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He won a SB without cheating, what has you and your team ever done?

As far as you and I know they have won 3 super bowls. All this is is a bunch of sour grapes from 5 years ago. If it was a issue then, why didn't they find their balls and say something about it then?

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As far as you and I know they have won 3 super bowls. All this is is a bunch of sour grapes from 5 years ago. If it was a issue then, why didn't they find their balls and say something about it then?

You know what, I actually agree with you, and that's why I don't take the argument that the other teams that were cheated would be punished if the Jets were compensated. Those teams did and said absolutely nothing, as far as I'm concerned now, the Jets are the only team the Pats ever cheated against.

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As far as you and I know they have won 3 super bowls. All this is is a bunch of sour grapes from 5 years ago. If it was a issue then, why didn't they find their balls and say something about it then?

damn,,because teams have marvelled at Pats adjustments, how Brady always seems to know what play to call etc...they gave Pats credit cuasde they THOUGHT they were in a fair game,,BUT now that they have been PROVEN to have been stealing signs electronically, the teams from past are now logically saying 'maybe that wasnt good adjsutements, maybe that wasnt great Brady playing' etc etc..

its is Patriot nations albatross to wear now as this will forever be the supposed 3 SuperBowl legacy,,a asterisk in EVERY fans and players minds , besides NE fans of course, except the honest ones

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