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What are you reading?


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We had this thread at the other place -

Finished the Unbearable Lightness of being.

Just Started Life of Pi.

I had to read that Freshman year of college.

Right now im reading Survivor by Chuck Palaniuk

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Fear and Loathing is a great book bro.

Yeah, so I've heard. I'm loading up as I am heading to Australia today and will have a lot of time on my hands. Ipod, movies, books. Funny thing is, I picked up the Rape of Nanking based on recommendations in the other book thread, however I left it home since I am flying Japan Airlines and would prefer not have a Japanese loogy in my dinner.

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I love that dude. The only bad thing about foreign authors is not being able to read their stuff in the language it was written in. Too much gets lost in translation. Anyway, I have no clue how this guy somehow miraculously managed to escape execution. His number wasn't up even at zero hour, I guess.

Ever read 'Darkness at Noon' (Koestler)? Wow, what a great book. I read it when I was about 17. And The Tin Drum. It doesn't get much better than that right there. Books are a tough thing because there's just too many fantastic ones to mention.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Bump. I've been reading The Basic Writings of Nietzsche, which contains the Birth of Tragedy, Beyond Good and Evil, On the Genealogy of Morals, The Case of Wagner, and Ecce Homo, and seventy-five aphorisms...

Just finished Crime and Punishment. Props to Arsis for suggesting that, a really good read. Not too taxing either, I read it over the weekend... Remind me to give you rep for that, by the way. :)

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