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So I Used To Drive a Yellow Cab Down Here


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when I first moved down to the West Pam area.I'm watching the Yankees game and a Taco Bell commercial comes on that reminded me of something funny. It shows the Grim reaper on a bus bench and I thought about one night on Halloween when it was really crazy on the roads and a call came in by our dispatcher Cabbage Patch. He says "cab 33 pick up Dracula at the gas station at the gas station at Lantana and Military". It turned out to be a 40 dollar fare to Jupiter...a guy in a full vampire costume blood drops out of the side of the mouth and all...

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<div id='GizmozMovie'><br><embed src='http://www.gizmoz.com//newsite/widgets/tbsticker/tbsticker.swf' flashvars='autoplay=0&loginUserId=361662&itemid=2526291&ownerid=361662&domain=http://www.gizmoz.com/' quality='high' bgcolor='#ffffff' width='280' height='350' name='GizmozTBstickerWidget' align='middle' allowfapiAccess='always' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' ></embed><br/><a href='http://tacobell.gizmoz.com' target='_blank'>Create your Gizmoz and audition to star in a Taco Bell TV commercial!</a></div>

Damnit I can't make it work, put it on your myspace instead and watch it. :P

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