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Pics from todays game


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Sorry guys, my email is a bit ****ed up. I tried sending in a zip file but am having problems. bare with me. :)

Left to right is War Ensemble, faba, Can't Hackett, Panzer Division Marduck, Brenda, Al and Judy, MurphKlecko73 Kneeling, Greengal and Tabor Jet


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Male, and with a forehead that is starting to feel rather sore.

I'm not used to sun this late in the year.

Actually, I'm not used to sun at all.

Did it rain here for you? We don't want you to miss the weather from back home.

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the supreme overlord and me :D panzer rocks!!!


and here is a cool one from the halftime celebration of SB3.. i love the fact that the players huddled up after the celebration before they left the field. and yeah i know the picture is fuzzy. i have to work on my picture taken skills :lol: OY!


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Yeah, that guy supposedly came straight from a Halloween party, whatever. Didn't know who he was. One of his friends was by us, thats the only reason he was there.

Where are all the other pictures? Left and right pictures were being taken yesterday.

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