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What can I do tomorrow night with the woman?


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Since it's halloween, we are going to be heading out. No costume party or anything to go to.

Anyone have ideas that me and the future mrs can do? Sure, we can do dinner...but that is kind of boring.

Anyone that can give me an idea, will get a hand clap and positive rep. =D>


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Do what I did one year before I was married.Me and my date dressed up her in a very seductive nurses outfit with a wig me as a Dr.with face disguised.Go to a bar you are not familiar with and have some fun nobody will recognize you or her.

By any chance, did you guys hook up with another gorgeous nurse and go back to your place for a medical consultation? If so, please type your response slowly.

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I did this, too, once. At a medical convention. It was going well until I had to dissect a cadaver. Hey, what about a field trip to a morgue?

Let me guess, you did the old "Hey everybody, watch as I use the small intestine as a lasso!" routine.

Remember, before you try anything like that, you have to ask yourself, What would Quincy do?

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