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Dick Goes Berserk at Shatner Roast


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American comedian Andy Dick reportedly went berserk backstage at the Comedy Central Roast Of William Shatner on Sunday, licking screen siren Farrah Fawcett and biting a journalist. New York Post reporter Mandy Stadtmiller claims she watched Dick lick Fawcett, Carrie Fisher and comedian Patton Oswalt before turning his attentions to her. He allegedly groped her, tried to kiss her, proclaimed his love for her and then bit her hand, telling her, "Baby please, put in something nice. They're so mean. I'm not weird. Maybe I'm a little weird, they make me out to be a monster, I'm not a monster. I just want to have fun, baby please." She also accuses him of urinating in front of her and offering her cocaine. The show will air on Sunday August 20.

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I heard Artie Lange talking about this on Howard yesterday and he said Andy Dick sat next to him most of the night and he appered to be coked up. As Artie said, "I know what somebody looks like when they're coked up"

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I don't understand why someone didn't knock the crap out of him long ago.

because he's such a pitiful wuss that any one of those women he was messing with could have done a man's job on him-we stop beating up these kind of guys in the 6th grade

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