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I cant find a link but heard on the radio they are reporting a $15 BILLION DOLLAR PROFIT.

I will run out of gas and push my car before buying gas from Exxon.

If they are profiting wouldn't that mean all gas stations are? I mean gas is pretty much the same everywhere. Unless Exxon has a killer convenience shop...

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I cant find a link but heard on the radio they are reporting a $15 BILLION DOLLAR PROFIT.

I will run out of gas and push my car before buying gas from Exxon.

Do you really think they're the only ones making money this quarter?

BP - $8b

ConocoPhillips - $5.15b

Occidental - $2.25b

Marathon - $2b

Valero - $1.15b

Chevron announces their earnings tomorrow and I'd venture a guess that they won't be poor.

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Exxon broke the record for any corporation's single quarter profit mark in the history of the stock marker last quarter. It's no surprise they will do so well again. Funny thing is our government is so quick to bail out banks and interfere with the market yet they want nothing to do with the ridiculous reality that gas is higher than it ever was before during one of the worst economic crisis in the last 25 years, for no other reason but to lin e the pockets of oil companies. War, hurricanes, OPEC.....bullspit!!! It's gouging, and the government won't do a thing about it.

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Ahhh yes, the 2008 United States of America

Hate anyone that makes money.

Instead of brining the poor up to the level of the rich, bring the rich down to the level of the poor.

Hey, if you don't like it, you can do 2 things:

1) Boycott the gas company(ies) and stand your ground, forcing you to ride a horse or bike to work


2) Start your own company, develop your own off-shore and land based drilling systems, develop a transport system to bring the product to the refinery, build a refinery to process said product, and build your own gas station infrastructure to serve it.

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I cant find a link but heard on the radio they are reporting a $15 BILLION DOLLAR PROFIT.

I will run out of gas and push my car before buying gas from Exxon.

I have advocated boycotting Exxon/Mobil for years BUT because they are the price leader. The big boy on the block usually is. People stop buying E/M their price would drop and ALL the others would follow too.

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Exxon broke the record for any corporation's single quarter profit mark in the history of the stock marker last quarter. It's no surprise they will do so well again. Funny thing is our government is so quick to bail out banks and interfere with the market yet they want nothing to do with the ridiculous reality that gas is higher than it ever was before during one of the worst economic crisis in the last 25 years, for no other reason but to lin e the pockets of oil companies. War, hurricanes, OPEC.....bullspit!!! It's gouging, and the government won't do a thing about it.

Why TF should they? You want big brother into EVERY aspect of your life? It's called capitalism, a free market society. They are indeed entitled to a profit. They take all the risks in getting the oil, drilling, setting up the rigs , building the pipelines etc etc . Where do you think the money for that came from? PAST PROFITS my friend. When gas was dirt cheap and oil companys weren't making profits did they ask for bailouts? No. Don't get sucked in by political BS that preys on the fear of people. Would rather have a socialist government? Where EVERYBODY gets paid the same and everybody has the same level in life. With NO incentive to work harder to earn more? Yea I didn't think so. :biggrin:

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What I would like to see happen is for us to stop all foreign aid until we fix our own house...hell, the rest of the world hates us anyway.

I'm with you bud. Sending countless billions to people who would turn around and frag our a$$ in a heartbeat. Bull S***.

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All the Exxon's by me are now Gulf, and I am still paying $3.20 for premium. Apparently the rapid price increases as the per barrel costs went up are taking a long time to show up as the cost of a barrel drops.

Funny isn't it. When Katrina was about to hit the pricks raised the price like $1 a gallon the next frillin day.

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Why TF should they? You want big brother into EVERY aspect of your life? It's called capitalism, a free market society. They are indeed entitled to a profit. They take all the risks in getting the oil, drilling, setting up the rigs , building the pipelines etc etc . Where do you think the money for that came from? PAST PROFITS my friend. When gas was dirt cheap and oil companys weren't making profits did they ask for bailouts? No. Don't get sucked in by political BS that preys on the fear of people. Would rather have a socialist government? Where EVERYBODY gets paid the same and everybody has the same level in life. With NO incentive to work harder to earn more? Yea I didn't think so. :biggrin:

Thai, first off could we converse without you shouting with your big fonts and bold lettering? Your kindred spirit lives over at JI, he' a moderator. You should check him out.

As for your argument-Oil companies asking for bailouts?? When the hell have they ever NOT made any profits? They have had politicians in their pockets since their existence. It is also the reason why we aren't already heavily using alternative fuels. We have and have had the technology for years now. But if any politician for the last century openly tr4ied to push for a major movement to it then they'd lose millions of dollars of support for themselves and their party thanks to big oil companies.

And as for big government, I am no fan at all. I'm not a fan of the government getting their hands in anything, and you'd probably be surprised to know I am far more conservative than liberal. That being said, the government does have a responsibility to protect the consumer. These oil companies used fear tactics (war, natural disasters, shaky relations with other mideast nations) to justify raising gasoline prices across the board. If their costs dictated the price increases, then how the hell are they setting all time market records in quarterly earnings (I'm not talking about records amongst themselves or their niche, I'm talking the highest quarterly profits of any company EVER!) in such a terrible economy? These companies have a stranglehold on our government and in turn abuse the general public. It's not right and something needs to be done.

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Thai, first off could we converse without you shouting with your big fonts and bold lettering? Your kindred spirit lives over at JI, he' a moderator. You should check him out.

As for your argument-Oil companies asking for bailouts?? When the hell have they ever NOT made any profits? They have had politicians in their pockets since their existence. It is also the reason why we aren't already heavily using alternative fuels. We have and have had the technology for years now. But if any politician for the last century openly tr4ied to push for a major movement to it then they'd lose millions of dollars of support for themselves and their party thanks to big oil companies.

And as for big government, I am no fan at all. I'm not a fan of the government getting their hands in anything, and you'd probably be surprised to know I am far more conservative than liberal. That being said, the government does have a responsibility to protect the consumer. These oil companies used fear tactics (war, natural disasters, shaky relations with other mideast nations) to justify raising gasoline prices across the board. If their costs dictated the price increases, then how the hell are they setting all time market records in quarterly earnings (I'm not talking about records amongst themselves or their niche, I'm talking the highest quarterly profits of any company EVER!) in such a terrible economy? These companies have a stranglehold on our government and in turn abuse the general public. It's not right and something needs to be done.

It's supply side economics Boozer. As the supply gets threatened (wars, hurricanes etc) prices rise. There was such a huge demand for oil and with the supply having peaked prices rose. China, and India to some extent, have signed long term deals with supply countries like Canada for there oil. We get a lot of our oil from Canada so naturally the fear of short supply drove prices up even more.

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It's supply side economics Boozer. As the supply gets threatened (wars, hurricanes etc) prices rise. There was such a huge demand for oil and with the supply having peaked prices rose. China, and India to some extent, have signed long term deals with supply countries like Canada for there oil. We get a lot of our oil from Canada so naturally the fear of short supply drove prices up even more.

Right, but here's the thing-The supply never was threatened nearly enough to justify the price increases. Not even close. If they were then there's no way that oil companies across the board would be setting record profits. Period.

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And as for big government, I am no fan at all. I'm not a fan of the government getting their hands in anything, and you'd probably be surprised to know I am far more conservative than liberal. That being said, the government does have a responsibility to protect the consumer.

You'll see a huge change next year when the SEC begins tighter regulation on commodity/futures oil trading. Blame anyone you want, but these traders had the largest impact on the sky-rocket price of gas earlier this year.

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