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Question for the cap gurus...


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Depends on if they're likely-to-be-met incentives. If the incentives include:

starting 14 games $1M

starting 16 games additional $3M

passing 3000 yards $1M

passing 4000 yards additional $1.5M

passing 20 TD's $1M

passing 30 TD's additional $1.5M

Then we are safe.

If they include:

Towel-waving for 3 games $1M

each additional towel-waving game $1M more

Lecturing the media $2.5M

Positive talk about his own progress in June $1M

Positive talk about his own progress in July $2M

Positive talk about his own progress in August $3M

Singing Paul Hackett's praises $750K per incident

Then we'll have no cap room in 2007, as we'd be on the hook for upwards of $15M in incentives. Damn that Tom Condon.

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