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a first ... and a regret...


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my first thread that was locked :lol:

my regret? well .. after rereading my initial post, i want to make sure that it was not interpreted that "all men are bastards" because that was not my intent.

there are so many wonderful men in my life and on this board, and elsewhere.

i just do not think women, in general, needed to be blamed for all the sins in the world.

if you want to rant about a specific person, feel free...

just dont lump people together.

we all have moments that we regret in our lives, where we were mean or thoughtless to others... i know i have.

glass houses!


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my first thread that was locked :lol:

my regret? well .. after rereading my initial post, i want to make sure that it was not interpreted that "all men are bastards" because that was not my intent.

there are so many wonderful men in my life and on this board, and elsewhere.

i just do not think women, in general, needed to be blamed for all the sins in the world.

if you want to rant about a specific person, feel free...

just dont lump people together.

we all have moments that we regret in our lives, where we were mean or thoughtless to others... i know i have.

glass houses!


GG - I locked your thread but it wasn't because it was out of line or anything remotely close to that, I just felt that with no help of me, the topics at hand were becoming hurtful and would start upsetting the friendships we have here. Not claiming any innocence here trust me. I just thought it was time for us all, including yours truly to move on.

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my first thread that was locked :lol:

my regret? well .. after rereading my initial post, i want to make sure that it was not interpreted that "all men are bastards" because that was not my intent.

there are so many wonderful men in my life and on this board, and elsewhere.

Well all know that. I can't speak for everyone but i'm sure most of the guys on this board are just kidding. Most of us are either married or in a relationship with a female, and we s*it we all came out of a female..

Good post green gal.

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my first thread that was locked :lol:

my regret? well .. after rereading my initial post, i want to make sure that it was not interpreted that "all men are bastards" because that was not my intent.

there are so many wonderful men in my life and on this board, and elsewhere.

i just do not think women, in general, needed to be blamed for all the sins in the world.

if you want to rant about a specific person, feel free...

just dont lump people together.

we all have moments that we regret in our lives, where we were mean or thoughtless to others... i know i have.

glass houses!


As said in the other thread by V, just in reverse... I love you guys anyway too! ;)

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I was waiting for a song??.................I like when she sings .......I like my Songs Excuse me.

Great Post though ;)

Since gg isnt around, I'll pinch hit for her.

Making your way in the world today

Takes everything you've got;

Taking a break from all your worries

Sure would help a lot.

Wouldn't you like to get away?

All those night when you've got no lights,

The check is in the mail;

And your little angel

Hung the cat up by it's tail;

And your third fiance didn't show;

Sometimes you want to go

Where everybody knows your name,

And they're always glad you came;

You want to be where you can see,

Our troubles are all the same;

You want to be where everybody knows your name.

Be glad there's one place in the world

Where everybody knows your name,

And they're always glad you came;

You want to go where people know,

People are all the same;

You want to go where everybody knows your name.

Where everybody knows your name,

And they're always glad you came;

Where everybody knows your name,

And they're always glad you came.

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my first thread that was locked :lol:

my regret? well .. after rereading my initial post, i want to make sure that it was not interpreted that "all men are bastards" because that was not my intent.

there are so many wonderful men in my life and on this board, and elsewhere.

i just do not think women, in general, needed to be blamed for all the sins in the world.

if you want to rant about a specific person, feel free...

just dont lump people together.

we all have moments that we regret in our lives, where we were mean or thoughtless to others... i know i have.

glass houses!


Not for nothing, GG - and you are a tremendous sweetheart - but you have absolutely nothing to aplogize for and certainly nothing to regret, especially here at freakin' Jetnation! C'mon now....

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