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Rumor - Sony to release $399.99 PS3 this month


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I will find the link later... search google if you want...

Sony is going to be releasing a 40gb PS3 that will supposedly sell for $399.99

It will have Wifi built in, 40gb hard drive (obviously) and it will Include the new Spiderman Blu-ray movie...

The only thing it wont have really is the built in card readers that the 60gb and 80gb have...

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I will find the link later... search google if you want...

Sony is going to be releasing a 40gb PS3 that will supposedly sell for $399.99

It will have Wifi built in, 40gb hard drive (obviously) and it will Include the new Spiderman Blu-ray movie...

The only thing it wont have really is the built in card readers that the 60gb and 80gb have...

And in other breaking news in the video game world........the games for ps3 still blow goats

I can only speak for myself and my friends who have said the same thing, this whole ps3 price thing is becoming less and less of an issue. With gaming platforms content is king, and it really is at a point now where the catalog for 360 is so much better that even if the 360 were 100.00 more expensive then the ps3 people would still rather the 360.

And dude, I know you are gonna have a meltdown over this but think about it honestly, you have admitted it a bunch of times, the 360 has better games, heck the halo series alone trumps all. And I know you say that there are awesome ones that will be coming for ps3, but you can't think that the pipeline will dry up on the 360 side.

My brother has all three systems, and xbox bets 70, wii gets 30, and the ps3 is now nice shiny black furniture unless someone happens to rent a blu ray dvd.

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And in other breaking news in the video game world........the games for ps3 still blow goats

I can only speak for myself and my friends who have said the same thing, this whole ps3 price thing is becoming less and less of an issue. With gaming platforms content is king, and it really is at a point now where the catalog for 360 is so much better that even if the 360 were 100.00 more expensive then the ps3 people would still rather the 360.

And dude, I know you are gonna have a meltdown over this but think about it honestly, you have admitted it a bunch of times, the 360 has better games, heck the halo series alone trumps all. And I know you say that there are awesome ones that will be coming for ps3, but you can't think that the pipeline will dry up on the 360 side.

My brother has all three systems, and xbox bets 70, wii gets 30, and the ps3 is now nice shiny black furniture unless someone happens to rent a blu ray dvd.

Bungie games is leaving Microsoft FYI

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i have a spot in my media center for a PS3

any good games yet?

I haven't found any yet, my ps3 has been renamed, my bluray player.

Resistance was fun for 15 minutes, that is one of the more popular ones i think. The formula1 game is supposed to be pretty good if you really really are hardcore into racing, but i hear it is also pretty hard.

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I haven't found any yet, my ps3 has been renamed, my bluray player.

Resistance was fun for 15 minutes, that is one of the more popular ones i think. The formula1 game is supposed to be pretty good if you really really are hardcore into racing, but i hear it is also pretty hard.

NBA 2k8 is better for the PS3... go check out the video comparison... it has begun... and EA will now create its games on the PS3 and port them to the 360

Socom is coming out soon

Ratchet and Clank is coming soon

Call of Duty 4 - this is on both systems

The Getaway 3



Unreal Tournament III



Heavenly Sword

All but COD4 are exclusive

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just curious, not calling you out, but where do they say this?

They said it in a press release when asked about the FPS issue... I found the link on some tech forum...

I cant freakin find the link... so I guess dont quote me on this!

I do know for sure that all EA Sports PS3 games will be 60fps from here on... Peter Moore said that much...

If I find it I will post it up... until then I guess take it with a grain of salt

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They said it in a press release when asked about the FPS issue... I found the link on some tech forum...

I cant freakin find the link... so I guess dont quote me on this!

I do know for sure that all EA Sports PS3 games will be 60fps from here on... Peter Moore said that much...

If I find it I will post it up... until then I guess take it with a grain of salt

Well, the frames per second thing is something they do when rendering, definitely not any kind of development for one platform or the other.

The reason i ask is because all i have heard from EA is that they feel the developer tools for ps3 flat out suck. This quote is about a month old from EA

Could things have changed in a month, sure, but i doubt it. Them saying they will make their games at a certain fps doesn't = developing for ps3 natively. Bungie has versions of halo that are complete 1080p, but they said with all the craziness that can happen ingame with so many characters on screen at the same time that game performance can suffer a bit, but they do have the versions of it in 1080p. Developing from the beginning on ps3 would be more then just a higher framerate.

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Well, the frames per second thing is something they do when rendering, definitely not any kind of development for one platform or the other.

The reason i ask is because all i have heard from EA is that they feel the developer tools for ps3 flat out suck. This quote is about a month old from EA

Could things have changed in a month, sure, but i doubt it. Them saying they will make their games at a certain fps doesn't = developing for ps3 natively. Bungie has versions of halo that are complete 1080p, but they said with all the craziness that can happen ingame with so many characters on screen at the same time that game performance can suffer a bit, but they do have the versions of it in 1080p. Developing from the beginning on ps3 would be more then just a higher framerate.


That quote was from a Nascar 08 guy... that game SUCKED for both the 360 and PS3... lol

I cant find anything... I guess we will have to wait and see...

Early reviews have the PS3 version of NBA2k8 running better though... I think it was gamertrailers.com that had an HD side by side

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That quote was from a Nascar 08 guy... that game SUCKED for both the 360 and PS3... lol

I cant find anything... I guess we will have to wait and see...

Early reviews have the PS3 version of NBA2k8 running better though... I think it was gamertrailers.com that had an HD side by side

EA Tiburon is an EA studio in florida, in addition to nascar as you mention, they are responsible for:

Madden series

NCAA series

Tiger Woods 2008

I would say they are one of the big studios for EA

HD is nice, and both do produce an hd picture on the screen, but at the end of the day, content is king, and ps3 doesn't stack up with xbox or even nintendo in that department.

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EA Tiburon is an EA studio in florida, in addition to nascar as you mention, they are responsible for:

Madden series

NCAA series

Tiger Woods 2008

I would say they are one of the big studios for EA

HD is nice, and both do produce an hd picture on the screen, but at the end of the day, content is king, and ps3 doesn't stack up with xbox or even nintendo in that department.

Nascar sucks for the 360 and the PS3... thats the only point I was trying to make.. lol

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just curious, not calling you out, but where do they say this?

Just to chime in, I also remember someone from EA saying that, and I think ecurb might've posted something like that here. The ps3 games library is expanding, and as of now all 1st party dev tools that Sony has been keeping for its own studios are available for use by third-parties I think.

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Just to chime in, I also remember someone from EA saying that, and I think ecurb might've posted something like that here. The ps3 games library is expanding, and as of now all 1st party dev tools that Sony has been keeping for its own studios are available for use by third-parties I think.

The only thing i have read was one of the sony games guy on the software side saying he thought the growth of developers moving to ps3 development would happen organicaly and that some tools, edge i think it is called, would be offered to developers. I believe this has happened but still isn't garnering the support they are hoping for.

Time will tell i guess, but as of now it hasn't really materialized as anything in the consumer's hand.

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How do you figure?

Its worth its value almost as a blu-ray player alone...

How long have you owned your Ps3?

Yeah, I suppose if you want to own a blu-ray player it's well worth the money. I however am more interested in playing games.

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Yeah, I suppose if you want to own a blu-ray player it's well worth the money. I however am more interested in playing games.

you are thinking of buying a gaming console to mostly play games? Are you crazy? But the thing is so hot and sleek in that glossy black finish! lolsc

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you are thinking of buying a gaming console to mostly play games? Are you crazy? But the thing is so hot and sleek in that glossy black finish! lolsc

Your crazy if you dont think the PS3 will prosper... disc size alone will do it... Microsoft will need to release a new Xbox way too soon and it will piss off customers...

Look for a new HDDVD or Blu-ray Xbox in the next 2 years... would you sink another 400 bucks into another Xbox after only 2 years?

Sony has shown they stand by their consoles and dominate over time... a PS3 is a safe investment... Microsoft showed (with the Xbox) that they will ditch it and move on...

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I boled the "big name" titles

360 exclusives coming out in the next year

- Americas Army "true soldiers"

- Banjo Kazooi

- Demons of Mercy

- Dogtag

- FEAR Files

- Kingdom under fire

- Lost Odyssey

- Mass Effect

- Mobile Ops (the one year war)

- Ninja Gaiden 2

- Naruto "Rise of Ninja"

- Too Human

- Viva Pinata

- Warbound

PS3 exclusives coming out in the next year

- Afrika

- Coded Arms - Assault

- Eight Days

- Eye of Judgement (using the new PS Eye toy)

- Eyedentify (using the new PS Eye toy)

- FIA World Touring car Championship

- Fifth Phantom Saga

- Final Fantasy XIII

- Free Realms

- The Getaway 3

- Gran Turismo 5

- Haze

- Heavy Rain

- Hot Shots Golf 5

- Infamous

- Jak and Dexter

- Killzone 2

- LIttle Big Planet

- Mercenaries 2 (world in flames)

- Metal Gear Online

- Metal Gear Solid 4

- Motor Storm 2

- Ratchet and Clank

- Red Dead revolver 2

- Singstar

- Socom Confrontation

- Tekken 6

- Time crisis 4

- Uncharted "Drakes Fortune"

- Unreal Tournament 3 (timed exclusive)

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Your crazy if you dont think the PS3 will prosper... disc size alone will do it... Microsoft will need to release a new Xbox way too soon and it will piss off customers...

Look for a new HDDVD or Blu-ray Xbox in the next 2 years... would you sink another 400 bucks into another Xbox after only 2 years?

Sony has shown they stand by their consoles and dominate over time... a PS3 is a safe investment... Microsoft showed (with the Xbox) that they will ditch it and move on...

Well, whenever the next gen xbox comes out i will buy it the first day, because i am sure there will be killer games for it.

Also, another way to look at what you are saying, 360 did come out first so they should come out first again, and think about the leg up over the ps3 they would have if they came out with a new console in 2 years, lol. It is like sony has to beat them to market next time or suffer the same consequences they did this time around by being late to the table.

I don't know dude, a very large group of console gamers these days are young adults with enough disposable cash to not really have to sweat the 400 spent every 4-5 years on a console when the return on investment is pretty high.

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