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Red Sox Chirping


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As much as I think the Yankees are pure evil and are ruining baseball, and while I take immense joy in the fact that they haven't won anything for four years, I would just like to mention that the only organizations in sports that I hate worse are 1)The MLB player's union and 2)The Boston Red Sox.

The fact that Boston won last season is clearly the most immedaite sign that the apocalypse is near. That collection of the biggest douchebags in baseball history won the World Series because the Yankees produced the most monolithic choke-job in the history of the World. I fear for the future of the globe.

That said, I am already sick of the Boston chirping about the Yankees. Yes, the Yankees suck. Yes, ARod is over-rated and chokes in big spots. Yes, he's selfish and annoys his teammates. However, the Red Sox chirping and the Yankees silence about that chirping shows the difference between teams that know how to win and teams that "got one." The Sox "got one." Enough. The difference is that the Sox think that winning 'A' ring entitles them to say what they want, whenever they want, to whomever they want. The Yankees, who expect to win every year, know that one ring is nice, but 2 is better, 3 is great, 4 is awesome, 5 is a start... One ring is a trinket. Forging a dynasty is the goal.

Jeter has 4 rings. The Red Sox organization can only dream about 4 rings. Curt Schilling has two rings. Curt Schilling, as great a pitcher as he is, annoys teammates to such a degree that every organization he leaves celebrates getting rid of a Cy Young winner. What does that say about Schilling and what an a$$hole he is? Quite a bit, I'd say.

The Yanks are setting themselves up to win a championship this year. The Red Sox are setting themselves up to celebrate last year's championship....this year. That's the difference between being a winner and getting a win.

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I am a Cubs fan and I will say this. The only thing worse than a sore winner is the Yankees winning.

So the Sox can talk smack all they want in my book. I could care less if they ever win again. They beat the Evil Empire once. Good enough for me.

Nomah will take over from here.

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The best part of this whole thing is that you KNOW that Randy Johnson is going to run a fastball into Trot's cheekbone. Should be fun!! :lol:

I am from the old school you play hard give 100 per cent and keep you mouth shut.

Why guys like Nixon have to comment about A-Rod makes no sense to me-what is a true Yankee anyway! Somebody explain it to me.

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I am from the old school you play hard give 100 per cent and keep you mouth shut.

Why guys like Nixon have to comment about A-Rod makes no sense to me-what is a true Yankee anyway! Somebody explain it to me.

It is kind of ironic. There were no "true yankees" until the Red Sox beat them.

Then all of a sudden it is the fault of the new guys.

I am not defending the new guys because the others (Jeter, Posada, Williams, Rivera) certainly are battle tested. But it does take an entire team to lose. Or Bill Buckner.

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I am from the old school you play hard give 100 per cent and keep you mouth shut.

Why guys like Nixon have to comment about A-Rod makes no sense to me-what is a true Yankee anyway! Somebody explain it to me.

OK...if I have to explain this again, I will.

Nobody wanted A-hole on the Yankees except fat george. Not Torre, not Ca$hman, and especially not Captain Overrated. Then, A-hole is a root cause of the biggest chokejob in THE HISTORY OF SPORTS. Then, he flaps his gums like he is a lifetime Yankee and not some overpaid interloper up to and including last week.

Thats why guys like Big Schill, Kevin Millar, Homerun Trot, Postseason god Keith Foulke, and Matt Mantei are ripping this piece of garbage A-hole apart at the seams. That is also why none of his teammates came to his defense. Face it, when A-hole came to NY, he turned into the arrogant, obnoxious jerk that we all figured he was.

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  • 7 months later...
As much as I think the Yankees are pure evil and are ruining baseball, and while I take immense joy in the fact that they haven't won anything for four years, I would just like to mention that the only organizations in sports that I hate worse are 1)The MLB player's union and 2)The Boston Red Sox.

The fact that Boston won last season is clearly the most immedaite sign that the apocalypse is near. That collection of the biggest douchebags in baseball history won the World Series because the Yankees produced the most monolithic choke-job in the history of the World. I fear for the future of the globe.

That said, I am already sick of the Boston chirping about the Yankees. Yes, the Yankees suck. Yes, ARod is over-rated and chokes in big spots. Yes, he's selfish and annoys his teammates. However, the Red Sox chirping and the Yankees silence about that chirping shows the difference between teams that know how to win and teams that "got one." The Sox "got one." Enough. The difference is that the Sox think that winning 'A' ring entitles them to say what they want, whenever they want, to whomever they want. The Yankees, who expect to win every year, know that one ring is nice, but 2 is better, 3 is great, 4 is awesome, 5 is a start... One ring is a trinket. Forging a dynasty is the goal.

Jeter has 4 rings. The Red Sox organization can only dream about 4 rings. Curt Schilling has two rings. Curt Schilling, as great a pitcher as he is, annoys teammates to such a degree that every organization he leaves celebrates getting rid of a Cy Young winner. What does that say about Schilling and what an a$$hole he is? Quite a bit, I'd say.

The Yanks are setting themselves up to win a championship this year. The Red Sox are setting themselves up to celebrate last year's championship....this year. That's the difference between being a winner and getting a win.

Who is this man?

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