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Where are you JBF????


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Come on buddy, Shill is back. I thought you would be here to worship the Messiah of Boston!!!!

Great job in relief tonite. Maybe, just maybe, he will be as good a Smoltz out of the pen. Then again, George Bush might admit that he writes his own speaches. I can see the prss conference now.......

Reporter: "Curt, do you feel comfortable coming out of the pen?"

Shilling: "My job is hard. It's a hard job! The Yankees keep flip- flopping."

Reporter: "Do you have a plan for recovery?"

Shilling: "My job is hard. It's a hard job! Wanna see my bloody sock????"

Get ready for the SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP thread!!!!

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Come on buddy, Shill is back. I thought you would be here to worship the Messiah of Boston!!!!

Great job in relief tonite. Maybe, just maybe, he will be as good a Smoltz out of the pen. Then again, George Bush might admit that he writes his own speaches. I can see the prss conference now.......

Reporter: "Curt, do you feel comfortable coming out of the pen?"

Shilling: "My job is hard. It's a hard job! The Yankees keep flip- flopping."

Reporter: "Do you have a plan for recovery?"

Shilling: "My job is hard. It's a hard job! Wanna see my bloody sock????"

Get ready for the SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP thread!!!!

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I wonder how he can spin this....

Giambi and Sheff...his two juice guys...both homered.

The Moose...after a rough inning....shut the Sox down.

Bernie...the old man....homered.

Sierra...clutch hit.

ARod....Homered off Schilling(the savior)

and Mo...you know, the Sox have his number...struck out the top of the order! Damon...whiff! Renteria...whiff! Ortiz...whiff!

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I wonder how he can spin this....

Giambi and Sheff...his two juice guys...both homered.

The Moose...after a rough inning....shut the Sox down.

Bernie...the old man....homered.

Sierra...clutch hit.

ARod....Homered off Schilling(the savior)

and Mo...you know, the Sox have his number...struck out the top of the order! Damon...whiff! Renteria...whiff! Ortiz...whiff!

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JBF's take-The Yankees won because they cheated since they are horrible human beings. But the good human beings,guys like Varitek (who won't take his mask off to fight) and Damon(ask his 1st wife) or the beloved by all including his teammates, quiet man, better closer than Mike Timlin, Schilling, will tonight win because they're wonderfully great people by dint of wearing Red Sox, of course.Schilling looked perfect explaining his mess with the Dunkin Donuts backdrop. From the looks of him, he's become quite fond of Dunkin Donuts, so much so that the Sawx may have to reconsider the "free donuts for players" part of the ad campaign.

This will be a fight to the end of ther season. But the Yanks have Mo and the Sawx have the new Mo Howard, Curt Schilling. The scary thing for Sawx fans is they really believed that closing was no big deal for Schilling and that they have Mo's number. Think again.Heck, i'm kinda hoping they keep running Schilling out there as often as possible.

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JBF's take-The Yankees won because they cheated since they are horrible human beings. But the good human beings,guys like Varitek (who won't take his mask off to fight) and Damon(ask his 1st wife) or the beloved by all including his teammates, quiet man, better closer than Mike Timlin, Schilling, will tonight win because they're wonderfully great people by dint of wearing Red Sox, of course.Schilling looked perfect explaining his mess with the Dunkin Donuts backdrop. From the looks of him, he's become quite fond of Dunkin Donuts, so much so that the Sawx may have to reconsider the "free donuts for players" part of the ad campaign.

This will be a fight to the end of ther season. But the Yanks have Mo and the Sawx have the new Mo Howard, Curt Schilling. The scary thing for Sawx fans is they really believed that closing was no big deal for Schilling and that they have Mo's number. Think again.Heck, i'm kinda hoping they keep running Schilling out there as often as possible.

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Im here...this is the day after a loss so once again I am clearly visible unlike the nutless JonEJinx...

Hmmm...So much to cover, where to begin?

Yes, this sucks. Yes, A-rod finally hit a big homer in a big game. No, I am not worried about Big Schill. Yes, JonEJinx is still a fat phoney. No, this still is not the Yankees year. Yes, Garb was right, this race is probably going to come down to the wire because both teams are seriously flawed and neither has much of a chance of winning the W/S.

Oh, and Giamboo hit another shot I see. Whats that, like 6 HRs in his last 7 games? I think MLB needs more "random" drug testing!

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Im here...this is the day after a loss so once again I am clearly visible unlike the nutless JonEJinx...

Hmmm...So much to cover, where to begin?

Yes, this sucks. Yes, A-rod finally hit a big homer in a big game. No, I am not worried about Big Schill. Yes, JonEJinx is still a fat phoney. No, this still is not the Yankees year. Yes, Garb was right, this race is probably going to come down to the wire because both teams are seriously flawed and neither has much of a chance of winning the W/S.

Oh, and Giamboo hit another shot I see. Whats that, like 6 HRs in his last 7 games? I think MLB needs more "random" drug testing!

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This just in

JBF once again is a no-show after a loss

Real shocker =D>

3 of 4

No, not the series

Days in which JBF is nowhere to be found after the last 4 games

Yanks have re-estabished themselves as THE TEAM TO BEAT in the AL

Nice run OYW's =D>

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3 of 4

No, not the series

Days in which JBF is nowhere to be found after the last 4 games

Yanks have re-estabished themselves as THE TEAM TO BEAT in the AL

Nice run OYW's =D>

Says the biggest pussy front-runner in New York history.

Where've you been for oh, say, the last month or so, JonE?

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You guys are insufferable with this! Im right f*cking here, like I am every morning...you got something to say, lets get it on...

or we could keep pretending I am not here so JonE doesnt feel so lonely when being called a big fat sweaty p*ssy for going on fake vacations and extended hiatus' when the "New" Yankees go through extended bouts of inconsistencies.

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You guys are insufferable with this! Im right f*cking here, like I am every morning...you got something to say, lets get it on...


Not much else needs to be said

Your team was just dominated 3 of 4 at home by the New York Yankees.

And you are the biggest PussE this side of California....nothing else to say =D>

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Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 10:30 am Post subject:

5 words Tom,

Al Leiter to the rescue!!!

No, no we'll leave the prognosticating to you. You are doing such a fine job burying your own team, I wouldn't want to get you off your roll =D>

BlowSawdaGreek is BACK!!!!!!!

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3 of 4

No, not the series

Days in which JBF is nowhere to be found after the last 4 games

Well, not a real shocker here folks....but our own lucky rabbits foot is nowhere to be found again

That's 4 of the last 5 nights Hammerin' BlowSux is nowhere near JN.

You'd think he come to try and defend his 2nd place Sawx......instead he hides, like the sweatty fat gash he is.

Congrats BoSawx....your reputation is still intact!! =D>

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Im right here, jinxboy. And Im here every day. Is that all you can bring to the table...JBF is never here? I couldnt leave even if I wanted to...I have too many regular fans that depend on me.

So...youre still sticking with JBF is never here when the Red Sox lose? Even when my post count is higher than yours this week, this month, and this season?

Dont assume that everyone else on this board is a cowardly snivelling weasel that runs for cover the moment their team faces a hardship just because that is your MO.

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Who's gonna steamroll through the rest of baseball now that Al Leiter has brought the calvary with him?

"Calvary" was a hill where Jesus supposedly died. Soldiers on horses are "Cavalry."

Weren't you a history major?

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In fact, I was a history major and currently am a history teacher.

And in fact, the Mountain called "Calvary" meaning the place of the skull where Jesus our Lord was executed...usually referred to as Golgotha by practicing Catholics like myself. Im not sure what the godless rubes like you call it, Bob.

What did I do...misspell Calvary and cavalry? Thats nothing ask Max about the time I mixed up the stats of Ramiro Mendoza and Mariano Rivera. I still cant keep 'em straight. Not that you know anything abotu being straight!

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In fact, I was a history major and currently am a history teacher.

And in fact, the Mountain called "Calvary" meaning the place of the skull where Jesus our Lord was executed...usually referred to as Golgotha by practicing Catholics like myself. Im not sure what the godless rubes like you call it, Bob.

What did I do...misspell Calvary and cavalry? Thats nothing ask Max about the time I mixed up the stats of Ramiro Mendoza and Mariano Rivera. I still cant keep 'em straight. Not that you know anything abotu being straight!

Abotu....what is this you speak of?

I just was wondering...

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another typo...never said I possessed the best grammar on this board. But if this is a can of worms you guys want to open, I will gladly sift through the endless pages of threads and look up each and every typo you guys have penned. Which of course would be sweet vindication for me!!!

Wait a sec...Id rather stick needles in my eye.

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