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N.Y. Eliminated - Olympics


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N.Y. Eliminated in Vote for 2012 Olympics


SINGAPORE - New York, Moscow and Madrid were eliminated in the voting for the 2012 Olympics on Wednesday, setting up a showdown between European rivals London and Paris.

Moscow dropped out first after receiving the fewest votes in the secret ballot of the International Olympic Committee. New York followed within a few minutes, and then Madrid.

Though IOC voters went on to pick the host city, the winner was not immediately announced.

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Somebody fill me in...we were trying to get the olympics here? I am shocked it didn't get mainstream media coverage!


new york will never get the olympics....

i think iraq will get the olympics before NY does...lol

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This was really not a surprise- New York has always been considered unlikely to get it.

Bloomberg and co have lost a lot of political capital in getting shot down with West Side Stadium and this.

New York should be the front-runner for 2016 if they want it since it is doubtful IOC would award it to another European site twice in a row

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New York was never getting the Olympics. That was merely a trick to get people to swallow that stadium load that Bloomie/Woody/Doctoroff/Cross were trying to shoot down their throats.

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New York didnt deserve to host the Olympics. F%^& that big cesspool

I have spent a lot of time in PA. I am not sure that if I lived there I would call NY names.

Holy Nascar capital of the World.

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(Hey, I didnt know this place had a Football Forum. No need to welcome me, Fake 80, I already feel the love)

Ahem...Glad to see Hilary has so much juice on the international front...way to get it done, Hil.

What a coincidence...The Yankees have almost been eliminated from the playoff's too!

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(Hey, I didnt know this place had a Football Forum. No need to welcome me, Fake 80, I already feel the love)

Ahem...Glad to see Hilary has so much juice on the international front...way to get it done, Hil.

Welcome, big guy. Glad to see your shoddy knowledge and interests reach beyond baseball.

This baby, is the real deal. Max wouldn't have changed the name otherwise. :wink: And if you DO think my name is misleading, you should change yours to "Most Well Liked Person at JetNation.com" :^o so we can be happily incorrect together.

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Max wouldnt have changed your unimaginative name if you werent the real deal? Playa Please! Max would do anything to p*ss off a Red Sox or a Mets fan with anti-Yankee opinions.

80 is a solid poster. Youre a f*cking parasite that seems to demand attention like a neglected 3-year old. Nor have I ever read a post where you brought something to the table. The REAL Real 80 sh*ts on you, believe me.

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Max wouldnt have changed your unimaginative name if you werent the real deal? Playa Please! Max would do anything to p*ss off a Red Sox or a Mets fan with anti-Yankee opinions.

80 is a solid poster. Youre a f*cking parasite that seems to demand attention like a neglected 3-year old. Nor have I ever read a post where you brought something to the table. The REAL Real 80 sh*ts on you, believe me.

Sigh, I apologize that I don't get angry at retarded posts like this, and I won't indulge you by engaging in a pissing contest (see that Max, faba? SEE THAT? :lol: :wink: ) But all I have to say is on this message board I have a lot more credibility with the posters than you do. And in half the posts! Value package! Weeeeee

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