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Indiana Jones and the Stairway To Heaven Mafia - DAY 1 ( part 1 and 2- town wins)


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21 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Hahahahah suck it @Verbal.  No votes for you this game.  Go Town!  lol.  

Now to continue preparing for my epic @CTM Search Party game.

You were SK and died N1.  Worst showing ever and you think you got the better of me?  Yeah, nope.


We'll continue to shoot your corpse each night because it's fun, like I called out in thread.

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Anybody want to share the case in Arsis. He made a couple weird early post on the other thread. Can’t say I’ve seen indicative of alignment . If there was show me, I’m pretty sure Smash is scum and not the cop, guy prints currency fur a living, makes solid wood cutting boards, guy is anything but messy. He’s been a total mess this game, can’t see him as town. 

Greenpeen? Starting to waver a bit on him being , thinking maybe still still getting a handle on the game as far as the post that don’t make sense and aren’t terribly accurate. Still saying stuff to say stuff but he might be just bad at this. 


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2 hours ago, Barry McCockinner said:

This is part of why I hate this game. I really don't know how to play and everyone just sh*ts on everything I say or do while trying to figure it out. Pretty sure if I haven't figured it out by now I never will. Just not my thing I guess.

I like the idea of trying to solve the game, and it's fun trying to figure it out but the process just results in a bunch of assholes telling you that you suck at the game or complaining about how you're doing it. I already know I suck you cunts. Eat dicks.

I hope scum shoots me N2.

Everybody sucks at this game until they get that lucky pick or convince others they don’t a game or two. I agree, I’ve been trying to cut back on the insults and just enjoy the game play. 

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1 hour ago, Integrity28 said:

Hahaha, tell us more about narratives. Holy sha-moly. The way I live rent free in half of your noodle brains is hilarious.

Overreaction? Hahaha… yeah, I’m scum and I voted you because you voted me. Derp derp derp.

All you do in these games is crater on me. @Smashmouth this, this is what “you think I’m scum every game” looks like.

Who are you again?

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2 hours ago, Stark said:

pretty sure there are more traps based on Nolders response, no one has triggered them yet. he also said that the traps were not going to be the same. 


who you like for scum or who you have as town to this point? you and @Hal N of Provo have like 12 posts combined (yes this is a total guess and I actually don't know just not many) and the pac is right there with almost nothing other than a white russian hammer on beaver


you could contribute something 

I am contributing. Just not in ways you people like. People are reacting to me. There was a lot of discussion about my opinion on Barry.

People have had strong reactions to my votes. This is all information.


I think the Ape guy is scum so I voted him.

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17 minutes ago, Lurker89 said:

This is a game built for abuse... both dishing it and taking it. Something I enjoy both ways.

Your biggest flaw Barry, might be that you are kind of a nice and kind person, trying to solely have fun, not such a bad flaw to have. I can be nice and kind but it's generally something i force those around me to earn while at most times I'm a terse sh*tposting prick online and supposedly "emotionally unavailable" offline ?. Not my best trait but surely not my worst. Keep doing you Barry we'll suck together for a while.

Let's see if we can keep JN mafia going for whatever number renaissance this woild be, I enjoy your presence as a counterbalance to the narcissistic side of the table.

Dude, Barry is usually a jerk face. His biggest problem is that he’s dumb at teh mafia. Everything else is great!

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3 minutes ago, Arsis said:

I am contributing. Just not in ways you people like. People are reacting to me. There was a lot of discussion about my opinion on Barry.

People have had strong reactions to my votes. This is all information.


I think the Ape guy is scum so I voted him.

Fair argument. 


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32 minutes ago, The Crusher said:


80 died last night. I voted  you yesterday, I’m voting you now. I’ve  been voting Snash yesterday and today, I’m not sure if 80 did too or first but again you are doing that same  thing you did yesterday, saying stuff that is both irrelevant and somewhat innacurate. 

 you becoming quite the little pain in the ass, aren't you 

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5 hours ago, Smashmouth said:

Didnt mean for it to come out as lulz on my crusher vote I just put that in there for him to get a laugh out of it.

Missed this earlier. But either way, weird that you call out something as scum behavior at the end of one day, then cast your vote on that person to open the next day, but for a completely different reason.

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38 minutes ago, jvill 51 said:

Missed this earlier. But either way, weird that you call out something as scum behavior at the end of one day, then cast your vote on that person to open the next day, but for a completely different reason.

you do realize I was questioning Crusher and including him in my casing for most of the day right ? hardly think one sentence changes any of that 

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1 hour ago, Verbal said:

You were SK and died N1.  Worst showing ever and you think you got the better of me?  Yeah, nope.


We'll continue to shoot your corpse each night because it's fun, like I called out in thread.


1 hour ago, Verbal said:



80 (a lot) - all players


80, worst SK ever, has been resurrected and killed again.  He's dead, Jim.



Stay Mad GIF

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1 hour ago, Smashmouth said:

you do realize I was questioning Crusher and including him in my casing for most of the day right ? hardly think one sentence changes any of that 

I’m trying to find some kind of logical consistency in your game. Best as I can tell, you went from “crusher tried to lead a speed lynch on me and that is scum behavior” to “crusher is coasting and I want to prod”. Those aren’t necessarily opposites but one also doesn’t follow the other, and I’m curious why you abandoned the stronger thread for the weaker one.

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9 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

I don't have the setup or @Smashmouth's alignment but if he is lynched, this will be the AI-generated image I use when I write up the death scene:


Prompt:  A Renaissance painting of an angry blockhead






Your Pro-Town Serial Killer Assistant to the Interim Mod

P.S. Haha @Verbal you suck

I fear you will go bankrupt with how much money you are giving to whatever AI generator you are using.

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1 hour ago, Greenseed4 said:

Typically speaking -- and maybe I'm just really bad at this game -- but typically, wanting to knowingly lynch a town PR is considered a scummy move.  

Deputy isn't really a town power role. It's a backup role. Doesn't really do good with it being known.


I also didn't believe it to be true. Even the vote restriction for verbal ended up being bullsh*t.


Also... Where is the fun in not doing crazy stuff on day 1.


Look at where we are at right now. Barry is still "cleared" as a useless powerless role. We have no idea about the trap mechanix and a townie got lynched. We would have been better off killing Barry.

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