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LOL @ The New York Post


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I saw it posted on another board, but thought it was a joke. But then I went out and bought the paper and shoot, they really printed this in the NFL Standings.

AFC East


*New England 3-0

JETS 1-2

Buffalo 0-3

Miami 0-3

* Caught Cheating

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The New York Post is the best rag on the planet. Holy Smokes, I love that paper. I've said it once, and I'll say it again: Phile it next to 'Dream Job' to be able to sit around and come up with hilarious Front and Back page headlines for a living - and then throw in classic jabs such as that for good measure. I actually heard Michael Kay mention this on the radio last week. I spit out my coffee in the car. :P

EDIT: Will BSlob wear a hoodie to Court?

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