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Slingbox - It just works.


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I realize that this is old news to many of you who have had Slingbox's for a while but I never saw a need until recently to get one. My daughter is at college in Boston and there are certain shows she can get here on long island but not up there (Robin Hood on BBC America) was one.

I bought this two weeks ago. It installed in a jiffy and has been working flawlessly ever since. An added bonus is that I can watch TV from any PC on my home network. I have Versizon FIOS so my ISP upload bandwidth is not really constrained.

Neat little product the Slingbox AV. The price just went back up at buy.com from $115 back to $139 but they seem to have in on a cycle where it rotates between $139, $125 and $115. Wait a few weeks and it should hit that low price again.

One small tip is to configure the QOS (Quality of Service) settings on your router to lower the priority of Slingbox protocol. It does not affect TV quality appreciably but it has the effect of prioritizing your Internet surfing over the TV signal slinging.

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