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NCAA Thursday - Central Connecticut vs Ohio State

Nick Ferraro

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Thanks Lurker --

haggis1001/1(1.00) 0Lurker61/1(1.00) 0

jetsrule12845551/1(1.00) 4555Kidhuman30001/1(1.00) 3000jetsrule1283001/1(1.00) 300

Since this was paid out incorrectly I am reversing these:

haggis had 5750 now has 5950

Lurker had 5560 now has 5572

jetsrule128 had 9880 now has 770

Kidhuman had 6950 now has 950

jetsrule128 had 770 now has 170

If I screwed any of that up let me know. Thanks!

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