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MLB2K7 - PS3


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Just got it not too long ago... its Okay but I was expecting better.

Multiplayer is fun as usual, had a buddy over last night and we played 2 full 9 inning games... tons of fun.

The PS3 gives you 3 options for batting, Original (Xbutton) The new Style (using the control stick) and also Sixaxis motion sensing (it really is fun, basically like the Wii)

Some really crazy cut-scenes, they could have made the actually gameplay a little better graphic wise.. some textures were really flat.


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There is already a topic about this game. And you replied to it.

I really don't feel there's a need to make another topic about this game specifically for one system. I guess if you work for Sony...

I forgot to be honest... I made a few of the games I just got and finally had a chance to play... oh well mods can merge it if they want...

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