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I know this is very important news to you all, but I've had my username changed to MasonJet from J-Mac81, figured it was about time to lose that moniker.

good work MJ stay one step ahead of the curve since J-Mac is prolly a goner

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I know this is very important news to you all, but I've had my username changed to MasonJet from J-Mac81, figured it was about time to lose that moniker.

cool stuff..... I friggin hated j-mac81 as a poster. masonjet seems great though :)

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I have`nt been here long enough to announce my namechange

so I`ll bury it here on the quiet.

used to be Byrd#90 and it was what popped into my head

great news- I couldn't stand byrd#90 as a poster. blurredorunfocused has been nothing short of magnificent so far though ;)

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YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE. J-Mac is now MasonJet. Carry On.

Ron Burgndy. :D

Well of course it's not official until Ron Burgundy says so.

"I believe that diversity is an old, old wooden ship used during the Civil War era...and that MasonJet is an amazing username." :)

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Unfortunately, George Mason does not look to be going to the Tourney after losing last night. They finished the game on the short end of a 13-2 run in the last few minutes. Sorry about that, MasonJet, but it's still a good board name!

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