody Johnson back. Not because he is a good owner- he is not. Compared to Christopher though- he is a step up and will hopefully blow the whole thing up and at least start putting pressure on people to stop being such a complete embarrassment. 

The same Woody Johnson that kept Rex those two additional years, which is what began this whole spiral? 

Alrighty then.

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3 hours ago, Mike135 said:

Just think though, if the pause now, and things never start back up again, we'll be the only 0-4 team.

All the others winless teams would be 0-3.  So that would guarantee us the #1 pick right?


No way they would have a standard draft in that scenario. They would probably go to a draft lottery to sort it out. It's just not fair to the teams that played only 3 games. 

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4 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

The same Woody Johnson that kept Rex those two additional years, which is what began this whole spiral? 

Alrighty then.

Yes. They’re not selling the team. In the land of the blind- the one eyed man is King.

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5 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

The same Woody Johnson that kept Rex those two additional years, which is what began this whole spiral? 

Alrighty then.

I would take Rex back in a second, right now, as an interim coach.  Pay him a lot and give him direction-motivate the players and focus on developing Darnold.

Throw out Gase and Williams.  Rex runs the defense and works with Cooter on the offense.  Rex was more involved with the offense than Gase is with the defense now.  

As interim Rex reports to JD and follows his direction. Fix the medical and training.  


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8 hours ago, Mike135 said:


Strongly agree!

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