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Microsoft playing catch-up with PS3...


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Only one year after releasing the Xbox 360 and claiming the 20gb HD would be plenty of space and that they would NEVER need HDMI outputs... Microsoft has turned its back on the nearly 10 million consumers who bought the original 360's and is now following in SONYS's footsteps to the next generation.

People was basic 360's without HD's will soon be asked to upgrade, as game developers need to use the HD to add content and also make gameplay smoother as is done with the PS3. Game developers cannot use a lot of features of the hard drive when it comes to the 360 becuase they need to keep those customers without one in mind.

So here we have it, 1 year later Microsoft is now already playing catch up with Sony...


The "Elite" 360 comes with HDMI and a 120gb hard drive, both are items Microsoft said would never be needed and bashed sony for. Still no wireless built in and still no rechargeable controllers out of the box. They also will not be including an HD-DVD drive either.

It will have a price tag of $479.99 ($20.00 less than the 20gb PS3)

It only tops the base PS3 in Hard drive space....

For $20 more you get a PS3 with a Blu-ray drive...

(also a PS3 uses laptop hardrives (2.5") so you can easily upgrade your PS3 to have the same or more space than any Xbox, while Microsoft uses a special hardrive for the 360 which cannot be upgraded at this time.)

Here is Sony's response to the "elite" - from:http://blog.wired.com/games/2007/03/sony_responds_t.html

We think every PlayStation 3 owner should have an
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planned obsolecence is a crime.

Someone better file a lawsuit on Micro$oft then... 1 year into it and their core system is worthless... its really sad... they tried to go cheap, SONY stepped up their game, and now they are trying to catch back up at the expense of 10 million people...

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Someone better file a lawsuit on Micro$oft then... 1 year into it and their core system is worthless... its really sad... they tried to go cheap, SONY stepped up their game, and now they are trying to catch back up at the expense of 10 million people...

microsoft rushed it to market. their superior xbox was beaten by ps2 as sony released first. microsoft hoped to turn that around and probably planned to release a backwards compatible "upgrade" after the ps3 came out. one thing that really f'd microsoft though was no built-in bluray/HD-DVD imho. ps3 is basically a bluray player with a free gaming console tacked on. and will probably spell victory for the sony-backed bluray format. brilliant move by sony.

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microsoft rushed it to market. their superior xbox was beaten by ps2 as sony released first. microsoft hoped to turn that around and probably planned to release a backwards compatible "upgrade" after the ps3 came out. one thing that really f'd microsoft though was no bluray/HD-DVD imho.

Yeah that will hurt them...

DVD-9 stores about 8-9gb

Blu-ray can currently get up to 50gb and they are working on a quad layer 200gb disc...

Resistance Fall of Man took up about 20gb or so... all uncompressed HD audio and such..

More than anything it will piss people off that 1 year or in most cases less, their system has now been surpassed... the premium systems will soon be the core system...

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ps3 is basically a bluray player with a free gaming console tacked on. and will probably spell victory for the sony-backed bluray format. brilliant move by sony.

It can be thought of the other way as well... a free Blu-ray player...

I was actually at an electronics store locally, a smaller non-chain store and they had gotten a couple PS3's and were selling them to people as blu-ray players... lol

The only reason DVD-9's are still working for the XBOX is compression, but the audio is never as good and the loading times are longer for decompression...

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Yeah that will hurt them...

DVD-9 stores about 8-9gb

Blu-ray can currently get up to 50gb and they are working on a quad layer 200gb disc...

Resistance Fall of Man took up about 20gb or so... all uncompressed HD audio and such..

More than anything it will piss people off that 1 year or in most cases less, their system has now been surpassed... the premium systems will soon be the core system...

i agree, but at the same time, everyone who bothered to do a little research knew the ps3 was going to be better.

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i agree, but at the same time, everyone who bothered to do a little research knew the ps3 was going to be better.

You would be amazed how many people ate right out of Microsofts hands and beleived that they would never need HDMI or a larger HD... now people will want the new one becuase the HD is huge... but it doesnt need to be that big... not to mention the PS3 HD can be easily and pretty cheaply upgraded... unlike the 360's...

Its ashame Microsoft is doing this to its customers... I heard they will now drop the COre system, having only the premium and the elite... then offer a HD upgrade for the core owners to play certain games... much like the PS2 and N64 both had upgrades needed for certain games at the end of their life (Ram upgrade for N64 - HDD for PS2) Sadly this is happening to the 360 only 1 year into its life...

Almost every game for the PS3 uses the Harddrive for a cache to decrease load times and such... also needs it for the web browser (which the 360 doesnt have) and media sharing...

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You would be amazed how many people ate right out of Microsofts hands and beleived that they would never need HDMI or a larger HD... now people will want the new one becuase the HD is huge... but it doesnt need to be that big... not to mention the PS3 HD can be easily and pretty cheaply upgraded... unlike the 360's...

Its ashame Microsoft is doing this to its customers... I heard they will now drop the COre system, having only the premium and the elite... then offer a HD upgrade for the core owners to play certain games... much like the PS2 and N64 both had upgrades needed for certain games at the end of their life (Ram upgrade for N64 - HDD for PS2) Sadly this is happening to the 360 only 1 year into its life...

Almost every game for the PS3 uses the Harddrive for a cache to decrease load times and such... also needs it for the web browser (which the 360 doesnt have) and media sharing...

history repeats itself.

"Nobody will ever need more than 640k of RAM!" -- Bill Gates, 1981

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history repeats itself.

"Nobody will ever need more than 640k of RAM!" -- Bill Gates, 1981


Thats why I get a kick out of people claiming that games will never need Blu-ray becuase DVD's have plenty of space...

Yet Resistance Fall of Man used about 20gb... more than 2 DVD's...

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ecurb why are we defining consoles on pure power?

the games son! the games!

if ps3 had halo3 i'd probably buy it. what games are out?! what games are MUST BUYS?

please don't talk to me about resistance fall of dookie. Fighting aliens with WWII weaponry is a lame idea! and you bring it up every thread! can you chainsaw the aliens in half? if not please let me know when you can.

just cause Gears can only have 8 simultanious and resistance fall of whatever can hold 50 that doesn't make it a better game! just cause the PS3 is a better value with better technology and more easily upgradable doesn't make it a better system! i was a sony guy for literally as long as they have been making video game systems, i had the turbo grphix, the genesis, snes, 8-bit and atari, the XBOX 360 despite what you say is an all time great system and it's not because of the reliability or price or value... it's the games son! the games!!!

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Bit, this is Sony we are talking about, not calicovision. And the PS3 has not even been out for a year yet. You relaly dont think kick ass games are going to be developed for this system? keep dreaming. You act like the ability to chainsaw aliens is some great video game advancement. iw as able to do that in slaughter house for the sega genesis.

Off the bat, if you are a baseball game MLB 07 The Show is only available for the PS3 and is supposed to be a kick ass baseball game.

Im thrilled i didnt go with the 360 after reading that article.

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What games did the 360 have 4 months after its launch? Give it time, there are some damn good PS3 games in the works... and not everyone likes shooters... Gran Turismo will be a HUGE seller...

BTW Resistance just broke the 1 million sold mark... faster than any launch game for the 360....

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i dont understand why everybody is caught up with this bluray/HD or w/e **** ,i have yet to play a DVD on my 360 and probably never will, this is how i put it if you want a supreme gaming system go with the 360 if you want a supreme system to watch movies buy a ps3.

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i dont understand why everybody is caught up with this bluray/HD or w/e **** ,i have yet to play a DVD on my 360 and probably never will, this is how i put it if you want a supreme gaming system go with the 360 if you want a supreme system to watch movies buy a ps3.

Yes thats you, but a lot of people are, and even buying the HD-DVD add on and playing them... its important... the PS2 brought a DVD player into many homes that did not have one back in the day... and now the PS3 is doing the same with Blu-ray... Why wouldnt I just get the Blu-ray version of things and watch movies in HD?

The PS3 is also a great gaming system, there is no game on the 360 that the PS3 couldnt play just as good or better... the PS3 is only 4 months old, there are many good games coming... the 360 didnt have squat in the first few months either... the PS3 has RFOM selling over 1 million copies already...

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You act like the ability to chainsaw aliens is some great video game advancement. iw as able to do that in slaughter house for the sega genesis.

yeah - another great game - there are no slaughter houses or gears of war for the PS3 thanks for helping me make my point.

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yeah - another great game - there are no slaughter houses or gears of war for the PS3 thanks for helping me make my point.

Ill go slow for you, the PS3 has only been out for 4 months. Give it time and the games will follow. The PS2 had kick ass games, way more than the XBOX, and I had an XBOX. No reason to think the PS3 will not either.

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Ill go slow for you, the PS3 has only been out for 4 months. Give it time and the games will follow. The PS2 had kick ass games, way more than the XBOX, and I had an XBOX. No reason to think the PS3 will not either.

sorry but hitler and churchill on the same team fighting aliens with WWII technology doesn't do it for me

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On the games...

Whether you want to believe it or not, Resistance hit 1 million sold faster than any Xbox title in its first year... and like those titles it is only a 1st gen game for the PS3... they had not made games for the PS3 yet so of course it wont be perfect... but it is doing damn well and the online play is sweet with 40 player battles...

There is also Killzone coming out for the PS3 and it looks amazing... based on what they have shown and it will be a huge deal at E3 this year.

You also forget that although you might not like it, Final Fantasy has always outsold everything... and Im sure the new one will too.

On March 27, 2007, it was reported on the BBC News website that the PlayStation 3 had broken United Kingdom sales records. It had sold more than 165,000 units in its first two days on the shelves, compared to 71,000 for the Xbox 360, and 105,000 for the Wii.[136] It is the second-fastest selling home console in Britain with a software attachment rate of 1.65;
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