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With the recent messes, is it still still possible saleh gets fired?

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I mean, they fired Maccagnan 3 weeks after the draft…so who knows with these bozos?

To me the only way you fire him is if you have an agreement in place with a guy like Belichick. As much of a mumbling, backstabbing whore he is (who hates us), the Jets match up with his criteria perfectly. A team with an aging star QB, a couple of playmakers on offense and a Top 5 defense with a 2-3 year window.

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nah, i dont think so. that story is already done. nobody in the media is talking about it anymore. unless Rodgers goes on McAffee next week and stirs it up, it done.

besides who coming here? Harbaugh just got 20 mil a year. Woody has never in his time as owner ever pay anyone more than 4-5 mil a year. so forgets the Carrolls, Belichicks and Vrabel's of the world. if you fired Saleh today, Hackett is the new HC. you can bet on it. 



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At this point, unfortunately, it would be foolish for Woody to fire him, because he already promised not to. Jets are already an undesirable location as it is, what do you think the idea that the owner can break promises on a dime would do to any people left? None of the appealing coaches would even interview here unless they were really desperate.

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2 hours ago, Hex said:

At this point, unfortunately, it would be foolish for Woody to fire him, because he already promised not to. Jets are already an undesirable location as it is, what do you think the idea that the owner can break promises on a dime would do to any people left? None of the appealing coaches would even interview here unless they were really desperate.

good point.

the most damaging thing that came out of that Report was that Woody listens to the fans.

the fans are stupid. 

when did the fire JD thread start like 8 months after he was hired? Saleh before the 1st year was over??

the most successful HC in this century for the Jets Rex Ryan, i wasnt here but i bet if was after he failed to win in 2009. or after his 2nd AFCCG loss in 2010.

and this who Woody is listening too? why would anyone good want to come here.

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New HC would be saddled working for both Woody Johnson AND Aaron Rodgers so it would have to be someone willing to work with the former and not able to choose his QB for a while due to the latter.

Saleh sucks but I can’t imagine his replacement would be much better if fired now.  We have no choice.  Soldier on with this regime for one more year….and hope.  

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7 hours ago, oatmeal said:

Frankie from U stadium went on Asman show a couple of hours ago and said he thinks woods is actually considering it. He’s currently consulting with rodgers according to Frankie 


Asman is delusional to think this team can win a SB with Saleh and that Rodgers fixes everything 

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Where do you think Vrabel wants to work?  I don’t think he is done.   I think he has kids who probably like Tennessee.  

there is already a list in Woody’s Palm Beach kitchen for next season.  Who can he convince to work for him?  BB solves a lot of problems because you can give him the GM and HC jobs. 

so far it’s Vrabel, BB, Carroll and likely McCarthy.    Maybe it’s Ben Johnson if we pay him $10mm.  Keep Ulbrich. 

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10 hours ago, oatmeal said:

Frankie from U stadium went on Asman show a couple of hours ago and said he thinks woods is actually considering it. He’s currently consulting with rodgers according to Frankie 


Not to be dismissive here, but is Frankie someone who would know these things?

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5 hours ago, Maxman said:

The only way he gets fired is if Vrabel is the replacement and Aaron Rodgers signs off on it.

I wonder if Vrabel would be desperate enough to take this job. I think the problem now is that any available coach can look ahead to next season and reasonably surmise that the Cowboys, Eagles, and maybe Chiefs jobs could come open. If you’re Vrabel, wouldn’t you just take $3 million to do TV for a year and wait for a better job? 

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Why would Woody allow him to hire two new assistants if his plan was to fire him? Makes absolutely zero sense. 

I think we are in a good place to let it ride for another year. If it fails, fire him and Douglas and you got some really good candidates on the board that were not hired, including a guy like Monken. 

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I've already said 100 different reasons why there is a less than 0% chance of this happening but the other factor that I havent listed, is if Woody was to fire Saleh, clearly Rodger would have to signed off on it.  Which effectively means, Rodgers would have to admit that he was wrong and that he didnt join a great staff, w/ an arrow pointing up,  who created a great culture and championship caliber D....and we all know if there is one thing Aaron Rodgers will never, ever, ever do, is admit he was wrong.

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7 minutes ago, T0mShane said:

I wonder if Vrabel would be desperate enough to take this job. I think the problem now is that any available coach can look ahead to next season and reasonably surmise that the Cowboys, Eagles, and maybe Chiefs jobs could come open. If you’re Vrabel, wouldn’t you just take $3 million to do TV for a year and wait for a better job? 

Yes.  100%.  No self-respecting human, would step into this situation, let alone a highly desirable and respectable Head Coach.

Maybe they could lore an Adam Gase type of turd out of retirement and full fill all of your wildest wet dreams, but I think even Adam Gase would tell Woody to kick rocks. 

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If we think this team is dysfunctional now, wait another year or 2 when JD has mortgaged the future by trading future years draft picks to help today , AR is retired and we have no QB, and they will need to pay big contracts if they want to keep GW Sauce JJ & Breece.   The pain might only be beginning.

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12 hours ago, Larz said:

Look at the recent hiring cycle 

no, harbaugh was never coming here

who gets you really excited? Canales? morris ? Macdonald?

the Jets probably would have wound up with Aaron Glenn. 

this fixation with firing someone baffles me. They repeat the story every 3 years and it never gets better.  

It's not a fixation with firing people. It's a fixation with Woody hiring the wrong ones.

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12 hours ago, Larz said:

Look at the recent hiring cycle 

no, harbaugh was never coming here

who gets you really excited? Canales? morris ? Macdonald?

the Jets probably would have wound up with Aaron Glenn. 

this fixation with firing someone baffles me. They repeat the story every 3 years and it never gets better.  

Who should we have kept?

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Saleh is not a good head coach. His team is SLOPPY every year with penalties etc. They start slow in every game and are terrible at in-game adjustments. 

He does have an eye for defensive talent and the D is very good. His track record on defensive players drafted and sgned in free agency is almost perfect. And I dont think its JD drafting guys with great results like Michael Carter the nickleback in round 5. That's Saleh and his staff, IMO.


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13 hours ago, Untouchable said:

I mean, they fired Maccagnan 3 weeks after the draft…so who knows with these bozos?

To me the only way you fire him is if you have an agreement in place with a guy like Belichick. As much of a mumbling, backstabbing whore he is (who hates us), the Jets match up with his criteria perfectly. A team with an aging star QB, a couple of playmakers on offense and a Top 5 defense with a 2-3 year window.

How about Pete Carroll?

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29 minutes ago, Barton said:

Saleh is not a good head coach. His team is SLOPPY every year with penalties etc. They start slow in every game and are terrible at in-game adjustments. 

He does have an eye for defensive talent and the D is very good. His track record on defensive players drafted and sgned in free agency is almost perfect. And I dont think its JD drafting guys with great results like Michael Carter the nickleback in round 5. That's Saleh and his staff, IMO.

Agreed Saleh is not a good HC.  As far as his (and Ulbrich's) ability to coach the defense, we'll see.  It's easy to be a good coach when you've got stars all over the place.  Next year, I think our defense is going to be weakened.  Huff will be gone and I think there's a real chance we'll trade DJ Reed to improve the offense.  (I hope we do trade him, btw).

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2 minutes ago, chirorob said:

Who would you possibly hire at this point?

No way Vrabel is coming here right now

The easiest one would be Pete Carroll.  He still wants to coach, has a history here (I haven't heard anything about him hating us), and he has no other options.  He'd be a huge upgrade over Salesman.

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47 minutes ago, JetPotato said:

It's not a fixation with firing people. It's a fixation with Woody hiring the wrong ones.

There will never be a right hire when the organization is dysfunctional.  Need to fix this starting at the top first. 

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2 hours ago, T0mShane said:

I wonder if Vrabel would be desperate enough to take this job. I think the problem now is that any available coach can look ahead to next season and reasonably surmise that the Cowboys, Eagles, and maybe Chiefs jobs could come open. If you’re Vrabel, wouldn’t you just take $3 million to do TV for a year and wait for a better job? 

I wouldn't think Vrabel would be "desperate".  He's still young and has built himself a very nice resume so far.

The thing that really surprised me though is that there didn't seem to be much interest in him.  I do wonder if the NFL is starting to have a major shift in their approach to hiring HCs, just like MLB started hiring guys whose main attribute is their ability to coddle the players ("care factor"!).  Now we're seeing these young coordinators (without that much experience) getting hired and HCs with experience getting pushed aside.  I guess Dan Quinn just got rehired so maybe I'm overstating things.  But it does feel like there might be something to this.

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11 minutes ago, chirorob said:

Who would you possibly hire at this point?

No way Vrabel is coming here right now

He's not getting fired now and no way Vrabel comes here.  After Vrabel has listened to Belicheck tell horror stories about the Jets organization, the only thing he would do is use the Jets as leverage on his next preferred coaching option.  Vrabel will have much better options moving forward than Woody & Florham Park.  

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