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Tired and at work...


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Is anyone else really tired today at work? I feel like I could nap right now...but don't want to get caught.

I could set up a bed underneath my desk like George Costanza did...:baby:

I hear ya; I'm off today, but many times doing security work I'm stuck at a post where I have to spend more then half my shift staring at camera monitors. Talk about boring.

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1st period was great....trying to teach teenagers about landmark Supreme Court cases...

me: "Marbury vs. Madison is important because it set the precendent for judicial review."

them: "Wow, we didn't know the Marlboro man went to court that long ago!"

You can't make this stuff up.

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I Just took a nap in the confrence room,I just went in shut off all the lights put my feet up and took an hour nap ,I feel much better now ,Thanks Phinhater you da man

No problem. That's what I'm here for.

I'm still trying to stay awake and I have an hour ride home after this...

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